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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I could never do the quiverful thing but yeah, I gotta agree with the above.
  2. Just finished my master's online through Piedmont Baptist College which has a B&M in NC. The experience was wonderful and very rigorous. Both the director of the school where I work and the HS principal have degrees they earned online. My friend is a principal in Michigan and she earned her doctorate online and had no problems getting a job. I think online may have scared employers in the past but it will not continue to be that way. Our school and many others now REQUIRE students to complete at least one class online in order to graduate as part of the new 21st century digital mindset. And in another 5 years it will be so common that no one will think twice. I personally know at least 20 people IRL who have either completed a degree online or are currently working on one. In fact, I find it interesting that homeschoolers whose kids do not attend B&M schools and frequently take online classes would think less of those who take this route for college as well.
  3. Thank you!!! I have made a list of all the products you suggested and tomorrow I am off to see which ones I can find on the island. I will b JY them all if I have to! :D
  4. Issue #1: ethnic food... the oils, the curries, the sambal sauces... we LOVE them but they stain clothes like I have never seen (except for maybe the red mud in Alabama). Not eating these items is NOT an option :tongue_smilie:. Issue #2: asian washing machines. They are tiny top-loaders with no agitator in the center. At best, they just slosh your clothes around a bit. Issue #3: no hot water. All washing machines here use only cold water. So now what? What can I use (product or home remedy) to get these awful stains out of our clothing? If I can't get it here I will have my mom ship it from the states. Help!
  5. We are happy co-sleepers!!! It feels absolutely right and natural to us. With our first child many people tried to tell us all the ways in which co-sleeping was not right and as stupid new parents we started to listen. So we had a talk with our 4 yo ds and told him he needed to start sleeping in his own bed. His response? I don't understand. You and daddy are grown-ups and you get to have someone to sleep with at night. I am just a kid! How come I have to be all alone? Dh and I looked at each other and said "hop in". :D Hard to argue with that logic.
  6. Just finished "Saving Fish From Drowning" by Amy Tan which I really liked and I am half way through The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen which is just kind of weird to be honest.
  7. I just turned in my last research paper and took my last final and I am DONE. I am now the proud owner of a Master of Arts degree in Theology. :D I did my original master's degree in education back in 1997 before I had kids. And when I started this one I was still living in the U.S. and I had not adopted our princess. Moving to Malaysia half way through the degree then adding an infant to my life definitely made this degree a lot tougher to finish and there were plenty of times that I wanted to drop out. I am so glad I didn't. So to those of you who are struggling to finish a degree on top of your 5000 other responsibilities I say... YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!
  8. My little guy had nose bleeds daily and they were so scary. He would bleed profusely. We tried saline spray and humidifiers. Nothing. We took him to an ENT who told us his adenoids and tonsils were huge and blocking his nasal passages and he needed them removed so we did it. He STILL had nosebleeds. You know what finally cured it? Moving to Malaysia! It is so darn humid here all year that his nose bleeds are gone!
  9. I hate TS too. My son's latest tic has him banging his fists against his hips all day long. He is black and blue from it! His medication helps ease the tics but the severe mood swings it causes make him miserable too. It is awful.
  10. I couldn't change mine without starting over in posts. So I kept it. I don't like it when people change their screen names or avatars. I get all confused. :tongue_smilie:
  11. I liked it. I think it is better than the typical Christian parenting book.
  12. EXCELLENT post. I totally agree. This is one of the biggest problems I have with prosperity gospel preachers... this idea that if you believe in Jesus your life is going to be perfect. Even the Apostle Paul prayed that God would remove the thorn in his side and God did not. Why? "My grace is sufficient." If the problems in life never go away... if the pain never ends... if things never go the way I wish they would... will I still praise Him? Will I still love Him? Glorify Him? Trust Him? Or is he only my God when He does what I ask? Anyone can love a God who makes their life easy. Trusting Him when life is painful... that is faith. "I will stumble. I will fall down. But I will not be moved." :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. I am in my 15th year and while we have had some hard times there are a few things that are key to our marriage: - we always assume positive intentions. Communication is a big issue in marriage and we don't always "get" what the other is saying so we just assume positive intentions until we figure it out. - we speak well of each other to other people all the time - we enjoy TeA a lot :D - we have common goals so we always have plenty to talk about - we have lots of inside jokes - we eat lunch together almost every day... Just the two of us. - we are equal partners These types of things contribute to an all over feeling of happiness and contentment
  14. I used to feel the same way for years! Ever since we moved to Malaysia my life has been non stop and it was the best things we ever did! This year We are moving into a nicer home, going on vacation to Singapore, Thailand, and hopefully the US. I am finishing my master's degree. Plus, living here means it is rarely ever boring... So much to see and do and learn. It's going to be a great year!
  15. I have a full-time, live-in maid/nanny. Just about all expats here have some kind of househelp. It is kind of expected. But it is also super affordable. And I work full time so that helps us afford it. She has been with us 1.5 years and is now more like a family member to us. We LOVE her and we even have joint family celebrations for birthdays and holidays with her extended family. It has enriched our lives in so many ways. I am very, very fortunate.
  16. Yes I have been there... oh how I have been there... :grouphug: I can count a million times People asking me how I Can praise You with all that I've gone through? The question just amazes me. Can circumstances possibly Change who I forever am in You? Maybe since my life was changed Long before these rainy days It's never really ever crossed my mind To turn my back on you, oh Lord My only shelter from the storm But instead I draw closer through these times So I pray Bring me joy, bring me peace Bring the chance to be free Bring me anything that brings You glory And I know there'll be days When this life brings me pain But if that's what it takes to praise You Jesus, bring the rain I am Yours regardless of The clouds that may loom above Because You are much greater than my pain. You who made a way for me By suffering Your destiny So tell me what's a little rain? So I pray Holy, holy, holy Is the Lord God Almighty
  17. Regardless of my own rules for dating, this would be a red flag for me. I would not allow my daughter to date someone who is lying to his parents about it. It is dishonoring to her, to his parents, and to their budding relationship. My answer would be simple: you have the blessing of both sets of parents or you do not date.
  18. I was looking for something in one of my own past threads and I noticed that you can see the last 250 threads you have started. And I thought wow, 250... That's a lot! Then I realized it was only the LAST 250 and that I have started! And that I started 250 threads in only a two year period!!!! Wow. :tongue_smilie: So how about you? Have you started 250 threads? If so, in what length of time? Has anyone started 250 in LESS than 2 years???
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