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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. My 3 kids are each 6 years apart... 13, 7, 1... It has its challenges but it also has a lot of benefits. My two older boys absolutely dote on their little sister and they are old enough to help out a lot. I could never fathom having more than one in diapers at a time. This works for us.
  2. Well it's like this: The Bible puts forth a standard for morality that Christians are expected to follow (although I know there are some debates as to the nuances). Society in general also has a standard for morality that most people agree to (although the differences tend to be more than just nuances and the gray areas are much larger). It just so happens that much of what society thinks is moral behavior also falls under the moral behavior definition for Christians. So the idea that you cannot possibly raise your children as moral people (according to society's standards of morals) unless you are a Christian is patently false. For instance, Christians believe murder is wrong. So does society in general. Christians believe child pornography is wrong. So does society in general. Etc. Are there moral issues over which Christians and society in general disagree? Of course. But to say "you can't be moral unless you are a christian" shows a person's ignorance about what morals and ethics truly are. And it shows their own profound ignorance about what Christianity is. :grouphug:
  3. Nakia you have a beautiful heart... it shows in everyone of the photos you take. You have a gift. Have you considered branching out and expressing your feelings through photographs? Some people journal, you could make beautiful photography as an outlet. I can only imagine the stunning art you could produce. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  4. :iagree: If there is no ultimate standard against which we measure ourselves, then morals are basically decided by majority rule. If the larger percentage of the population thinks a certain thing is good (or bad) then it is. And how fickle we humans can be. The first thing that popped in my mind when reading the thread so far is: why WOULDN'T an atheist take a lost purse back into the store in hopes of finding the owner? It had never occured to me that they wouldn't.:huh: I do not think of atheists as "immoral" people simply because they are atheists. That's just... odd.
  5. I am so excited! My ds (12yo) took the NLE for the first time this year and he only got ONE question wrong!!!!! Sorry for the shameless brag but I just can't help it. :D
  6. Well I just got an email from the embassy here advising us to stay home and out of public places for a while until things calm down. Although things seem pretty normal.
  7. "History is written by the victors" ~ Winston Churchill I do not believe there is such a thing as history in a vacuum. Every history book ever written has some sort of cultural/religious/political bias because histories are written by PEOPLE and PEOPLE without any bias whatsoever do not exist. Primary sources are your best bet but you would have to read multiple sources from different sides of the same issue and try to synthesize them from there (which, of course, will draw in your OWN biases as you decide which view seems more credible). Humans are notoriously unreliable narrators. :D
  8. Just finished "Water for Elephants". It was pretty good... not great. Now I am starting "Just Do Something" by Kevin DeYoung and "The Gospel According to John" by DA Carson.
  9. It's lying. And it is lying on a really large scale. Lying is wrong. Period. I would never support my child in project that required so much lying. That would be me telling my child that lying is OK. It is interesting to me that there are people here who think doing the "Santa Claus" or "Tooth Fairy" thing is wrong because it is lying...but this OK because it is a "school project"?
  10. I guess I would vote yes as we have a full-time live-in nanny who has already raised two children and is older than me. I respect her advice and trust her with my child completely when I am not at home.
  11. Me too! It's even tougher for me to admit sometimes that I work because I want to not because I have to, that I actually LOVE what I do, and that I wouldn't change it if I could, without other moms looking down on me.
  12. I work M-F, 8am-5pm, as the principal of a school. I am also in the final semester of grad school. My dh works at the school as well. It is a busy life for sure and it has changed the face of our homeschooling. My oldest ds (13yo) homeschools for all but two subjects (he comes to my school for two hours each day). He is very independent and makes use of DVD/online classes. Next year he will increase his time at school and only homeschool 1 subject (his choice). My youngest ds (7yo) goes to my school full time. And my baby girl is only 16 months so she is at home with our ahma. Although it can be crazy at times, I feel like we are very lucky to all work/go to school together. My dh and I see each other all the time and have lunch or tea-time together every day. We see our kids at school all day in between classes, at lunch etc. My oldest will stop by my office and give me a hug. :D Also, we only work 36 weeks a year so we get 16 weeks off paid each year just to hang out together. I am looking forward to finishing my grad degree this summer though, so I can take that off my plate!
  13. Well, honestly, I am happier now than I think I have ever been: I have a fabulous job working with amazing people and where I get to make a difference in the lives of many every day. It also provides a decent salary and insurance. I have year-round summer and a beautiful pool to sit by whenever I want. I have a live-in maid/nanny. I have a lovely home. But more importantly, I have a dh who survived breaking his neck in a motorcycle accident nearly a year ago and 3 beautiful, healthy children one of whom is my GORGEOUS BABY GIRL. And I have a faith that is strong. What more could I possibly want? You really want to know? OK, but don't laugh... I want Target to open a store here. :D
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