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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I have two beautiful little princess cats named Lexi and Ginger. Lexi is a blue russian and she has six toes on each of her front paws! Ginger is a long-haired calico and has the coloring of a tiger. If dh and I got divorced there would be a serious custody battle over the cats!!!:D
  2. These are some really great ideas ladies! Any suggestions for an age appropriate bible? Any favorites?
  3. I keep looking at all the various bible curricula out there for ds (5th grade) and some have too much busy work (ds is not crafty), some just aren't meaty enough, some have different doctrine than we do, spme are too pricey, etc. So I started to think...can't I just have him read the bible and we can do discussion as a family? Do I really need an actual curriculum? Isn't the Bible by itself enough?
  4. :grouphug: Chicken Paprikash is my husband's favorite meal too. His mother used to make it for him before she died. Now I make it. Enjoy!
  5. Where do I sign? As mortified as I would be if Obama is elected, I will respect him and his position because it is how God wants me to behave.
  6. Wine vs. grape juice makes no difference to me. But there is no way I am drinking out of a common cup with 200 other germ-laden people. Didn't I hear somewhere that your mouth is the germiest spot on your whole body? Even my dentist wears surgical gloves and he is in the mouth business for goodness sake! :D Now those little prefilled things...hmmmm...I don't know....the jury is still out.
  7. Yes, all those things are true. But, think of all the great stuff that comes with going back to college: getting together with other adults to have intellectual adult conversations, the smell of a university library, the thrill of an awesome grade on a paper you worked so hard for, etc. I am working on my doctorate right now and it seems like a long haul so I have to focus on the positive or I'll go nuts!
  8. We have different definitions of regeneration so I can definitely see how that caused some confusion! :D ETA: I do feel blessed however, that despite our theological differences we are still sisters in Christ and get to spend eternity together!
  9. Well, I'm definitely no theologian but my "system of theology" goes something like this...God loves us (all of us). He does not wish that any would perish. Unfortunately, we love sin and would not choose God on our own. It is the work of the Holy Spirit in us that causes us to even want to choose God's way over our own way. But, because we have free will (which does not supercede the sovereignty of God...He has allowed us in His sovereignty to have free will because he does not want puppets to worship Him), we can choose to walk away from the truth, like the rich young ruler. So do I believe all will be saved? No. Many people will still choose sin over God. But do I believe that God has "limited" the number of people who will be saved? No. It is open to all, just at different times (through the work of the holy spirit, not simply a recited sinner's prayer). Back to the OP's question: does this make me partially calvinist or partially arminian or none of the above? I don't know and it doesn't much matter to me. What matters is whether or not I am following in Christ's footsteps and I am not sure which denomination that is! :D
  10. I'm not sure what you mean but in essence I believe that salvation is open to all.
  11. To me it goes hand in hand with Total Depravity meaning I would not, of my own choosing, want to be saved so it MUST be the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in me and NOT my own faith choosing. But for me, it does not necessarily go hand in hand with election because I believe that regeneration by the Holy Spirit will be open to all in His timing. It is not His will that any should perish. At least that's how the Holy Spirit has revealed it to me.
  12. This is a tricky one. I agree that it is not always as easy as saying "I am Calvinist" or "I am Arminian". To be honest I don't know where I fall. For example, think of the five points of Calvinism: 1. Total Depravity. I absolutely agree with this. 2. Unconditional Election. Nope, nope, nope. 3. Limited Atonement. Nope, nope, nope. 4. Irresistible Grace. Yes (except for the part about it being limited to the elect but I do believe in regeneration before faith) 5. Perseverence of the Saints. Yes So what does that make me? A 2.5 point Calvinist? A 2.5 point Arminian? :tongue_smilie: So I gave up on trying to "label" myself and I leave it to the holy spirit. I am more of a "red-letter" christian, I guess, than anything else. If it was good enough for Jesus then it is good enough for me!
  13. For me it needs to involve a certain level of athleticism which is why to me, diving is a sport but ping-pong is not (neither is air hockey or fooseball).
  14. I don't want to "unpack" them or see how they are "fleshed out" in my life. Aack! :glare:
  15. Pet peeves: 1. misuse of seen/saw as in "I seen him yesterday." That drives me crazy and I feel a little nauseous having typed it. 2. supposably. It is NOT a word!!!!!!!! 3. I'm the opposite with the body parts words from the rest of you it seems. Give me cutesy names any day of the week...I don't want to hear about your v@gina or your pen*s.
  16. I must be old school because I cannot live without my KIRBY!!!
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