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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I have not found any soups that don't do just as well with turkey broth. Some might exist, but I haven't found them yet.
  2. Variation by brand and variation in where the weight is carried. I have large thighs so I wear a significantly larger size in jeans than in loose-legged pants or skirts.
  3. Maybe vintage shops? Either that or possibly European brands. I know someone who really is tiny (I'd say probably 5 ft, rail thin) and when she went to Japan, she said one of the nicest things about her trip was being able to actually shop in the adults section.
  4. It's ridiculous. My mother's size 12 clothes from the 1970s fit me perfectly and yet in modern clothes I've been anywhere from 0-6. I wonder what in the beck the genuinely small people are supposed to wear?
  5. When a fraction is zero, this means that the numerator must be zero and the denominator must not be (because 0/0 is undefined). Or more algebraically, if a/b = 0, a = 0 and b != 0.
  6. Not sure but here's one source -- https://americanindiansinchildrensliterature.blogspot.com/p/best-books.html
  7. Oh my goodness, I can't imagine trying to teach a class in two locations like that. What a monstrous nightmare!
  8. Many of the students who enter my calculus 1 class can't even manage something like (x-3)(x-6) even when written in already factored form. sigh
  9. I'd be more inclined to stay with the program and format that are working already instead of switching formats when you know you're only going to stay with the new format for one year.
  10. At many (most?) universities the student's actual diagnosis and plan is not provided to the professor, but simply the accommodation required.
  11. A strong algebra 1 student could probably place into college algebra, but whether they could succeed or not is a different story. A strong algebra 1 student could definitely have handled the math for liberal arts at my grad school, but this class varies so much by institution it would not be possible to generalize. But frankly, susanah, what I'd do is keep plugging away at math at the speed she can "get", not worrying about how far you need to get but just that what you DO do, she understands, and let the chips fall where they may. If she needs to take a semester of remedial math, it really isn't the end of the world -- it's an extra class that, if she can't add extra to a semester, she can make up over a summer (not by taking math in the summer, this is ill-advised for most students, but by taking something that comes more naturally over a summer and thus clearing space for math during term-time).
  12. A product of the declining numbers of tuition-paying students and the push to grade universities on how well they retain students. I don't think we should have to have one -- I think it should be up to the student -- but that's the world we live in now.
  13. Whoa, today, Friday? You mean you guys get the whole week off and she's extending that even further? I mean, we at other universities are trying to figure out ways to get our students not to do what this lummox is doing as an instructor. This is absolutely ridiculous.
  14. Half might be a bit much. I'd be more inclined to just look at smaller plates. Either that or, if you haven't already eliminated between-meal snacking, start with that.
  15. Well it means they're not feeding other chickens back to them. Chickens are actually natural omnivores. Most of it comes from bugs. Lots of bugs, in the wild. They love maggots. But they'll also happily eat decaying animals that have decayed into chunks that are small enough for them to eat up. They wouldn't find cooked meat but they'll happily eat it as table scraps if it's small enough. Source: feral flock of chickens on my family's old farm.
  16. Cronometer is easy to enter recipes and easy to enter an old recipe and change stuff around. The free account is very useful. Or, if you've made your own bread once and done the calculations and the standard bread from the store is pretty close, just use the standard bread. Everything's an estimate anyway. I don't measure things like cream cheese frosting and just use a standard entry because I do it by eye, not by measurement.
  17. I like them if I need just one item. I absolutely hate them if I'm buying large amounts of a single item because I have to scan each one individually and then bag it instead of just letting the cashier count 20 of them.
  18. Can you transfer down if it's too much? I'd ask about that, because my inclination would be to start in honors, and if it's too much transfer to non-honors.
  19. You can make a nice, hearty lentil stew with vegetable broth and without using any grains. Chunks of root vegetables can help bulk it out.
  20. Spinach dip, I did a great one with greek yogurt and spinach a while back.
  21. For wanting to go into a science field it is incredibly important to have a solid, basic understanding of algebra. Moving off-line is an excellent choice because it will let him go at his pace instead of at the pace of the class. If you have to stretch algebra out over a little extra time to ensure understanding, do so and know that he will be better prepared for it. And yes, do MUS. Understanding a more basic curriculum is far better for future math understanding than doing a more advanced and enriched curriculum with partial understanding and a massive struggle. I would, however, try to continue work in the summers if at all possible. It will reduce math loss over the summer, and it will help him be on target to finish both algebras and geometry -- if he wants to do a science field, he does need at least a basic geometry, and MUS will give him that. Many of my precalculus students who are biology majors struggle with the required geometry.
  22. Bring something that either stores really well or freezes well, if you're worried about too much. Most cookies freeze well and there are bound to be kids eating them. I'm taking cranberry orange oatmeal cookies to one shortly because I know they freeze and they've got cranberries in them which imo qualifies as Thanksgiving food.
  23. This is what I have done when I have had to give multi-section common exams. It results in me occasionally having to throw out a problem that I made a typo in, but it resolves enough other issues that I'm happy with it.
  24. I've reboiled it and eaten it but it would probably be safer not to.
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