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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. which would you pick? I have brought SOTW in as our new history curriculum for grades 1-4. This year was a "pilot" year of sorts and next year we will be really doing it full out. The problem is we do 1/2 the year in history (18 weeks) and half in science. So we can only pick 18 chapters from each volume to do. So, keeping in mind that this is an international school with students from over 28 different countries and therefore cannot be completely american-centered, which 18 chapters would you pick out of each volume?
  2. It's really just been in the last year or so that my ds (adopted from Korea) has really started to grasp the idea that he IS korean. Part of that is due to him getting a little older and starting to under stand ethnic differences. The other part is due to us moving here and him going to school with many koreans. His best friend for the last almost 2 years now is Korean (real Korean...like moved here from Korea...korean is his first language, etc). My ds is now fascinated with ALL things Korea. :D From kimchi to the flag to the language. Because there are SO many koreans living here, there are classes for them to keep up with their language even while they learn english (and malay and mandarin). His best friend attends one of these classes on saturday mornings so I am wondering if it would make any sense to put our ds in a class like that so he can learn korean. We are very lucky with our daughter because our nanny speaks tamil which is our daughters "native" language. At this point, she can understand both english and tamil but the few words she can speak are tamil. I wish we had something like this for our son. He sees his BFF at school mainly and students are only allowed to speak english on campus so they can't really practice there. OK, well my question is: Is putting him in these classes a good idea? Or is 7yo too late to learn such a complicated language?
  3. Yeah...I think she died too. It was a weird book. I loved it and hated it at the same time.
  4. Not sure how far this is but this sounds nearly perfect: http://www.harborhawaii.org/ It is part of the Acts 29 group (started by Mark Driscoll and his Mars Hill church). I also found this: http://www.hawaiiforvisitors.com/oahu/attractions/churches-baptist.htm
  5. Well based on everything above you seem again like a calvinist-baptist (you, maybe not your wife). If you have calvinist beliefs in terms of soteriology, but no infant baptism, the ordinances are symbolic, complementarians then I would look for a church that is baptist heavily rooted in the doctrines of grace. Those are the baptist churches that are least likely to give you a hard time about alcohol. We attended a church just like that in Michigan that had a huge AWANA program and was about 600 people BUT the worship style was more hymns than contemporary. Like I said, you can't have it all. ;) The pastor of that church was a cessationist but it was not in the church's official statement of faith so they left that up to the individual.
  6. Sounds like you already have a plan and you just didn't know it. :grouphug: When I get overwhelmed just having a plan makes me feel better. Start with your hair. It's the quickest and easiest to fix (and get a pedicure just because you deserve it!!!). Once you like your hair other things can follow. And cut yourself some slack... my mom was a wreck when I graduated from high school. It was so hard on her. Recently, my best friend's daughter graduated and she was an emotional basket case. She said it was one of the happiest and saddest moments of her life. Take care of yourself and be proud of the young woman you have raised and of yourself for staying strong! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  7. For us it starts with the "non-negotiables". Very rarely will you find a church that fits you perfectly. So you have to decide whatis most important to you. Is it the denomination? Particular doctrinal teachings? Expository vs. topical preaching? Music style? Size? Programs for the family? Here in Malaysia, 99.9% of the churches are very charasmatic. We are not. Therefore, it has been beyond difficult finding a church and we have tried several. So we are now worshipping with two other families on Sundays...home churching I guess. But when we were in NC we went to a small church (about 70 people) where the preaching and theology was exactly what we needed but the music style was not our cup of tea. However, the teaching was more important to us than the music. Looking back, it was the best church expereince we ever had. So prioritize ... make a list of the top 5 most important things and if you can find a church that has your top 3 then go there. Best wishes...it can be tough. :grouphug:
  8. Cindy... our sister school in Ecuador is looking for a spiritual life director! http://www.alliance.k12.ec/current_needs.html This is the other school we would have gone to if we had not gotten the jobs in Malaysia. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  9. THANK YOU. After yesterday's admissions issues at my school...I REALLY needed this laugh!
  10. Cindy has a fabulous attitude about it. I, however, am still pouting. :glare:
  11. In one day... heck... in the span of a few hours, I had the following admissions requests: 1. A 20 year old MAN who wants to enroll in our high school. :glare: 2. A woman who wants to put her 3 year old child in our BOARDING program. :blink: 3. A couple inquiring about preschool enrollment for their child that is NOT BORN YET. :svengo: Is it a full moon or something??? On an entirely unrelated note my oldest ds who is still homeschooling took the National Latin Exam today for the very first time and said it was easy-peasy. :party: Off to find more coffee....
  12. Holy moly.... http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2011/03/14/2011-03-14_manhattan_mom_sues_19kyr_preschool_for_damaging_4yearold_daughters_ivy_league_ch.html
  13. Another scrapbooker here and I am an avid reader. Hmmm... I am in grad school and no one else in my family is. DOes that qualify as a hobby?:tongue_smilie:
  14. What I wouldn't give for a church like that here!!
  15. Hmmm... well, credo-baptist vs. paedo-baptist makes me think "not reformed" but you will also need to decide where you come down on your eschatology (premill? postmill? amill?). Most reformed traditionallly were postmill or amill but that is changing as well. And another distinguishing mark tends to be your view on dispensationalism vs. covenantalism. Reformed falls under covenantal theology. However, the Westminster Confession is big in reformed circles so that might be an issue for you. And elder-led churches come in all shapes and sizes. I believe in the doctrines of grace (calvinist). I am a credo-baptist (baptist). I am a dispensationalist (premill, pretrib and literal interpretation of the bible...definitely not reformed here). I have no problem with legal consumption of alcohol in moderation. (not very baptist-like I'm afraid). I have no problem with creeds/confessions. So the closest thing to me is calvinist baptist but that isn't entirely accurate either. But it's close. I am a work in progress!
  16. That is an awesome story!!! Now you are MY hero. :D
  17. I would like to be about 5 pounds thinner but I am a girlie girl no matter what. It is in my DNA. :tongue_smilie:
  18. THere are a lot of battle scenes/violence but my 12yo loved it! My 7yo didn't have the attention span for it. Neither were scared by it but they both have a good grip on fake vs. real so they don't upset easily.
  19. I am SUPER girlie!! I am a manicured-pedicured-cosmo swilling-designer purse carrying- all pink wearing- afraid of spiders- girlie girl. :D I wear skirts and high heels almost every day, always have lipstick on, and wear matching undergarments at all times. I love jewelry and Ralph Lauren is my hero. If you look up tomboy in a thesaurus my picture would be the antonym!
  20. Well I would say the Lord of the Rings trilogy but I let my boys watch that (but I know other parents don't so maybe it qualifies?).
  21. Thank you all for your support. It was sad but what we learned fromit is that our hearts ARE still open to more children and if God puts one in our lives then we already know what our answer is. ;)
  22. Well you sound closer to a calvinist baptist to me. :D
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