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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. We switched from Saxon to MUS. My ds hated Saxon so much he asked if he could burn the book and I let him...in our fireplace! :lol: MUS has been perfect for us.
  2. :iagree: Everything that could go wrong did....I puked every day all nine months (HG)...went into early labor...3 months of bed rest...almost bled to death during the delivery (23.5 hours)...had to have a massive blood transfusion afterward, etc. Three years later, when we decided we wanted more kids, guess what? We adopted from Korea. That's how much I hated being pregnant. So I would go for this procedure in a heartbeat!
  3. I use MUS and LOF and SIngapore's CWP. It looks like this: Day 1- watch MUS dvd, do 3 lesson dittos Day 2- do 3 review dittos Day 3- do MUS test and 6 problems from CWP Day 4- Do a chapter in LOF Note: if ds gets 100% on the first two pages of MUS on days 1 and 2 I don't make him do the third page...it is his incentive to do his best and not be lazy.
  4. We are starting on Tuesday...does that count? I am totally excited...my ds? Not so much. :D
  5. You just described my oldest ds completely. We have run the gamut of childhood sports: we signed him up for tee-ball first. Between his penchant for picking daisies in the outfield instead of paying attention to the game, and the parents on the team that were so aggressive it scared me (this is tee-ball, right?), we decided to drop out. Next was soccer. Except that I noticed right off that he wasn't running up and down the field as much as the other kids. When I asked him about it he said "Why bother? If I just stay put the ball will be back here in a minute." We also did karate but he just couldn't get into all that bowing and kneeling, etc. He didn't take it seriously enough for the Sensei. So we gave up and put him in piano. My husband was dismayed. My brother made plenty of "sissy" remarks. But guess what? Three years later and he has been accepted to a university piano program for young musicians and he played three pieces from Phantom of the Opera for his recital. Who's laughing now? So what if he doesn't like sports. That's just the old school way of thinking...every boy has to play sports? I think not.
  6. Thank you ladies so much for pledging to pray for this sweet new mother. I am sending her updates about how many people have said yes, I will pray for her along with any Bible verses you have sent and it is already helping to encourage her to fight this!
  7. I have a friend named Christy who is 29 years old and she is going to die. 1. Two years ago she found a funny looking mole. It was melanoma but they were able to cut it out. Problem solved. 2. Since then she married her high school sweetheart and they were expecting their first baby this October. 3. Last month the doctor finds a lump in her armpit. The cancer is back and it has spread to her lymph nodes. She is six months pregnant and they can't treat it...does she want to end the pregnancy? She says NO WAY. So they start pumping her full of steroids to develop the baby's lungs and they are going to take it early. Risky but it's their only choice. 4. Last week they operated on her and took out the lymph nodes. Even though she is still pregnant, they couldn't wait any longer. The cancer is too aggressive. 5. The next day after the surgery she goes into labor, two months early. They deliver the beautiful baby boy. He is 4lbs, 4oz. and is breathing on his own. Praise God! 6. Three days later they tell her the cancer has spread to her lungs. It is incurable. She is going to die. 7. Prognosis? Most patients die within 6-12 months. With aggressive chemo, 10-15% live up to 5 years. But no one survives. No one beats it. Now I don't know about the rest of you, but I still believe that our God can do miracles and I'm praying big on this one. I'm not praying for comfort and peace and acceptance, blah, blah, blah. No way. I want her cured. I want a miracle so big that the doctors have no choice but to say "It's a miracle." I want a miracle so big that her family and friends are in awe of the power of our Lord. I am praying for a miracle so big that she will tell her son about it and he will tell his son about it and it will be like the stones the Israelites dragged out of the Jordan so that future generations would know of God's mighty act. Will you join me?
  8. No, I am against the death penalty. But yes, if abortion were ILLEGAL and a woman were to obtain an ILLEGAL abortion then she has committed a crime and should be punished but not by the death penalty. That seems sort of hypocritical to me. ETA: If a doctor performs an illegal abortion then he committed a crime as well. If the father drove her there then that would make him an accomplice just as the getaway car driver is punished in a bank robbery...but I still don't believe in the death penalty.
  9. Where is the standing ovation smiling? Here is a big thank you from a feminist conservative mom who has a great career AND homeschools her children...it can be done...women CAN do both. And just because I think women are equal to men and should be allowed to run the country (for example) does NOT mean I am a liberal and this nomination is ANYTHING but a slap in the face. In fact, I think it has done much more to move women forward that Hillary would have done.
  10. And I imagine, as VP, she'll have tons of help not to mention the best medical care and resources money can buy.
  11. Who's to say that living in the same community for their entire chidlhood is what's best for the children? What about new and different experiences, broadening their view, gaining a larger perspective of life? These kids are going to have an amazing adventure...one that the rest of us can only dream about! I, for one, am jealous!
  12. OK, let's try to play nicely. So far this has been a pretty civilized discussion, let's keep it that way.
  13. :iagree: And don't forget the conservative evangelicals who thought McCain might be slightly too liberal...like me! Good move on their part...I'm sold.:D
  14. I can say with certainty that I am. I am excited not because she is a woman (but that is cool) but because she is very conservative and very pro-life (and lives it). If McCain chose a man with the same beliefs I'd be just as excited.
  15. I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!! :party::party::party: Also, I read that she knew her 5th child was going to have Down Syndrome and given the choice to end the pregnancy and she did not! She says her son is "perfect". I love it! I am FINALLY excited about this election. How fast can I get a bumper sticker?
  16. What do you think? Should it be Algebra I then Geometry then Algebra II? Or do the 2 Algebra's together then move into Geometry? I know the public schools typically do Geometry in between (but that doesn't necessarily mean it is best practice). What do you all do? I'm a little ahead of myself but I am looking towards the future in planning. Ds will be doing Algebra I in 7th grade at the rate he is going now and I am wondering what he should move into for 8th grade.
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