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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. These are some excellent suggestions, thank you! I am going to start looking into the various options now so I can have a plan in place. I didn't realize how many options there are out there.
  2. I am starting to panic just a little. My ds is working through my planned curriculum a lot faster than I expected. I knew that somewhere around Algebra II and high school science I would need to start outsourcing because of my own limitations (as in I hate math and can't really help him beyond Geometry/Algebra I...I was an English/Spanish major :D). However, that is coming sooner than I expected. I knew he would probably start doing classes at the local university for his junior and senior years but now I am starting to worry that we might need access to that sooner (like maybe by 9th grade). Do any colleges you know of let freshmen take courses there? I've searched around here a little and the earliest I have seen is a local cc that allows sophomores but no freshmen. I've also considered online courses but I think classes like chemistry and physics would be difficult to teach online? And calculus too. There is no way I could help him with any of those three classes. I will teach him his history, literature, writing, bible, etc. at home, but math and science have to be outsourced. So what do you all do in this situation?
  3. How fun! When I am at boring meetings, conferences, etc. I play "buzzword bingo". Before the meeting starts I make a bingo chart out of all the nauseating buzzwords that are popular this year in my profession and see if I can get a Bingo! :D
  4. My ds was ambidextrous until about age 6. The he became more of a righty. The main problem I see is that since he didn't develop good fine motor skills with either of his hands until later, his penmanship is atrocious.
  5. Well, let's see... 1. I have a pathological fear of bees. 2. I once won a bikini contest and was a "Coor's Light" girl in posters. 3. I LOVE mixed martial arts and watch UFC fights all the time. 4. I can't stand cherries or anything cherry-flavored, olives or adult cartoons (like The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc.) 5. I like banana and mayonnaise sandwiches 6. I won the spelling bee in elementary school 7. I can sing really well but have such unbelievable stage fright that I could never do it in public. I am quite sure I would puke or pass out if I had to do it.
  6. What is interesting to me, though, is that people complain over the idea of "legislating morality" (abortion, gay marriage, etc.) but "legislating charity" is OK? The whole idea of serving others is that it is supposed to come from your heart (the right attitude, etc.) not from a government mandate. Even if Obama (or anybody else) does not think women should be drafted, forcing them (or anyone) to "serve others" goes against the spirit of service itself.
  7. I picked my ds up from Sunday School when he was about 4yo and his teacher told me with a big smile "Guess what? Kyle asked Jesus to be his forever friend today!!" WHAT???? What in the cockadoodle is a "forever friend"? Could we possibly water down the gospel even more? Last summer we were at a VBS and the youth pastor was doing the end of the night alter call and I felt like I was watching a high-pressure salesman. He actually said that they should accept Christ tonight because it might be their last chance! Yeah, I am pretty sure we want conversion by duress...I thought the crusades ended a long time ago...sheesh. For me, salvation has been a process more than a moment and God is definitely not through with me yet. I probably wouldn't get too upset about it though, because your child will probably not remember it by tomorrow. ;)
  8. Thank you for mentioning this. Somehow I missed it but I went back and read it and it was very interesting.
  9. That is SO COOL. I wish you had written to me as I need all the courage I can get right now! ;)
  10. Is it a Judeo-Christian tradition based on biblical instructions? Or is it a man-made tradition? I really don't know and would love scriptural references. I can't believe I've never really thought very deeply about this before but now I can't seem to stop thinking about it.
  11. Very interesting. Do I want to know HOW you know all this? :D And I think it is kind of funny that they call it GROSS anatomy. :tongue_smilie:
  12. This is probably going to sound silly but...I couldn't donate my body to science because I am too modest! It's TRUE. I will donate all my organs, anything they want, but the idea of my naked body lying on a table while a bunch of strangers stare at it makes me feel a little woozy. :blushing: :svengo: As far as cremation vs. burial...I don't know. I've never thought this much about it before. My friend's husband was saying something about giving a little bit of her ashes to different people that were important to her, her family members, friends, etc. Now THAT creeped me out a little. If I am cremated, I think I want all of me in one spot.
  13. How's that for a light-hearted subject? My friend that died this week will be cremated. I don't recall having any conversations with her about cremation or burial (those talks just don't seem to come up very often) so I am not sure why she chose this. My mom is having a fit because she thinks cremation is wrong. So of course I had to ask the hive. Anyone have any thoughts (or religious references, christian or otherwise) as to why cremation is wrong? I am not sure how I feel about it. :confused:
  14. Just finished "Showdown" by Ted Dekker. Amazing, creepy, deep....
  15. I have a split personality when it comes to this. I work full time and so every morning I get up and "get gussied up" for work...professional clothing, hair, make-up, accessories...the whole nine yards. It is exhausting. The moment I walk in the door in the afternoon, off come the nylons, designer clothes and make-up, and out comes the sweatpants, t-shirts and ponytails!!! I feel sorry for my dh because everyone gets to seem me all done up except him! Well, I guess he gets to see it for about 5 minutes. :D At any rate, I could stand to lose a few pounds but I just can't get up the gumption to exercise. I am too tired! Besides, dh likes the junk in the trunk! :lol:
  16. Thanks for the heads up and I am really sorry to hear about your daughter. :grouphug:
  17. Coming in extremely late with nothing original or important to say but posting multiple times quoting other posters and adding :iagree: in an attempt to look more politically informed than I actually am (and of course to drive up my posting numbers so I can be a Queen Bee).
  18. :lol::lol::lol: I think he can't wait for me to do it so I will SHUT UP about it!
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