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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. We left our church for the exact same reason...except opposite. We do not hold to Calvinist teachings but the church we were attending was slowly becoming very Calvinist. While we may have been able to overlook some of it ourselves, we didn't want to have to explain to our children why the pastor was saying things that the Bible doesn't say, etc. It was hard but if you and your dh cannot uphold the doctrine of that church then you should find a different church. It can be a long and lonely process but in the end it was totally worth it.
  2. to bed about midnight up about 6:30am (but only because I work...I am by nature a nightowl)
  3. Those sound like reasonable morning chores. In our house, ds (10yo) does his chores BEFORE breakfast. My best friend asked me how I get my ds to make his bed and clean his room every morning. She says her son won't. My response? "Does he like to eat breakfast? Because my son does not get breakfast until his chores are done." That's how they did it when I was growing up and how my mom had it too. Works for us! I also agree with the others...here, all chores and lessons are complete before he gets free time. Work then play...that's our motto. He gets to make the choice: he can do his lessons in a reasonable amount of time and then have all the rest as free time or he can sit at the table until the lessons are done or it is bed time...it is up to him.
  4. At that age we watched LeapFrog Letter Factory dvds and Kumon workbooks and just played a lot.
  5. The list for our year (does not include independent reading or read alouds): Gilgamesh the Hero The Golden Goblet DiAulaires Greek Myths Aristotle Leads the Way Pankration Black Ships Before Troy The Wanderings of Odysseus The Aenied for Boys and Girls Detectives in Togas The Mystery of the Roman Ransom Aquila
  6. I am a big fan of John Hughes movies: Breakfast Club, Weird Science, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller, all the Vacation movies, etc.
  7. :iagree: That's what I was thinking. My oldest ds was the same way.
  8. Within my immediate family, we buy our kids 3 gifts only, just like the the three gifts baby Jesus received. Cost varies. As for extended family. No adults exchange gifts, we only buy for the kids and we usually spend about $40 per kid (but we only have 5 nieces and nephews).
  9. My two biggest obsessions are.... BOOKS (I just had my own homeschool book sale and sold over 700 books...just my books...gosh, that is embarassing..but they were taking over our house and I need room so I can get MORE books! :lol:) and DESIGNER PURSES (I love designer purses, have an extensive Coach collection, some Burberry and my latest acquisition...a black patent leather Cole Haan bag...it makes me feel so girly! I will buy cheap clothes and shoes but I gotta have my nice purses!)
  10. I might agree if I hadn't just spent the day watching my 3yo niece splash in her little pool...my micro-preemie niece who is perfectly healthy and beautiful now. This issue hits pretty close to home for me.
  11. My husband would have to pry my kids from my cold, dead, kung-fu grip first. End of story.
  12. We did Latin and Math all summer but we will start a full schedule on Sept 2.
  13. The Underground History of American Education The Well-Trained Mind Latin-Centered Curriculum
  14. I am reading "When You are Engulfed in Flames" by David Sedaris and it is a HOOT!
  15. Definitely writing but I'm hoping that my IEW Ancients purchase will do the trick. Where is the smilie for having your fingers crossed?
  16. I love the Desk Apprentice for organizing our daily-must-have-at-our-fingertips!
  17. That's a tough question for me. We are half-way through Delta right now and I supplement with Singapore's CWP once a week mainly because I like the challenging word problems and I think it gives my ds good practice in how to go about solving a real world problem. After Delta, I plan to supplement Epsilon with LOF-fractions, mostly because we just think it is a cool book and want to do it! :D So is MUS enough? I wouldn't know because I supplement. But I don't supplement because I don't think it is enough...I do it because there are so many fun math programs out there and I want to incorporate them when possible. Does that make any sense? :tongue_smilie:
  18. I'm pretty sure I drew a similar pic when I was young! I think it is funny!
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