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Everything posted by TarynB

  1. Definitely, this works for me too. I'm really glad you brought this up because it helps a lot. Been doing this taping off and on for years as needed (in addition to many of the stretching methods already mentioned above), ever since my foot doctor taught me how. He started me on a tape called Leukotape, but I can see how other variations might work for other people too.
  2. This! Aaron Tuttle is the most reliable and accurate meteorologist I've ever come across. He does not exaggerate just to manipulate people or get their attention, like so many others do. He knows what he's doing, for real, and he only talks about bad things coming if it is true, so people can do whatever they can for safety.
  3. Bumping this, bc I'm interested in any suggestions too. ☺️
  4. As someone who has been on both sides of this situation (child and parent) and has seen it play out with other relatives, I believe THIS is the way to handle it if you want to ever have a relationship with them in the future. It seems to me your child WANTS a relationship with you, but you are the parents, so they still feel "less than" you. They are reaching out just enough to keep a connection because they feel afraid and/or unworthy in your eyes. It is hard for you too, no doubt. Always take the high road - you are the parent, and they see you as in control no matter what and no matter how old they are. And def. don't involve your other kids, IMO. That just adds fuel to the fire, people taking sides.
  5. With pets, I have switched to using a duvet cover plus a comforter, BUT I don't put my comforter inside the duvet cover. I just use the duvet cover on top with a comforter separate underneath it. Then when it needs washed due to pets, it is all much easier to manage and lasts much longer. And it all still looks the same as it would with the comforter inside the duvet cover when the bed is made. 😊
  6. I had this problem with our Toyota Highlander. I pulled the headrest off the seat, spun it around backwards, and then put it back in the mount. So, just turned it 180 degrees and then put it back on the seat. It works much better for me! So maybe try that, see if you can get yours reversed too and if it helps with positioning?
  7. @Toocrazy!! not at all, this kind of info is exactly what I need! Thank you!
  8. Thank you so much, ladies! I can't tell you how grateful I am for all of you sharing your advice and experiences. I am looking into all of it to see what will work best for me and my travel companion. I'm typically one who spends weeks planning out my travel, so this short notice is a bit stressful, and I appreciate any and all help! 🥰
  9. I'm going to make an unexpected, rather short trip to Marietta, Ohio, next week. I'm from the southern Plains, never been to Ohio. I'm excited but a little nervous and can't make up my mind which airport would be best to fly into and out of. I'll be flying out of either Oklahoma City or Tulsa. Any Ohio peeps who could share some advice? Thanks!
  10. I think this is wonderful! You waited a long time for this dream to come true. And I bet your granddad would be very happy about this too. 🥰
  11. I am very sorry for your loss. As a genealogy researcher, and as part of a family with divorce and estrangement issues too, I would suggest including all children, and don't leave out their mother even though there was a divorce (not sure if that might happen, just wanted to include that). When a close family member of mine passed, and the replacement wife took over writing the obituary, certain biological connections (people who are still living) were left out of the obituary. It still hurts. Since published obituaries are a critical piece of information in doing ancestry research, someone in the future who comes across my relative's obituary may be left very confused about their true family ties.
  12. @Forget-Me-Not thank you so, so much! I'm excited to make these! Thanks for sharing!
  13. Would you be willing to share your recipe here? My college son would love these, I think, and I'm going to visit him soon. 🥰
  14. Me too! Really enjoy reading them and learn a lot too.
  15. Subway is doing a free 6" sub for every $25 spent on a gift card. https://www.subway.com/en-us/subwaycard McAlister's Deli is $5 reward voucher for every $25 gift card. https://www.mcalistersdeli.com/gift-cards I just bought some of these for family members who love these spots.
  16. I'm not the poster you asked, but I bought this bluetooth transmitter (link below) several months ago for our 10 year old vehicle, and it works great! And, yes, it works with Spotify, or any other audio app on my phone. Best 20 bucks we've spent in a LONG time! https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07533GYH2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
  17. I don’t have much guidance to offer, but I will say, my limited experience with pre-paying for funeral expenses and all the things that go with that was a big scam. My dad passed away last year. He had prepaid for everything. But somehow the funeral home he chose in advance found lots of extra fees to charge us. They said “inflation” added supplemental fees and additional costs that were not covered. Dad was a military veteran, so the VA pitched in towards the final bill. I don’t know if the funeral home was just taking advantage of the VA benefits or what, but it felt very shady and frustrating to deal with all that.
  18. Edited to remove info that now seems unfounded
  19. Congratulations to him and your entire family. I bet you are enormously proud of him. I'm grateful for his service and sacrifice. (My dad was Navy too.)
  20. Bumping and following. DH has been talking about taking up this hobby as well. 😊
  21. @athena1277 A family member of mine went through this. I'm so sorry you're dealing with it too. This link with advice from the CDC might be helpful. But I didn't see anything that addresses getting the vax after having shingles if you're under 50, unfortunately. "If you had shingles in the past, Shingrix can help prevent future occurrences of the disease. There is no specific length of time that you need to wait after having shingles before you can receive Shingrix, but generally you should make sure the shingles rash has gone away before getting vaccinated."
  22. @AnnieG Thank you! It's nice to hear positive things from someone who is familiar with the area! TechWife, thank you again! I greatly appreciate all the info you've sent.
  23. @zimom Wonderful to hear that it's a great town. Thank you! And DH loves to fish and hang out on water, so having that lake close by would be a major positive for him. @KidsHappen Thank you, I really appreciate this info! Everything you mentioned sounds like major benefits to living there. And weird weather, well, that's not ideal, and very good to know, but we have that where we live now too, so I guess we can deal with that if we have to. ☺️
  24. @Ottakee Thank you so much! I just sent you a PM.
  25. Just wondering if anyone here is from or familiar with Gainesville, Georgia? DH is looking at a job there, going soon for an on-site interview, and we would very much appreciate any insider tips or knowledge on that area, good or bad. Anything and everything is of interest to us. TIA!
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