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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Ahhh. With the further information, I understand your query more. If she completes calculus as a junior, doing saxon's physics would be a step down for her (jmo) as it only requires algebra 2. Other options could include: statistics (saxon doesn't offer, but it's offered online or some people self-study) calc 3 through a university or online computer science through a university, online, or through self-study something off-the-wall like discrete math, linear algebra, etc. a more theoretical "honors" calculus course through a university or online For physics, if she has calculus as a junior she'd be well-placed to do calc-based physics her senior year, which would review and extend her knowledge of calculus.
  2. Just because they don't call it a science doesn't make it 'not a science course'. If you wanted to call it a math class, you probably could. It does have a lot of mathematical content. It's rarely, however, considered a math course. Some universities may not count it as a math course for college admission. You should probably check with them for this. You should definitely *not* give both math credit and science credit for senior-year physics, unless you chose to give .5 of each. Completing two physics curricula (saxon and bju) will not make it worth two credits of material.
  3. Saxon doesn't have it 'as a math' -- it's listed on the math page for saxon homeschool because it's the only science that saxon offers. If you look at the description, it says that you only need algebra 2. It's just listed below calculus because it's not a math course.
  4. Yes, tell the instructor. You're not tattling - tattling would be 'Professor, Sally was texting when you were talking.'
  5. I remember my sister singing 'Cecilia' and my father saying 'OMG, I had NO idea that the lyrics went like THAT!' But how's about 'Angel of the Morning'?
  6. A tutor or a computer program, so it's not just mom telling her that she's not mastered it.
  7. Read between the lines. If they're along the lines of 'she is a skank ho', ignore completely. If they're along the lines of 'easiest class ever', well, don't take unless you're really looking for the easiest class ever. If they're something like 'man this guy is touuuugh', he may or may not be worthwhile. He may be tough because he expects a lot of his students, or tough because he writes problems just to mess with people. And if it's something like 'he has really dreadful body odor and it's very distracting', well, that's something to take into consideration.
  8. If you want visuals, it might be easier to look at it in two dimensions rather than three, and with smaller numbers. For example, if you draw '1 square meter', each side is 100 centimeters, right? But the area of the square is length*width = 100cm*100cm=10000cm^2. The area of the square is also 1m^2. In a more algebraic way, if you have 1m^3, think of this as 1*m*m*m. You need to convert *each* of those meters to centimeters. This is one reason why I prefer to think of unit conversions as fractions. We know that there are 100 centimeters in a meter, so we can write that as 100cm/1m. When we multiply (1*m*m*m)*(100cm/1m), we only get to cancel one of the 'm's, so we're left with meters^2 * cm instead of cm^3. In order to cancel all of the 'm's, we need to multiply by (100cm/1m)*(100cm/1m)*(100cm/1m).
  9. I was just about to chime in and say I've never seen a price under .01 dollars, and post the same link. :)
  10. With respect to the Pern stuff: a) Dragondrums has some sex as well. b) Some, especially in the earlier ones, carries a strong theme of not being completely consensual. c) That being said, I read it when I was about 10-14 and completely missed almost all of it. It's not especially explicit in most cases. I went back and read it as an adult and was astonished at how much went over my head. With respect to Heinlein: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_A._Heinlein_bibliography If you stay in the 'early' series, you should be okay. If you go beyond that, there's lots.
  11. I'd be worried about the math. That's a long time to go without feedback. Could you find a way for her to access a scanner? She could scan in her math and email it as an attachment.
  12. Why doesn't she talk to the counselors at the CC? Most CCs frequently deal with students who are clueless about college.
  13. If I were going to be in the hospital overnight, I'd want comfortable socks (probably slipper socks) and a nice pair of pajama trousers. :D
  14. Oh sure, I agree with you 100% here. I think going beyond the superficial track is wonderful. I just don't think that slowing down just for the sake of slowing down or because of the child's age is good. I also think that the goal of enrichment should be to enrich the child's experience in mathematics and not solely to slow them down.
  15. Is there a reason that you think slowing it down will make him more engaged?
  16. Don't do them at the same time. If she wants to complete them in the same year, have her do one, then the other. Figure out how fast she needs to move to get through both, and let her give it a shot. If she starts to flounder, have her slow down.
  17. For number two I seriously wonder how many other times she'd said that that day. Seriously, that's the only one that's even close, and even that's situational. But you know, I've seen websites where they claim that it's emotional abuse to make your children do chores or schoolwork. Just because some idiots take things way, way too far doesn't mean they don't exist.
  18. Disliked. I think it's the ONLY book by this author I disliked. Too sad.
  19. I'd be strongly tempted to run it through my kidneys first. (please note -- tempted doesn't mean I'd do it, I'd just be tempted)
  20. Sales tax, percent off sales in stores, measurement, etc. Telling people that you're 4 ft 10.49230525232 inches just sounds silly, but 4 ft 10 and a half sounds reasonable. If something that costs 9.95 is 25% off, does that mean they expect you to pay $7.4625 ? No, they expect you to pay $7.46, but then they'll put tax on that, which is unlikely to be a whole number ...
  21. Your husband is great, and he's right. Your kid is awesome. Your dad/stepmonster are jackasses. Don't let them distract you from the important stuff. Take the $10 and donate it to something meaningful, like the others said.
  22. Advancement for private lessons, guaranteed, really makes it seem like a belt mill. Of course more hours should make you learn more faster, but it shouldn't be guaranteed. Some martial arts are more belt and advancement-oriented than others. One of the reasons I chose Aikido is because it's *not* purely advancement-oriented -- I wanted to learn without paying constant belt fees, and I also wanted to know that when I had a rank, I'd earned it. I'd really look for a school without this atmosphere -- it just seems wrong to pay for advancement.
  23. I jaywalk. People in this town whip around corners without even slowing down for the red lights, unless there's a cop car sitting RIGHT THERE. I've been struck by them twice now (once while on the CURB) and I refuse to cross at certain corners. I drive barefoot.
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