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Everything posted by MercyA

  1. DD loves to drink milk. Her affection for it is...intense. She wants to switch to a non-dairy alternative. Does anyone have a recommendation for vegan milk that tastes as close as possible to dairy milk, with a similar mouth feel? She says it should have no sweetness at all. Also, I currently have four different containers of oat milk in my refrigerator, none of which she cares for. She says they are all too sweet. That's fine, but what do I do with all that oat milk before it goes bad? I already have two different kinds of oat milk creamers, so I don't need it for coffee. I can use it on cereal, but it won't get used up fast enough that way. Any ideas? Any recipes that use a ton of milk? Thanks all!
  2. @PeterPan, I love puzzles but holy $$$ on those Liberty ones. 😉 (BTW, so random, but thanks so much for all the travel advice the other day. Super helpful.) Sorry for the rabbit trail, Toocrazy!
  3. I hope everyone has a lovely day. 🧡💛🤎 May your preparations go smoothly and your conversations be pleasant. Don't forget to pass the bean dip. 🙂
  4. My parents are still living in my childhood home, but I have pulled up my grandma's house several times. She would love what's been done with the interior. Miss her so much. ❤️
  5. Vitamin Water has fewer chemical ingredients than Gatorade and no artificial colors. I hate drinking water, so I need something flavored. My favorite is Vitamin Water Zero XXX (acai blueberry pomegranate).
  6. My DD15 and DH love to play Munchkin. They laugh a lot during the game. 🙂 There is some strategy, but according to DD it's not too intense.
  7. What kind and from where? 🙂 A relative likes Cheech & Chong (yes, really) but it's $$$.
  8. These are on sale at Macy's for $12.99 right now! https://www.macys.com/shop/product/bali-comfort-revolution-comfortflex-fit-seamless-shaping-wireless-bra-3488?ID=790931&swatchColor=Black Black
  9. DH and I have had separate beds for years. I love it and wouldn't go back. We both sleep so much better. Is there a place you can sleep by yourself when you really need it? If so, do it and don't feel guilty about it! As you know, sleep affects everything. Hoping you feel better today (caffeine?) and get a good rest tonight.
  10. My grandmother was allergic to aluminum deodorants and used Shower to Shower body powder instead. I never noticed her smelling badly at all. Possibly something else to try.
  11. I know this is an old thread, but here's a new-to-me product I love: Australian Gold Botanical SPF 50 Tinted Mineral Sunscreen & BB Cream I should have been using sunscreen all these years, but I decided to finally buckle down and use it daily. This stuff is the bomb. Usually putting any type of cream product on my face results in an oil slick after a couple hours, but this stays nice and matte. It gives a bit of light coverage and evens my skin tone. It's moisturizing. It's cruelty-free and vegan. I like it better than the Paula's Choice equivalent and it's much cheaper.
  12. Does he use a antibacterial bar soap in the shower? That might help.
  13. OP, I was right there with you at the beginning of periomenopause, but several years in it has abated somewhat. Sending sympathy and chocolate.
  14. How are you feeling, Scarlett?
  15. I know, I know, there's a reasonable explanation...but haven't there been other odd occurrences in your music building? 👻
  16. I'm so sorry, Scarlett. I would definitely go to urgent care and try to get some antibiotics. If there is a chance a viral infection is involved, elderberry syrup + zinc + echinacea helps my family get over viruses faster: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0001C0EA8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 Please keep us updated. You still have time to get well!
  17. Thank you so much everyone! DH found your replies very interesting. DD did as well, and sent the thank you, as was her inclination. It seems it does depend on the culture, but in general I would rather err on the side of politeness and gratitude. I think the potential cost of not sending a thank you outweighs the potential irritation that may occur from sending one. If I ever find myself in the tech world, I will do things differently. 🙂
  18. DD sent her biology teacher an email asking him a question. He replied. She wants to know if she should email him back to thank him. I think this is always appropriate. It lets the teacher know she received their information and appreciated their response. A quick "thank you so much" usually suffices. DH says that in the business / tech world, people almost never respond in this way to replies to requests for information. In fact, he says most people prefer to not to receive another email. He thinks it is not necessary and only disrupts their work a second time. My DH and I disagree heartily on the most correct response. 🙂 What says the Hive?
  19. The aide should expect after so many absences that her job may be in jeopardy. It really should not come as a surprise to her. That said, your SIL should give her notice. It's the kind and professional thing to do. I don't see much if any profit coming from you getting involved. If you and your DH want to give the aide a monetary gift and tell her that you are sorry for how the situation was handled and appreciate her work, that would be fine. It's not necessary to give a week's salary and I would not if it is a hardship.
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