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Everything posted by Sputterduck

  1. I do! Missions. And also, I am a closet gamer. Still in the closet on that one. Except for here, because there are other gamers. Ever heard of a gamer missionary? Me, either.
  2. Most things. He is a really enthusiastic and happy child. He's not reserved like his mama. Your son and mom looks so happy in that pic!
  3. My DS used to pull away right when my milk was letting down to look at something. Yikes. With my overactive letdown, I could shoot veeery far.
  4. Why would anyone need to spy on Canada? That's like spying on Mayberry. Spy Agent : "What info did you gather for us today." Espionage Guy : "Well, lets see. They spent the day being nice to each other. There was a cute moose and it looks like it may snow soon. Tomorrow there is going to be a poutine festival at which they will all continue being nice to each other." Spy Agent : "That's it? Nothing military or police related for us?" Espionage Guy : "Well, I met a super nice guy in red on a horse."
  5. Yeah, and I wonder if her diabetes was part of what kicked that idea off in his head. She tries what he makes and she likes it. I'm glad he's doing that show. It's good for his mom.
  6. :iagree: I love that here the indigenous families just do whatever and no one bats an eye. I even saw one mama in the grocery store with her arm out the neck of her shirt which basically exposed half of her upper body. Who cares? It's the human body. It's not shameful. I don't particularly want to walk around with half of my upper body exposed, but I think it's wonderful that here people can. To me, these people are closer to nature and the way God made us. More power to them.
  7. Mine was like that. Born a terrible sleeper. Putting him to bed at 7 fixed a lot of it. I got that out of The No Cry Sleep Solution. It didn't make sense to me, but it worked. He started sleeping 12 hours at night. I did have to let him give up his naps. If I forced a nap, which was miserable because it took 2 hours to get him to sleep to have him only sleep 45 minutes, then he would not be able to sleep until 12 or 1am or so. Without a nap, he feel asleep at 7 and slept til 7 the next morning. Years later I am still thankful for that advice. It changed my life as a mother. It saved my sanity, I kid you not.
  8. And did you get sick? I know I've asked this question twice in this thread, but I'm still shocked at how sick I got!
  9. When I have a dishwasher, I don't use it. It seems faster to me to just wash by hand. Why? Because you pretty much have to wash them before you put them in the dishwasher. Why not just take a second more and finish the job. Then you don't need to be loading the dishwasher, and then unloading it, etc. It's just too much work and bother to use the machine.
  10. Legalism is being extremely rigid about rules. Rules and rules and more rules, which are often extra-Biblical. It goes along with being graceless. Also, it's often coupled with a lack of true love for your neighbors.
  11. Oh come on. You need to tell us what you sent!
  12. I didn't see this thread before. Yay!!! I'm glad you have such a wonderful Christmas!
  13. Did he have a bad reaction? I went off meat for only 2 months and when I went back on I was sick, really sick, for I think 2 weeks.
  14. Wow. Had to look that up to see if it's true! He definitely pushes the idea on his site, but he has a disclaimer at the bottom of the article I found. "Circumcision is not required of believers for salvation. To make this profoundly clear, Paul—who circumcised Timothy—refused to circumcise Titus because to do so would be to confirm the claims of false teachers that circumcision was necessary for salvation. Neither is circumcision required for achieving the righteousness of the Law or the sanctification of the believer. Cleansing from sin is accomplished through the blood of Christ, daily confession, and the cleansing of the Word of God. (See I John 1:7, 9; John 15:3, 17:17.) " I was about to be mad because the Bible does make it quite clear. LOL At least he has a disclaimer. Why would someone in his position push circumcision though? Strange. He sure does like the practice though. :001_huh:http://billgothard.com/news/circumcision
  15. This is the first time I've been stumped by a thread. It looks like a religious issue. I keep thinking, well, if she's Christian the New Testament makes it clear that Christians don't need to be circumcised. So it's not a Christianity issue. Maybe she's Jewish, but in that case a she'd already know that the guy is circumcised. Same with Islam, right? So I'm scratching my head trying to figure out in which religion it would be important and a person wouldn't already know the answer without needing to ask.
  16. I agree. I don't think there is an epidemic of old men getting circed in nursing homes in non-circ countries. American doctors tend to rush to that because it's "normal" to them. Women go through chronic UTIs all the time and no one suggests cutting any parts away. Women go through dementia and don't clean themselves properly and get complications and it's dealt with. All the issues that men have that lead to themselves not cleaning themselves also occur to women. And it gets dealt with. It can be like that for men, but no, it's "Go get surgery. Have lots of pain. Cut part of yourself off." If women took off their... folds... they would be cleaner, too. But no one goes there. And issues get dealt with anyway.
  17. As I understand it, the inside of the foreskin is mucous membrane and makes it's own lubricant. I guess God made it so that both parties provide lubricants. That seems like a good thing to me considering how many women complain about things being so dry.
  18. Yaks are cute... Do you ever see yak meat in the grocery store? No. Why? They're cute. And so are Scottish cattle like in my video. They have long fluffy hair that falls into their eyes! Hmph.
  19. I actually did that once. It was in America, though, at the best Italian place I've ever eaten at. I doubt the chef has forgiven me yet. He was quite offended at the whole idea of how I wanted to special order my pizza. I shut up and ate it the way he made it, and it was fabulous as is all of his food.
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