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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Our plan for books for Rome (5th grader): The Aeneid for Boys and Girls Famous Men of Rome The Ides of April Galen and the Gateway to Medicine Detectives in Togas Roman Ransom Aquila
  2. I have a 5th grader and here is what we use and our schedule: Monday Math-MUS Epsilon (3 pages) Latin-Henle Latin I Greek- Alphabeterion Writing-IEW Ancient-History History-Famous Men of Greece Reading-assigned novel Tuesday Math-MUS Epsilon (3 more pages) Latin-Henle Latin I Greek- Alphabeterion Writing-IEW Ancient-History Science- Exploration Education, 2 lessons Reading-assigned novel Wednesday Math-MUS Epsilon (test), Singapore CWP Latin-Henle Latin I Greek- Alphabeterion Writing-IEW Ancient-History Geography- A Child's Geography: Explore the Holy Lands Reading-assigned novel Thursday Math-LOF Fractions (1 chapter) Latin-Henle Latin I Greek- Alphabeterion Writing-IEW Ancient-History Bible- Greenleaf Guide to OT Reading-assigned novel 5th grade is typically the year you would start round two of the 4-year history plan so you could start SOTW vol.1 this year. You can also combine years, or start in the middle and work your way back to the beginning, or go with a geographical approach...there are many ways to approach it.
  3. I taught in 3 different high schools of varying socioeconomic status in the metro-detroit area and it was true at all of them. It is so common that the teens don't even bat an eyelash at it. I can't tell you how many times we have caught kds in the bathroom, classrooms, etc. going at it. Once was even a threesome under the bleachers in the gym. Trust me, it is not a myth.
  4. :lol::lol::lol: A good friend of mine in college got a BA in psychology and we used to tease her and say that 6 months after graduation she will be saying "I know you say you want a Big Mac but how do you feel about it?" :D I have a BA in English and Spanish, a teaching certificate, an MA in Education (all of which I have been using for the last 14 years). NOW? I recently started working on a second master's degree in THEOLOGY and I am a woman...how useful do you think that will end up being? I'm doing it anyways!
  5. Wow! Thanks! So just continue on with the next book of Henle or possibly switch to Wheelock's? Anyone switch to a program like Oxford or Cambridge or Lingua Latina? Pros? Cons?
  6. And it goes further than that. When I taught high school, most girls weren't virgins by age 15 or 16 (yes, they tell teachers all kinds of things we do not want to know). "Dating" (also known as "together" as in "Joe and Sue are together") definitely meant sexually active with one partner. But "hooking up" also means sexually active but not exclusively with one person...it might just be for the night. "Talking" means you are interested in each other but nothing sexual has happened yet. The days where teenage "dating" meant picking your date up at her house, coming inside to talk with the parents, going to the movies, then bringing her home with a chaste kiss on the cheek are long gone.
  7. So let's say you have already completed the following Latin programs: Minimus Minimus Secundas Prima Latina Latina Christiana I Latina Christiana II Lingua Angelica I and you are currently in Henle I (units 1-2) and plan to do Henle II (units 3-5) next year After that, where would you go next? My ds will be in 7th grade at that point and seems to do well with Latin.
  8. 1. Ds is in a university music program and I am not allowed to sit in on his group classes or his private class but I do somewhat monitor is practice at home. 2. "time" does not work around here as far as practice goes. So ds has to practice each song X number of times (or X number of times without error), various drills have to be done X amount of times as well. So how much time he spends practicing really is up to him and his level of motivation. 3. Ds must complete his schoolwork and piano practice before he is allowed to do anything else (no tv, video games, etc.) so that is another motivation to get it done. 4. He knows that quitting is not an option. At nearly 11yo he is not old enough to make decisions about what is best for him. I told him if he does not appreciate his musical talent then I will appreciate it for him until he is old enough to appreciate it on his own. 5. Most of all is our reason for learning piano: It's not about my ds, it's about God. God gave my ds the necessary talent to play an instrument and ds uses that talent to glorify God (as we are supposed to in everything we say or do including piano practice). If ds grumbles about practice I simply ask him, "Is this behavior glorifying to God?" That's usually the end of it. When I was a child my mom gave me the option of piano or cheerleading. What do you think I chose? Worst decision ever. I would LOVE to be able to play piano now and my mom never should have let a child make that decision.
  9. Well, don't tell anyone, but I have a degree in Literature, taught AP English Lit for years in public schools and I have never read it. :D
  10. The Ragamuffin Gospel Blue Like Jazz Irresistible Revolution The Shack
  11. We also do not believe in "recreational" dating. When our sons are old enough to consider marriage they can date. Of course, we will also hold off on driver's license until age 18 as well so we are pretty conservative. My mom let me have a boyfriend at 14yo. What a terrible idea. Yeah, we "only" went to the movies and our parents drove us (do you know what kind of stuff you can do in the back of a movie theater?) and we only "hung out at each other's houses" (do you know what kind of stuff goes on when a parent leaves the room even for a few minutes?) and we saw each other at school (do you know what goes on in the bathrooms and other places at school?). And I was raised in a good, conservative, christian home. But the lure of sin and the overwhelming hormones were too much even for me. There is NO WAY I am putting my kids in that position even if they get mad at me. It's for their own good. Luckily, we have a few years before I have to deal with it but we are prepping them already for it. :D
  12. Exploration Education...hands-down! http://www.explorationeducation.com/
  13. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Well, I am not divorced but my dh and I do both work full time (and I am taking graduate classes) and we still homeschool so it can be done. One thing is working towards having your children do much of their work independently and the other is being creative...we school in the evenings, on weekends, year-round, used nannies...whatever it takes. Praying for your marriage...
  14. My ds says "I like not having to wait for all the slackers in class to do their work so we can move on. I can do my work at my own pace and in my pajamas if I feel like it. The only thing good about public school is recess."
  15. Ummm... I am greedy when it comes to my kids! :D I think if you want things done right you have to do it yourself! :D
  16. That's EXACTLY how it is used in this neck of the woods (I know, I taught hih school for 12 years and heard it in the hallways often).
  17. Thank you for all the awesome advice. I think I will go full ateam ahead then until ds says "uncle!". :D
  18. OK, so I'm not crazy then. Well, not totally crazy. I think I will try MUS pre-algebra in 6th grade, MUS algebra I in 7th and then a stronger Algebra program after that. Hmmm....now to decide which one.....
  19. There was a HUGE thread about it when it came out in the theaters. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19961&highlight=expelled+stein
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