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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Well, don't they pretty much fund their church from filing lawsuits against people for assault? Clearly they thought the comic conventioners would be more prone to violence than ridicule. :p
  2. I believe it's intended as 1cr for 'trigonometry and advanced algebra', not 1cr for trig and 1cr for advanced algebra.
  3. I love this. All the satisfaction of a counter-protest without the satisfaction of taking them seriously.
  4. If they're using a different scope and sequence, they may very well not do well on the PS test even if they've learned what they've been taught. If the PS test used terminology with which they are unfamiliar, ditto. If their program puts word problems in a specific format and the PS test put them in a different one, ditto. Best bet (imo) since your kids are young is for you to make sure that you solidly know what you're going to teach them, and why it works rather than just how. I'd start with Liping Ma's book.
  5. Well, yes, it would be. But that might not stop me. But really, you're better off just quietly smirking and having a party over getting rid of such an utter cuckoo. :)
  6. Why did your mom say no way to Chalkdust? Price? I see you're going into algebra 2. (am I right?) You could also look at math without borders for this year.
  7. Yeah, when you add in the weird behaviour he sounds a little tipsy. That's probably why he's asleep.
  8. I'd assume it ended when they turned 14, but I'd check. I would see if the dentist's office can work out a low-cost payment plan for you. Mine's very good about that.
  9. If he doesn't take calculus, what will he take for math? I wouldn't take a year off from math.
  10. 1) Notice that sqrt 6 = sqrt 2 sqrt 3 2) Notice that every term in both the numerator and denominator has a common factor of sqrt 2. This allows you to factor and cancel. You should end up with (sqrt 3 - 1)/(sqrt 3 + 1). 3) Multiply the fraction by (sqrt 3 - 1)/(sqrt 3 - 1). After simplifying and combining like terms, you should end up with 4 - 2 sqrt 3 in the numerator and 2 in the denominator. This is referred to as rationalizing the denominator and is often a good step whilst attempting to simplify. 4) Notice that the numerator and denominator both have a common factor of 2. This allows you to cancel and get the result that they said you should.
  11. One way to think about it -- When you have a statement like "There are 1000 milligrams in one gram", the 1000 will always go with the mg. If you want the mg on the bottom, you have 1 g/1000mg. If you want the mg on the top, you have 1000mg/1g. There's no other way to write it which makes it equal to 1. A good way to check -- in the question you gave, you know that grams are bigger than milligrams, so if you have 3 grams, when you convert to milligrams, the number of milligrams should get bigger. If you divide by 1000 accidentally, you get a number much smaller than 3, which tells you that you made an error.
  12. I think that there's a difference between not following a rule when there's a very good reason not to do so (civil disobedience etc.) and not following a rule simply because it's inconvenient or annoying.
  13. Quick comment on this part alone: You don't have to ruin his life, but he shouldn't be off scot-free. You're correct -- it takes two -- and he was the other one. If he gets away with dumping the girl when she's pregnant, he'll just do it to the next one, and the next ... (jmo)
  14. I have a friend (pretty smart guy) who tried to use LOF calculus for self-teaching and didn't think it was adequate. Found himself getting hopelessly confused and messaging me for help constantly. Switched to a standard textbook (stewart? something available cheaply on amazon) and did a lot better. Did love the LOF trig book though, thought that was plenty. No personal experience as I learned my calculus before Stan started writing.
  15. I'd get an older TI -- I bought my replacement 81 for 10 bucks on ebay, including shipping, and the controls are similar enough between different models that I've been able to use an 83, 84, 86, and 89 without much difficulty. It's also one of the most frequently recommended/required brands for university classes, from what I've seen only.
  16. Since she's already had it once, why not try the free trial of ALEKS? If it doesn't work -- well -- it was free :D
  17. I know how and have done so more than once. The one time I had to call for help, I must have hit some glass because I had 3 flats and one spare :D
  18. If anyone asked me if I knew what caused that I'd be really tempted to use either: No, I can't figure out where they keep coming from. Why yes, didn't anyone tell you yet?! (tone of surprise)
  19. I'd go ahead and move through precalc at a speed which does not exceed your understanding -- and then start calculus slowly and aiming for complete understanding. Calculus really, really builds on what you've been doing already, while not repeating a lot of material you've already seen, and if you take 4 months to do the first chapter or two you'll still be ahead and have been reviewing your precalc. I know you said you can't afford much in the way of curriculum. Strang's calculus text is available free online at http://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-18-001-calculus-online-textbook-spring-2005/textbook/ It's regarded as an excellent self-teaching textbook and the answers to all the odd problems are available. He (Strang) also has a free series of videos on the highlights of calculus available on the MIT website. Another alternative would be to work through precalculus, then download some free precalculus worksheets/do review problems from the Lial's textbook, which should mesh a lot better once you've gone through the whole book.
  20. Don't know, but I've had gas stations turn off the pump from inside because I got back into the car (including at -30 once. I never went back to that place, because the guy was both arrogant and rude about it).
  21. I always score INP, and about half and half F/T.
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