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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I'm sort of middle-of-the-road. We allow fun costumes, nothing scary. And the kids usually go to the trunk or treat at my church not to random strangers' homes for candy. I don't decorate for it and we don't do haunted houses. So I think it is mostly about the candy! :D
  2. I am. Although I recently dyed my hair an auburn red. So I guess I need a new pic.
  3. Well I work full time, homeschool, and I am working on my doctorate. It is crazy but it can be done. :D
  4. Definitely the LeapFrog Letter Factory/Talking Words Factory DVDs and Bob books.
  5. We are doing MUS Epsilon with Life of Fred Fractions and Singapore's CWP
  6. I would be "Carrie Bradshaw" and live in Manhattan. I would dress funky and carry expensive purses and go to trendy restaurants with my BFFs. I would be surrounded with cultural experiences, travel extensively, go to poetry readings, etc. or I would live as a missionary working with children in the villages of Africa. or I would live like Little House on the Prairie (but with indoor plumbing and electricity)...simple, quiet, happy with lots of children. I can imagine lots of different ways to live life. It's too bad we only get to do this once!
  7. "Bitter is the New Black: Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass, Or, Why You Should Never Carry A Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office" This book is so funny I laughed until my ribs hurt. Anything by David Sedaris.
  8. That's what I do. We ONLY keep books that we plan to read over and over again or that we absolutely need for future years of homeschooling. I used to keep them all but once you pack them all up and move them across the country...twice...owning a thousand books loses its allure. :D
  9. KEEP: Thomas the train wooden train collection Mr. Potato Head (3) Megablocks Duplo Blocks Wooden blocks Lincoln Logs Kid K'nex Matchbox cars galore along with accessories (Carwash, firestation, police station, airport...) Dress up clothes galore Star Wars figures (both full size and the Galactic Heroes for little ones) Transformer toys (ds7 is obsessed with these right now) Little People (farm, pirate ship, Noah's Ark, playground, garage, Nativity) Playmobil - Roman Coliseum and Castle tons of board games Several sets of stacking blocks Tons of puzzles for 18 mo- 4yo assorted balls
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080925/ap_on_bi_ge/financial_meltdown It seems the whole bailout deal is falling apart. Maybe it is a good thing that Obama and McCain went to Washington afterall since it was not a done deal like everyone thought? How will this affect the debate now?
  11. Please tell me you are not comparing a developing embryo to a bug.
  12. Let's not get snarky. I'm sure one of these fine ladies can pull up the real stats for you but the overwhelming majority of abortions are NOT rape, incest, mother's life, etc. They ARE mostly for convenience...as in it is not "convenient" to be pregnant right now so just get an abortion.
  13. Wait. I'm confused. Peek said it is "a basic human rights issue" and you said the "other side believes differently". So the "other side" does not believe it is a basic human rights issue? What kind of issue is it then?
  14. But these exact same words were in a Yahoo news article yesterday afternoon. So he actually left for Washington this morning. Could it be that there were things to wrap up before flying to Washington? I am not familiar with the "meeting schedule" for this bailout issue. Are they meeting round the clock? Did he need to be there late last night? I realize he canceled a Letterman appearance, but really, is Letterman THAT important? Perhaps, even though he left this morning, he just had too many other plates spinning (like a multi-billion dollar bailout) to be bothered with an appearance on a comedian's show? Also, is it possible to have the debate somewhere IN Washington so both Obama and McCain can do their CURRENT job while campaigning for a FUTURE job? That way they both win? I truly do not believe that McCain is trying to "avoid" a debate with Obama. He is not one to shrink from a fight. It is POSSIBLE that he does think this is the right thing to do. And if I hear "it was Obama's idea first" one more time I am going to puke. So what if it was his idea first. The bottom line is one of them talked about doing it and the other actually did it. I'll take a man of action any day of the week.
  15. I have a 5th grader and a preschooler. For 5th grader-- MONDAY-THURSDAY before lunch -Math -Latin -Writing -Greek -Reading Once a week each (after lunch) - History - Science - Geography - Bible He also takes piano lessons twice a week, competitive rifle shooting once a week, and art once a month. For preschooler-- 3 days a week -math -penmanship -reading -bible He takes gymnastics once a week right now but will increase to twice a week in November.
  16. Well, does having my face on the library's most wanted list count?
  17. I got my first phone when I was 14yo. It was a big red phone with a big dial (no push buttons yet for me) and it looked like the Batman phone. I loved it!
  18. Well let's just say we are working on it. If we have our say we will move back maybe next May??? PRAY FOR US!!! :D
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