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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Rewrite the numerator as 4k^4 + 6k^3 - 2k^2 + 2k^2 + 3k - 1, then group into two groups of three and factor by grouping.
  2. There's a difference, imo, between 'being a restaurant' and 'being a host'. If I know my guest is a vegan, I'm not going to expect them to graciously eat steaks. If I invited someone over without realizing they were a vegan and served steak, I'd be rather upset with myself and run to find something else.
  3. If you're serious, it's episode 86. Plot summary (spoilers) at http://www.carriesdiary.com/86.html
  4. People moo at me all the time because I like it ultra-rare. I just moo back. If I'm at a friend's house and they serve it what I consider overcooked, I eat it anyway. If it's gray, I put salt on it. I wonder if they think I'm ruining it by oversalting it? If I had someone coming for steak and they liked it well-done, I'd probably bring it first and ask them to check and make sure it was cooked enough so that I could throw it back on if it weren't. If I weren't pretty sure, I'd err on the side of a slight undercooking because it's much easier to cook it more than cook it less.
  5. I don't seem to get UTI's from baths -- if anything, it's reduced since I started doing baths. I do shower briefly after the bath, though.
  6. Here I think there is something. There are a lot of men who will ooh and ahh over the shiny sports car but really can't afford it due to the high maintenance/gas/etc. cost. :)
  7. You are completely wrong! I can't believe you'd feed that to *anyone*! That's child abuse! People like you are what is WRONG with this world!!!!!! :leaving: :D (your thread title was irresistible)
  8. Well, if you were planning on moving into a standard Algebra II curriculum, the Algebra I curriculum needs to be thorough enough. If you're changing series (which you would be, since Key to Algebra ends), gaps are a very real concern.
  9. :iagree: I also think there's a real difference between a photo of a 16 yr old, who is often indistinguishable from an adult (at least in the chest region), and a photo of an 8 yr old who is (usually) very clearly pre-nubile.
  10. As a kid, I liked all of them except Ella (the last one). Didn't really get into that one. Didn't *dis*like it either, just was a bit grown-up at that point.
  11. I like Egwene a lot too! I'm waiting for the last book with such anticipation :D
  12. And you don't consider that 'Those who wish to gamble their son's futures' is at all inflammatory?
  13. I use a top sheet in summer only, when it's too warm to use any other covering. In winter I prefer just the blanket. However, I also (according to a certain person who should know :D) steal blankets, so we have two sets of blankets on the bed, one on each side.
  14. I have one towel per person, plus one general spare (kind of ratty by now). One pillowcase per pillow, one set of sheets per bed. I didn't know this was minimalism, I thought it was just being broke :D
  15. I personally enjoyed the London books, especially Call of the Wild. With respect to Julie of the Wolves -- there *is* an attempted marital rape scene. It's pretty low-key imho and when I read it as a young teenager I missed it completely. I also found this book more depressing than the London ones. YMMV.
  16. This was posted on the wall in the English department at my undergrad :)
  17. Lutheran here, ELCA. There is a long, long distance between 'literal word of God' and 'book of really good stories'. At least in my church, the Bible is definitely regarded as the Word, yet not everything is interpreted literally, but some as allegorical.
  18. Leftovers. Ours had cauliflower, stale bread, orange peels, popcorn old maids, and sour milk today.
  19. What she said, 100%. With the addendum that bad grades in 'non-essential' college courses may very well stop him from attending graduate school at all. Many won't look at someone with below a 3.0, 3.5, some arbitrary cutoff, no matter how outstanding they are in other ways. High school grades can be overlooked with a good bachelor's. But it's the bachelor's that's going to determine whether he can get into graduate school, which is where he'll find his peer group and where he'll need to be.
  20. I guess the issue on whether she'd be welcome back comes down to -- if she does something uncouth and is told 'Sorry, but we don't do that/use that language/whatever', will she apologize and try not to do it, or will she just do it again because she doesn't care? The first I'd work with, the second not.
  21. My brother totally surprised me with a KitchenAid professional mixer. :):):) Before this I only had a hand mixer so if I made bread I had to knead most of the flour in by hand. The only BAD part is that I expect my bread consumption will skyrocket :D
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