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  1. I had to return to work and my husband took over homeschooling. He is working from home and needs a curriculum that is mostly hands off. Want to find a curriculum that is a mix of online and workbook. Reads actual books. Has due dates for assignments that has to be turned in to a teacher or teachers. Support if needed. Kids are grades 2nd (dyslexic so support for this would be great!), 5th, 7th, 8th. Was looking at Seton but would like the option of online classes also. Thanks in advance.
  2. I am looking for a simple to administer science and history/social studies/geography for a first grader who is still struggling with reading. We are focusing so much on that I'm realizing we forgot the rest for her. She sees everyone else doing it, we use Monarch for everyone else but she's not old enough yet. Prefer online or PDF format but a simple workbook is ok as well. Thank you in advance.
  3. Are there other free curriculum out there like Easy Peasy? Found the old free curriculum list from 2009. Doesn't seem up to date anymore:) Thanks in advance. Jennifer
  4. My 3 older children are taking classes online through Landry Academy. I know my second grader is going to feel left out. Are there any classes out there for that age? Fun or science preferred.
  5. I posted the following post in the k-8 board but it was suggested to try here as well. I'm in the hampton roads area of Virginia. Anyone have recommendations of avenues of testing in my area? Three of my five children were late readers but once they started reading they took off. So I never really worried when my youngest turned 5 and barely recognized the alphabet despite lots of reading to her, leap frog videos, fun activities, ect. I figured she would take off in that area eventually even though the others had their abcs down by 4. Well she is now 6.5 and I feel like banging my head against a wall. She has her sight words memorized but can't tell me what letter says the b sound let alone point the b out on a page. I feel totally stuck and not sure how to precede. We had been using CLE but that moved to fast for her so we are now using preK workbooks to go over the abcs again and again but I don't see any progress. We have had her eyes checked and she shows no signs of learning disabilities in other areas. She can memorize other things with ease and is in CLE 2nd grade math with no problem as long as I read the directions. What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  6. She knows her numbers with no issues. 9 and 6 were tricky at first but she got them. My oldest has dyslexia but never had issues with learning her letters. It was only problematic with reading faster then sounding out.
  7. What could it be? What would we be testing her for?
  8. Three of my five children were late readers but once they started reading they took off. So I never really worried when my youngest turned 5 and barely recognized the alphabet despite lots of reading to her, leap frog videos, fun activities, ect. I figured she would take off in that area eventually even though the others had their abcs down by 4. Well she is now 6.5 and I feel like banging my head against a wall. She has her sight words memorized but can't tell me what letter says the b sound let alone point the b out on a page. I feel totally stuck and not sure how to precede. We had been using CLE but that moved to fast for her so we are now using preK workbooks to go over the abcs again and again but I don't see any progress. We have had her eyes checked and she shows no signs of learning disabilities in other areas. She can memorize other things with ease and is in CLE 2nd grade math with no problem as long as I read the directions. What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  9. I work for Ameriplan on the Freedom at Home team. Best team ever. Tons of training and lots of support. You are your own boss completely. If you want more info pm me!
  10. I am exploring science options after our science co-op didn't work out. I have narrowed it to Elemental Science but am confused about their different options. I have a 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th grader and want to keep them combined but not sure what option would work best for that. The classic, Sassafras, or the unit studies? Thanks for any help in advance. Jennifer
  11. We are in the diagnosis stage with my 11 year old son for learning disabilities. So far our psychologists thinks SPD, very mild autism, and OCD. My son is a very social kid who gets along well with others and primarily functions appropriately. We have problems with food issues, (extreme pickiness), melt downs when its time to transition activities, over responds to high stimulation situations, and problems with fine motor skills such as tying his shoes and handwriting. The reason I reached out for help was he is falling further and further behind in math and writing. He reads at a high school level and is eager to learn but something was blocking his ability in other areas. We got a referral for a developmental pediatrician but the wait for an appt is well into next year so we sought help at a psychologists office specializing in learning disabilities. After talking to him and he talking to our son he recommended further testing. WE went back to our pediatrician to get the referral and was told to wait for the Developmental pediatrician and if we needed more help then that to enroll him in school. That they would be able to help him better and that he obviously needs to learn to function in a class room setting. I am crushed. This was a pediatrician who has been seeing our 5 children for 9 years and has never spoken out against homeschooling in anyway. Not only is she not allowing the testing our psychologists recommends to happen but this is exactly why I was reluctant to seek help. As a homeschooling mom I figured it would be my fault he was behind. But when my other children surpassed him using the same programs and with the teacher (me) I felt save to reach out. I haven't spoken to our psychologist since the appt with our pediatrician hoping he has some good advice. Anyone else experience this and how did you handle it?
  12. This year we are using Tapestry of Grace Year 3. I will have a prek, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 11th grade. I am trying to decide on the language arts portion. Looking for something that will get the job done in grammar, spelling, writing, and phonics (for the younger ones) but won't be a complete mess to implement. Looking at IEW for the 11th grader and would like to use the same for the rest but looking at the samples it seems overwhelming and I'm not sure where to start. And how is their phonics program? Second option for 5th and down is the growing with grammar, soaring with spelling, and winning with writing. Adding MCP for phonics. Will this get them to an IEW level by high school? Or should I just try writing aids and add phonics? Thoughts? Jennifer
  13. Anyone have any experience with it? Booksfreeswap.com Jennifer R
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