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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I really liked Divergent too! I have the sequel on my wish list.
  2. I have a love-hate relationship with The Paris Wife. I don't want to ruin it for you so I will wait until you are done to expound. :D
  3. This week Trying to finish The Name of the Wind: The Kingkiller Chronicle, Day One by Patrick Rothfuss (having a hard time with this one. It just isn't catching me.) I also started The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers Completed so far... 7. Family Driven Faith: What it Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God 6. Organized Simplicity 5. Year of Wonders 4. The Holiness of God 3. The Paris Wife 2. The Peach Keeper 1. Relic
  4. I feel the same way but probably from a different end of the spectrum. Must be the redneck in me. ;)
  5. Would you let him go to a birthday party? My ds is supposed to go to a birthday party today for his best friend. It is at the pool of the Hard Rock Cafe and is the event of the year for a 7yo. My dh says we should let him go because: No fever No chest congestion No green gunk Mainly he has a stuffy nose and a scratchy throat. But other than that he is acting normally. He's been this way for about 3 days. No fever at any time. My first instinct is "No you can't go to a pool party! You have a cold." But dh says that is an overreaction to an upbringing that included never going outside without a hat on. :tongue_smilie: So what does the hive think? I already told dh that the hive will decide this for us. :D .
  6. I finally got around to watching the video and I give the dad two thumbs up. His daughter sounds like a whiny, disrespectful, little brat that is typical of her "entitlement generation". But, of course, I am biased since I, after having one too many arguments with my ds over his playing video games and refusing to do his chores/work, very calmly took a hammer to his GameCube then chucked it out onto the sidewalk. :D Years later he laughs about the incident, agrees he deserved it, and is much more careful with his priorities. .
  7. I help coach the high school forensics and debate team and this week we competed in the annual Malaysian competition. We just started this program last year and the progress these kids have made is incredible. Both debate teams and all 14 solo competitors made it to the finals. One of our debaters won Best Debate Speaker for the whole competition. We took 1st and 2nd place in the impromptu category. We took 2nd in duet acting. We took 4th in original oratory and oral interpretation. I am so proud of them!!!!!
  8. Interesting. Nowhere in the article linked on page 1 does it mention a press conference. It mentions a twitter message to those on her friends list and an interview with GMA which GMA requested. Is there a different article that says she called a press conference to make her announcement?
  9. If you actually read the whole article it tells you: Why she tweeted That this is about honoring her dh but it is MORE about honoring God That her dh did not tell her to do this. It was her decision. That the decision is a result of a growing conviction that happened over time as her faith deepened. I think it is an awesome and incredibly brave decision. She is IN that world; I am quite sure she knows what this might do to her career and she is doing it anyways. Good for her. .
  10. "I am so sorry. Did I mistakenly give you the impression that your opinion matters to me?"
  11. I really enjoyed "Infidel" by Ayaan Hirsi Ali and I also LOVE "Beloved" by Toni Morrison but neither of those are light reads. More like heart-wrenching tales of survival but they definitely qualify as strong women!
  12. Here is where we are leaning... Videotext algebra Apologia biology SWB history of the medieval world LLFLOTR Vocab from Latin and Greek roots Traditional Logic II Spanish (at my school) Survey of the Old Testament
  13. I speak Spanish fluently and I often forget, momentarily, the English word for something. When I was in college I used to take notes in class in both languages in the same sentence. I used whichever word was shorter. :D I also dream in Spanish sometimes (although not as much as I used to since I am not around it any more). Interesting side note: my ds (8) who was in the U.S. from infancy to age 5 but in Malaysia from age 5 to age 8, has started using what I call "ESL speech patterns". He is around kids all day for whom English is their second language and although English is his first language he is starting to sound like it is his second language. Am I making sense? :tongue_smilie: For instance, a common ESL thing is to mix up your prepositions. He is doing it now, too, even though he never used to. It's kind of weird! :lol: I feel like I am re-teaching him English! .
  14. I had a "twilight" which I think is a demerol-morphine mix via IV. There is NO WAY i would have gone through that without it. Next to childbirth, it was the worst thing I have ever endured.
  15. New Zealand is absolutely beautiful... like postcard beautiful. But also VERY expensive to live there.
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