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Everything posted by TarynB

  1. TOPS Rocks & Minerals was a hit for us. Get the rock kit that they sell with it. http://topscience.org/books/rocks23.html
  2. I don't know that there's much out there for that young age. How about something fun you can do alongside him/her with Easy Peasy (http://allinonehomeschool.com/) or Time 4 Learning (http://www.time4learning.com/) ?
  3. Hope everything is OK! We'll miss you and look forward to your return!
  4. If you decide to move forward with Conceptual Chemistry at home, also look at the self-study courses, developed by the author (John Suchocki) to go along with the textbook, at http://www.conceptualacademy.com/node/42251.
  5. Since your DD completed LToW1 two years ago, I would guess that she's well beyond the courses offered currently by AttuneUp. The Time Capsule course starts at the basics of writing good sentences and paragraphs, and introduces the essay form by the end. Essay Practitioner builds on that by giving the student more practice writing several additional essays. The essays I've seen coming out of Essay Practitioner are basic middle-school level writing. On the other hand, Lost Tools of Writing II is targeted to rhetoric-level. If I was in your shoes, and had a teacher available for outsourcing LToW2, I'd definitely go for that option.
  6. Unless things have changed since I bought it, the student textbook contains the grammar lessons. The student workbook contains the writing lessons and a few extra grammar practice sheets (which we've never needed or used). This isn't explained clearly in the descriptions. If you don't want the writing lessons, you won't need the workbook. The TM contains the answer keys and tests. We only used the textbook and the TM. I treat the textbook as consumable and let DS write in it.
  7. I agree with PP. Unless they have changed format since we used Easy Grammar 4 (four years ago), I found the Easy Grammar books to be very uncluttered, in a clear font, with lots of white space. I'm not familiar with any video or computer-based grammar programs, but Homeschool Buyers Co-Op often lists electronic options for different subjects. You might try checking there.
  8. How about a Cogat practice book? Amazon has several listed.
  9. What a wonderful success story! Congratulations to your son and you both. :hurray: Also, thank you, Jean, for taking the time to share with and encourage us. I'm so grateful to you and other posters like you who continue to share your wisdom with those of us coming along behind you. :wub:
  10. I don't have anything to offer in terms of advice, since my DS is younger than your DD, but wanted to mention that you can buy Warriner's 3rd (and 4th) course answer keys and textbooks from Seton. http://www.setonbooks.com/search.php?subject=&grade=&userSearchString=warriner&x=0&y=0
  11. Ah, yes, I totally see how all that would be frustrating. I'm grateful for your feedback, as I hadn't seen a sample of the lesson plans for myself. Thank you for taking the time to share that info with me.
  12. Martha, would you mind sharing which text and lesson plans you didn't care for? I had been considering using Kolbe's lesson plans down the road . . . I'd love to know more about why you didn't like it.
  13. nansk, I just wanted to let you know you're not alone. I've received links to attend some of the sessions I registered for, but not all of them. I got a link for yesterday's A Plan for Teaching Writing (from John Hamman), but not for today's Beyond Elementary School. I'll just have to wait for the recording for that one. ETA - Looking further, I see that I received one email from "Well-Trained Mind Conference" thanking me for registering for all four of the workshop series that I paid for, but no links. Later, at different times, I received separate emails from John Hamman with links to two of my four workshops. The other two workshops that I didn't receive emails for are now concluded, but I should have followed up on them earlier. I just wasn't paying attention to which sessions' links I had received versus which ones I had not. The workshops I'm missing links for ARE showing up in my account as recorded sessions. So if you didn't get / aren't getting emails from John Hamman for any remaining sessions, and want to attend them live -- which is way more fun! - I'd suggest following up with him. HTH.
  14. Here you go: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/workshops-handouts/
  15. Yes, you can buy the recordings afterwards. It looks like each series is being added to the "Recordings" page after it is complete. http://wtmonlineconference.com/product-category/2015/recorded/
  16. So you're in need of suggestions for curricula that teach academic, non-fiction writing? Has she worked through any composition curricula in the past? If so, which ones?
  17. Was it possibly Thinking in Threes? ETA: Thinking in Threes stands alone, but it is also used in Blackbird and Company's Intro to Composition.
  18. No advice, but I'm sorry for the situation your DD and your family are dealing with. I know it is a relief to have a diagnosis and to be working on a path forward. :grouphug:
  19. There's a self-study option at the authors' website: http://www.conceptualacademy.com/node/42251 They provide "reading assignments, video lessons, quizzes, worksheets, chapter summaries, unit exams, and, most notably, detailed guidance from the author" . . . I've emailed back and forth with Mr. Suchocki and I'm impressed. He's very approachable and wants very much to make these self-study courses work for homeschool families using their textbooks (Hewitt & Suchocki). They're working hard this year to develop a self-study course for every text they've written. Looks like Conceptual Physics is finished and most others are as well. Right now, you can get a whole self-study course for $30. The price will be going up to $60 later this summer. Still quite a bargain. HTH.
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