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Everything posted by kiana

  1. If she wants to stay in 8th grade as well, why not let her be registered as 8th grade but do the work you were going to do anyway? There's nothing wrong with being a middle school child taking accelerated courses.
  2. You have the right answer. I don't know what he's telling you you're doing wrong -- pasting that may help. FWIW, it's easier to display math equations by using x^2 = x-squared, etc. That'd solve your problem with being unable to get superscripts.
  3. Was it written on one line, as you had it, or did the fraction bar indicate a fraction? If it was written on one line, the last term should actually be simplified as 45/3(-1-2) = 15(-3) = -45, as multiplication/division have the same order of precedence in operations -- that is to say, multiplication and division should be performed from left to right, the same as addition/subtraction. If you plugged this into a calculator as written, you would get -44.
  4. I took a few summer classes. IMO: Summer classes should definitely be taken in an area of strength and interest. Skill-based subjects such as math, quantitative science, or languages can be especially difficult over the summer. A student who is both strongly interested and has a talent in the subject area may do very well.
  5. I absolutely wouldn't do a math free year. If you feel you need to do math-lite, you could take one course and spread it over two years and work every other day, giving .5 credits per year. I'd consider this far superior to skipping a year and doing a full course the next year. A full year of forgetting math is a LOT.
  6. I did it myself. I did retake the SAT as well because I wanted to see if my score would improve.
  7. This is 100% right. If she can place into College Algebra or higher with a firm foundation and ready to move forward with understanding, it's a lot better than having a half-knowledge of all of HS math due to racing through to "get done".
  8. Yes to both. From the way you say your daughter thinks, it seems she would benefit from someone who understands both how to work the formula and why the formula works, and could explain it to her. Also, you could take a break and work geometry, which, if proof-oriented, might click with her better, but she's going to have to really learn algebra 1, or else algebra 2 will be a rather pointless exercise in memorizing just enough to pass the tests.
  9. Just a quick comment -- I'm teaching Calc this semester. There are several students who struggle greatly with any sort of multi-step problem, due to arithmetic errors/algebra errors/misreading their own handwriting/etc. This is really costing them points -- some who should be earning A's based on conceptual understanding are down to a C based on inability to follow through with multi-step problems. It's not lack of a calculator either -- they're allowed any sort of calculator that they want to use. But the lack of any sort of multi-step problems in their pre-calculus curriculum really, really shows up here. It's a lot easier to learn to do protracted, multi-step problems early than it is to learn them at the same time as Calculus. That being said, there's a point beyond which it becomes purely drudgery. :D But if he's struggling with reading his own handwriting/following steps in multi-step problems, he probably *could* use some continuing practice with by-hand calculations as well.
  10. Make a pie and cut pi into the crust. :P
  11. Hrm...speaking strictly as one who's in the same type of long-distance... Even though it *felt* like lubrication wasn't a problem, using it anyway really helped with the pain issues. It also got a lot better after a couple of weeks. YMMV. :)
  12. When she's just coming in, she should start bellowing and trying to mount anything and everything in sight. There's usually some clear mucus in the area of the vulva. If the mucus turns cloudy, you probably missed it. She'll also bleed off a few days after the heat. If you miss the heat and see some blood, mark it on your calendar and watch for her next one in 2.5-3 weeks. It's easiest if there's another cow in the pen with her, as the clearest sign of optimum time is when she'll stand to be mounted. You can approximate this by pressing down on her rump with both hands and seeing if she moves or if she ... ahem ... sorta leans back and prepares. But it's not really as easy to tell, without another bovine. If you go for an AI tech, they should be able to give you some advice and help you select an appropriate sire for the new baby.
  13. I haven't found a way to do it within the search function here. It seems both easier and quicker to google what you want and add site:welltrainedmind.com/forums. This does bring up duplicate pages of the same thread, but that's usually easy to figure out.
  14. JLD: I'm not sure how your finances are, but would online classes be an option? With your DD's excellent work ethic, they might work out very well for her. Alternatives: I do think that I would re-do the last level of math (calculus) with a textbook from a different publisher, both to aid in complete understanding and to accustom DD to textbooks with styles other than Saxon. Any fairly commonly used introductory level university calculus textbook (such as Stewart, Larson, others) should sell student solutions manuals with the worked solutions to the odd problems, which could be used for self-teaching. Most of the fairly commonly used introductory textbooks in other fields of science also sell student study guides, which have the answers in the back so they can be used for self-checking and self-study. Med school is *fiercely* competitive and any sort of a leg-up is useful. Check reviews on amazon but also read between the lines -- don't just look at the star ratings.
  15. If you don't already have The Way Things Work, it sounds like it would be awesome. (Not as a curriculum, but just to read).
  16. Many universities require both calculus(for business) and statistics for an undergrad business major. I'd be surprised if an MBA program didn't require statistics. You might consider doing a semester of college algebra and a semester of intro to statistics, if the thought of trigonometry is unappealing.
  17. It's really common for students to forget what they're not using on a regular basis. If she *has* learned this stuff, and merely forgotten it, you might have better luck picking up some practice workbooks, either from the Key to series (so that you can target exactly what she's forgotten) or simply some summer review workbooks from someplace like Barnes and Noble. Picking up an ungraded resource would probably help a lot with her ego -- in other words, it may be a lot less humiliating to see 'decimals' on the workbook than '5th grade math', even if they cover the same topics.
  18. Not quite. :) http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-fro2.htm quoting thence: (hehe) And even a brief look at historical sources shows that from whence has been common since the thirteenth century. It has been used by Shakespeare, Defoe (in the opening of Robinson Crusoe: “He got a good estate by merchandise, and leaving off his trade, lived afterwards at York; from whence he had married my motherâ€), Smollett, Dickens (in A Christmas Carol: “He began to think that the source and secret of this ghostly light might be in the adjoining room, from whence, on further tracing it, it seemed to shineâ€), Dryden, Gibbon, Twain (in Innocents Abroad: “He traveled all around, till at last he came to the place from whence he startedâ€), and Trollope, and it appears 27 times in the King James Bible (including Psalm 121: “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my helpâ€).
  19. I'm not so sure it's "when they reach college" as "when they reach the AP exam". Many universities still do not allow or limit graphing calculator usage.
  20. What they said -- it really sounds to me like 'We want to admit him, but his test scores don't qualify him. Please give us a reason to make an exception!'
  21. You're confusing Abs(x-9) with Abs(x) - 9. Since the 9 is outside the absolute value, you need to clear that first by adding 9 to both sides. Then you may clear the absolute value.
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