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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I've used 100EZ lessons and Bob books with both my boys and it worked like a charm...no boring word lists!
  2. OK, just talked to the doctor. Urinalysis and glucose was normal. PRAISE GOD. So no UTI and diabetes is unlikely. Ears look good too. Now what?
  3. How many days/weeks of schooling do you do per school year (does your state have a requirement?).
  4. OK, now I am worried. I looked up Type 1 diabetes and he has most of the symptoms (not weight loss though). But all the rest, yes....irritable, lethargic, hungry, dark circles under his eyes, etc. I figured he was just in that nasty prepubescent stage. We have very little family medical history to draw from. My husband is adopted so we have no history from his family and my father was out of the picture before I was born so I have only medical history for my mom's side of the family. My dh is taking him to the doctor for a urinalysis and blood glucose test right now. At least with that we can rule out UTI and check his blood sugar. I'll update after we get the results. Thank you so much for the heads up.
  5. Definitely crabby. UTI? Diabetes? YIKES. I wonder how many times it needs to happen before I take him to the doctor or if this is normal and just a phase?
  6. ...start wetting the bed again? He doesn't do a "full" wetting but the last two nights he has started to and it woke him up so he finished in the bathroom, changed his clothes and went back to bed. - yes he goes before bed - yes we limit fluids later in the evening - no there have not been any major changes in his life recently - no major illnesses Any ideas?
  7. I can't even fathom it. I read the list of what SAHMs do all day and I think "I do that too, plus homeschool and work full time and take grad school classes." If I could cut out working, homeschooling and grad school classes and ONLY have to do the "running of the household" stuff, I would be in heaven (at first) then I would be bored out of my mind.
  8. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I think you did the right thing......
  9. We do 4 day weeks year round. Always have. Will probably continue until 9th grade when we will most likely need more time in our week. Maybe I'll go to 4.5 days then! :D
  10. Here is a link to the book: http://www.amazon.com/Pankration-Ultimate-Game-Dyan-Blacklock/dp/0807563242/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1231697488&sr=8-10 My ds LOVED this book. We are also big MMA fans which comes from the ancient pankration games.
  11. These book series span across history but we pick out the ones that go with the time period we are studying: History Lives (Chronicles of the Church) Jesus Freaks Christian Heroes by YWAM
  12. Yes, he is reading literature that goes along with the time period. For instance, this year his book list is: Gilgamesh the Hero The Golden Goblet Archimedes and the Door of Science Pankration Black Ships Before Troy The Wanderings of Odysseus The Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way The Aeneid for Boys and Girls Detectives in Togas Mystery of the Roman Ransom Galen and the Gateway to Medicine Aquila We also do a lot of movies for this time period. I LOVE Drive-Thru History's series and so does he. Plus we DVR a lot of shows from the history channel (we're kind of nerdy like that!). Oh yeah, right now our read aloud is "Peril and Peace" from the History Lives series on the history of the church (Great books in this series!). I follow an LCC-ish schedule so we only do history once a week but we spend a few hours on it. So on that day he will read/listen to usually two chapters of Famous Men and answer the questions that go with it and we will have discussion. The lit. reading takes place every day though and movies are thrown in at night usually for the whole family to watch. I taught high school English for 12 years and I find most "lit" guides to be busywork. I usually just have him write about what he read...a summary of that chapter. Then we can use his writing with our IEW skills to improve it. It really is a pretty easy-going kind of curriculum that's packed full of great information. Free Famous Men series can be found here: http://www.mainlesson.com/displayauthor.php?author=haaren Free audio is here: http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22John%20H.%20Haaren%20and%20A.%20B.%20Poland%22 Study guides are here: http://www.greenleafpress.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=27&sort=20a&page=1 HTH!
  13. Well I haven't used the ones by MP so all I can say is...it's much cheaper! :D We don't even print it out (but you could if you wanted to). He can pull up the story on the computer and read it or pull up the audio and listen to it or both at the same time. Then he can pull up the study guide questions from the pdf file and answer them on paper or type out his answers right on the computer. It's the GREEN way to do history!:D
  14. We love the LC series. We used PL, LCI, LCII, with the DVDs and we are very happy with it.
  15. Here is how we are doing it: 5th grade: FMOG, FMOR 6th grade: FMOMM, FMORR, FMOMT 7th grade: History of US books 1-5 8th grade: History of US books 6-10 I use study guides along with each of these. And the best part is that you can get the whole Famous Men of series free online in print and audio versions. I get the study guides from Greenleaf press (PDF download version for about $6 each). That is a very CHEAP couple of years of history! ANd he is learning a ton.
  16. It definitely surprised me but I don't think it was a "scam". The dad did not WANT to be a part of the child's life (she never actually DENIED him the opportunity) and he never OFFERED any money for the 17 years. So she raised the child by herself, sacrificed much as a single mom, but that does not relieve the dad of his responsibility to the child. She just decided to wait until the dad would not be able to USE the child as a bargaining chip and then she made him cough up the money he should have been paying all along. Let's face it, kids are expensive and that child is half his...he was in the room when the child was created so he is half responsible. Just because he doesn't want to SEE the child doesn't mean he isn't responsible for the costs of raising a child he helped create.
  17. I read it and I loved it and I am a very conservative Christian. Especially if you have suffered loss in your life and ever felt far from God during those times...you will be blessed by it. It is not something I would give to a new believer. I think you should be firmly grounded in biblical theology before reading it. If you are, you can look past the differences and see the beauty in the metaphor...and it truly is beautiful. If you fear that your theology might be "shaken to the core" by reading something like this, then you are safer not to read it. But if you feel strong in your beliefs then you might want to read it before writing it off as pointless. That's what I did with "The DaVinci Code"...I read it for the sole purpose of being able to refute it.
  18. I am extremely right-handed. If I tried to eat with my fork in my left hand I would probably stab myself in the eye. :D Having said that...I can't stand people who make a lot of noise when they eat...chewing with mouth open, smacking sounds, loud gulping... ewwwww. My FIL picks his teeth with his fingernail at the table. I feel a little faint just thinking about how disgusting that is.
  19. It all depends on the level of involvement the mother wants the father to have. 1. One friend of mine got divorced when her daughter was 3yo. Nasty divorce. The father was bitter and takes it out on the daughter. He paid minimal child support, did bi-weekly visitation for a few years until he met someone new, remarried, had another child. Now he only sees his daughter on holidays but still sends his disgracefully small child support checks. My friend does not go after more money because she prefers his lack of involvement and knows if she asked for more money, he would ask for more time. 2. Friend #2 is similar to your friend. Got pregnant, dad denies it, refuses to give her money. She did nothing for 17 years. She took her son, moved across country and raised him. The father had zero contact and wanted it that way. When her son turned 17yo, she sued for back child support payments, paternity testing was done and she won. Now the father is paying all that money he never paid AND her son is now old enough where they can't force him to see his father. She is using the money to pay for her son's college. It all depends on your desired result. If you want the money then you have to put up with the father's involvement. If you are willing to forgo the money, then walk away and write the father off as a lapse in judgment. My mom told me that I was the only thing my father ever did right!
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