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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. At the rate we are and have been going, ds will be ready to take Algebra I in 7th grade. He is strong in math but I worry that he might not be ready "developmentally" for Algebra in 7th grade. Well, at least that's what others are telling...that Algebra is too abstract for most 7th graders. We are using MUS and my plan was to use it through pre-algebra then switch to Chalkdust (or something else) for Algebra I since MUS is not as strong a program in Algebra. Now I am thinking I should follow one of these three plans: 1. 6th- MUS pre-algebra 7th- Chalkdust algebra I or 2. 6th- MUS pre algebra 7th- MUS algebra I (to get him started) 8th- Chalkdust algebra I or 3. 6th grade- Chalkdust pre-algebra 7th grade- Chalkdust algebra I what do you ladies think? Any other ideas?
  2. At the rate we are and have been going, ds will be ready to take Algebra I in 7th grade. He is strong in math but I worry that he might not be ready "developmentally" for Algebra in 7th grade. Well, at least that's what others are telling me...that Algebra is too abstract for most 7th graders. We are using MUS and my plan was to use it through pre-algebra then switch to Chalkdust (or something else) for Algebra I since MUS is not as strong a program in Algebra. Now I am thinking I should follow one of these three plans: 1. 6th- MUS pre-algebra 7th- Chalkdust algebra I or 2. 6th- MUS pre algebra 7th- MUS algebra I (to get him started) 8th- Chalkdust algebra I or 3. 6th grade- Chalkdust pre-algebra 7th grade- Chalkdust algebra I what do you ladies think? Any other ideas?
  3. How many of those do I watch regularly? NONE Of the 25, I have watched a full episode of only 4 of them. We mostly watch Discovery channel and Food Network (and the kids like Nick or Disney).
  4. Umm...yeah. Don't you think Peter was shaking in his boots when Christ called out to him to walk to him on the water? :D I blogged about our experiences...maybe some of it will help you (you'll need to go to the oldest post first and read up to get the story in the right order)? http://heatherfischer.typepad.com/the_road_not_taken/2007/09/index.html
  5. Homeschooling a foster child depends on the state...in Michigan it's a no but in NC it was legal. Both NC and MI pay about $400-500 a month per child (but it can vary) and they also have medicaid for medical expenses. Some offer additional clothing allowances, some don't. Either way, it isn't much. We fostered 5 kids (ages 16, 15, 14, 7, and 4). The older ones definitely exposed my kids to things I wish they hadn't (nothing sexual...just a worldliness they were not used to). One of them grabbed my ds by his neck and I lost it. BUT I loved being a foster parent. I know it sounds weird with all the negative stuff but it was so rewarding and I love those kids and we are still in contact with them. Go into it with your eyes wide open. It isn't paradise but it is worth it.
  6. Yup. Pretty much anything my oldest ds gets interested in becomes an obsession. Some phases last longer than others. He is a very intense child and I love that quality in him!
  7. Just another viewpoint...in my family, it is understood that the children travel to see the parents. It is considered a "respect of elders" issue. My mom and dad and us kids drove 12 hours to see my grandma every Christmas. Asking that she drive 12 hours to see us was unthinkable. Now that she is gone, my brothers and I go to my mom's for holidays. It is just understood, not a matter of my mom being stubborn. I understand that your dh is irritated that you are expected to drive to your family every year but if he is not working or not restricted from going in some way and is just not going in order to make a point or because he does not feel like going...and he doesn't mind if you go...and if you want to go...then go. Sometimes we do some things we don't feel like doing (like driving three hours) for the greater good (harmony in the family). If you and your dh are miserable every time you visit then it is a different story. But if you enjoy your time with your family then what's three hours?
  8. My 10.5yo wants to start blogging...nothing specific...just about things he loves (Legos, Star Wars, Video Games, God). I blog occasionally with Typepad and was going to get him a site too but it isn't free (but not expensive either). So I was wondering if any of you have kids who blog? What site do they use? Any pros or cons to kids blogging that I should be aware of? Am I silly to think that this might be a good way to get a reluctant 5th grader to write a lot more?
  9. Have you been sniffing glue or something? No one in their right mind moves anywhere near Detroit if they can help it. :D
  10. My boys would love it too!! Does Grosse Pointe have any mountian ranges? :D I really miss the mountains.
  11. Michigan- for 37 of my 38 years. I hate it here. I live near Detroit and it is flat and full of factories and cement and in the winter it is cold, gray and looks like a nuclear fallout zone. The people are crabby and the traffic is a zoo. The economy is in the toilet. Did I mention I hate it here? North Carolina- Near Asheville. Absolutlely stunning. My heart is still there and we are doing everything we can to move back there as soon as possible.
  12. I am sorry to be such a dolt but I really do not understand the whole thing behind gas prices. I mean, I understand the whole supply and demand concept. What I don't understand is how gas prices have dropped about $2.00 a gallon in a really short period of time. Of course I am happy about it but it makes me nervous...like it is the calm before the storm, ya know? Any insight?
  13. 1) What's for breakfast at your house? I'd have to call home and ask dh...I'm at work (shhh....don't tell anyone that I read the boards at work) 2) What kind of car do you drive? a black Jeep Commander soon to be replaced by something that guzzles less gas 3) What's your weather today? cold and gloomy 4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? not today 5) Read any good books lately? What was it? I just finished the whole Twilight series and it was AWESOME 6) Is your bed made? I'd have to call home on this one too. 7) What's for dinner? well dh is working tonight so probably cereal :D 8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. they looked adorable all cuddled up in bed when I left this morning 9) What color is your bathroom rug? which one? the one I use most often is a sage green color 10) Who's your favorite artist? Picasso 11) What's your favorite morning beverage? coffee...I would have an IV of it if I could 12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? just my rocking chair 13) Do you collect anything? china teacups and saucers 14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) YES!!!! 15) What are you wearing today? A black skirt with black nylons and black heels, a gray/black/white cardigan, a white shirt...very conservative
  14. Well, I am a big fat chicken too but I am glad to hear that it has went well for others. Medical technology is pretty amazing but the thought of them feeding a wire through my leg into my heart just seems really freaky!
  15. When ds was 3yo (and in the middle of potty-training) we were at church and he had an accident. Well, actually it didn't seem like an accident...he stood in the bathroom right next to the toilet and peed his pants. Potty-training had not been going well and I was feeling pretty discouraged. Another woman at church asked me what was wrong and I said "I just don't get it. He was doing so well and now this!" She responded "That's because he is a sinner." ?????? OK, I get that we are all born sinners but comments like that and comments about how babies cry for no reason because they are sinners are unloving and not very helpful. Rant over.
  16. Well, technically we are all born with original sin according to the bible. So perhaps that is what she meant.
  17. So I just found out today that I have to have this surgical procedure called cardiac ablation and...I am a little freaked out. Anyone been through this before?
  18. Can I get an amen? That's exactly how I feel. My favorite quote on this is that Jesus is coming back for a bride...not a harem.
  19. Have you been sniffing glue or something? :D If that happened here I would be crying...it is already too cold for me.
  20. Actually, I am currently in Michigan. I just don't know how to change my screen name. :D But we plant o move back to NC as soon as the Lord allows. As for theological leanings...my biggest factor is that I am not reformed/calvinistic or catholic. Other than that, I am open to ideas as I feel the lines between most christian denominations are pretty thin and not something I would hang my salvation on, ya know?
  21. Wow, these responses have been amazing...and insightful...and heart-wrenching... I KNEW this was the best place to ask. Keep 'em coming ladies!
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