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Everything posted by Toocrazy!!

  1. Someone probably has better information, but from my personal bloodwork experience, if you were dehydrated enough to need fluids to bring down your glucose numbers, I’m sure it messes with a lot of your bloodwork. I’d just wait and do them again when you’re feeling better and go from there before giving them any worry. I’m glad you’re feeling better and hope you get your meds all straightened out!
  2. Ok, I’ve been trying to figure this out- what sport is this? Boys and girls play together and 4 in 4 out has me totally baffled ??
  3. I have zero advice, but this makes me really sad for your daughter. I hate that sports has become so serious that there’s nowhere for people to be able to play. And to be mislead is the worst! And he’s such a jerk. What a crappy situation. I’m sorry.
  4. I’m so sorry he’s sick. So stressful to be so far away. I’m glad you’re getting such good advice here to feel better!
  5. 45 minutes a day is a great average for Michigan in January! But I totally agree on next year’s plans to a sunny beach! We’ve actually had hits of sunshine these past few days and it’s made all the difference in my mood.
  6. Well I made it to 59 hours 46 minutes in January! 60 was the goal given my strong start with my trip to Florida, so this was close enough for me. I walked outside almost every day, even in crappy weather. It was definitely more than I would have done without a challenge, and I have to say I always felt better for doing it.
  7. We haven’t added anything like that. But I can see that being an issue. He did have some stomach issues yesterday, so I think he was going outside thinking he had to go to the bathroom maybe. Today, he’s back to his old ornery self thank goodness. Like the good lab he is, he probably ate something he shouldn’t have:)
  8. The infertility part is huge. It can wreck you. Both spouses. It’s hard. I’m sorry they’re going through that. We tried for 4 years before having our DS, and then pretty much after that with no more success. It’s rough. And if she’s on hormones of any sort, they can totally mess with your personality. I was a mess. That might not be their issue at all. Obviously no one but the couple really knows what goes on in a marriage.
  9. I always did a thermos too. I think every day was buttered noodles. Not the greatest, but it is what it is! I also heated the thermos with hot water before putting in the noodles and they were warm at lunch. We also did cut fruit like clementines or strawberries and some hard cheese like Parmesan or cheddar. lots of kids like sunflower butter and jelly sandwiches for nut free ideas.
  10. Yes, normal urination as far as I can tell when we’re on walks. And yes on the aliens! DH is out of town and our house backs up to woods so it is kind of freaky 😳
  11. He refuses to come inside. He keeps going out back like he needs to go to the bathroom, but he doesn’t go. Then he sits out there and won’t come back inside. It started last night when he wanted to go out about 1/2 hour after we went to bed. After that He slept fine. I walked him this morning. Normal walk, normal BM, but now he’s back outside. he just doesn’t seem like himself. he’s 11, and he was just neutered about 15 days ago. He did fine with that, bloodwork normal. He’s eating normally. Just acting so strange. There’s definitely something off, I just don’t know what it could be.
  12. This is a good question 🙂 he kind of fell into this school so he commutes which he doesn’t love. He could move to campus, but it’s a more rural type school and he doesn’t have a lot in common with most of the students. But I will ask him specifically, because this might help him flesh out what he’s looking for.
  13. I’m not familiar with the area really, but I’m about an hour away if that’s of any help to you. Have you seen the website wv property viewer? https://mapwv.gov/parcel/?desktop=1 It works better on a desktop, but you can see the parcels, the owners surrounding you, and it connects to Google maps which might be helpful. My DH is familiar with land like this and might have some experience, so he could POSSIBLY be helpful if you if you have specific questions.
  14. Good luck! It’s especially hard if you have it at your home. Thats why DH knew about his. I needed his help getting the house ready 😂 but then his friends took him out for the day so he came home to kind of a surprise. I hope it’s a great time!
  15. DS, after taking two gap years started college last fall. But now he’s thinking about transferring:) He’s looking for a school with small classes. He likes that about his current school. Lots of professor involvement, good advising. He doesn’t drink really, so he’s looking for a school where partying isn’t the main thing to do. Right now he’s a math major, but started late so only Calc 1/stats really on his transcript. He’s pretty middle of road politically, very open minded, not religious, but not overly liberal. More live and let live I guess? Pretty introverted. It will be a challenge to make new friends. So forced proximity would be a plus. He likes the idea of a smaller city/neighborhood with options. Does anyone have any suggestions for transfer schools? Right now he’s a 4.0, but not a super competitive school. He’s taken the SAT once with a 1450. Looking at East coast to Midwest, friendly to transfers. Probably a shot in the dark, but if anything comes to mind for us to research, please suggest!
  16. Raffi here too when DS21 was young. I had never heard it before.
  17. Now I think I will! I heard how amazing it was last time and there are several places within a few hours of us.
  18. It can be slightly more confusing at larger airports. There will be a ride share specific place for pickups. Follow the ride share signs to get there and then order your car. Sometimes they come to a specific labeled parking spot and that’s where you go meet them. Just double check the license plate to make sure you’re in the right car. you can share your ride, but I do think Ubers are pretty safe now. They are vetted and many have had thousands of trips by now.
  19. I think most people are unaware how hard it would be to get a job that would support a family at an older age, let alone after not being in the workforce for many years. I only have recently reconsidered how risky it is for a woman to be a SAHM from a financial standpoint. With 50% of marriages ending in divorce, plus injuries, disabilities, early deaths, you have to be prepared. Even if it financially makes sense at the time, there is a lot to consider when you decide to stay at home. I always used to think it was best for someone to stay home with babies and young kids, and while it might be, it’s no longer so cut and dry to me and financial protection for the SAHM should definitely be part of the decision.
  20. I think definitely the dr, to see what they think, but for me personally anxiety does affect my gut for sure. And once it starts, it’s kind of hard to get it back into a regular rhythm. I was having issues for a couple months and tried several different probiotics, and surprisingly culturelle worked for me almost immediately.
  21. I think it’s very normal for a high school senior. Mine is in college now after two years off since he absolutely refused to go after graduation. Now He says he wishes he would have just started out of high school. Well:) I tried, I really did. Luckily, we - yes WE- did all the AP tests, dual enrollment, applications, scholarship holds etc, so it was all in place when he did decide to go back. Of course there were things he had to do himself, but I did more hand holding/leading/followup than I had done before. I’d just look at the big picture and help/force 😉 him to do what needs to be done and let the rest slide. I think DS can say he wishes he would have gone, but I don’t think he would have been successful until he wrapped his head around a purpose. I’m sure moving back to the states is a big deal for your son. That could be a huge adjustment, and if he’s not 100% on board, I’m sure it’s weighing on him. Don’t let any of the vital applications, scholarships, deadlines go- be prepared for as many scenarios as you can and see how it unfolds.
  22. I have no experience but have thought it could be related to some of my issues. I follow this woman on Instagram and a lot of things she says click for me, but I’ve never followed through consistently enough to know if it would work. She posts a lot of information for free on Instagram if you’re on it. I’ve learned a lot. https://www.connectpelvicfloorfitness.com this is her website, I can’t link to her Instagram.
  23. I think they expect you to negotiate too. It helps to know the salary range at that employer and comparable ones. With her experience she should be topping out whatever it is. I helped my niece a few months ago, so I researched it a bit. I do think it’s what is expected. There’s surprisingly good info on TikTok about how to go about asking.
  24. I linked above, but I was just looking at it again, and he has a 2 minute routine he says will make you look an average of 5 years younger in 2 months IF big IF- you don’t already take good care of your skin. Wash twice a day morning and night - if dry skin use a creamy soap, if oily skin, use a foaming soap. In the morning apply a vitamin c and e serum followed by a sunscreen. In the evening after washing apply a retinol, preferably the prescribed kind, but not necessarily if you can’t get it. Just use a retinol type cream. Exfoliate twice a week. I’m not great with products, but I do take decent care, so I don’t think I’ll get the 5 year effect. But, I did order a new serum for the morning. I’ve tried prescription retin a a few times and I can’t get past the peeling part, although I do think it would help. So now I just use a retinol that feels good.
  25. 100 pull ups? At once? That’s practically unheard of. I can do about 5 wimpy real pushups in one set. There is a lot of advice now on getting better at pushups that says not to do knees, but to do start with elevated ones like on a step and work down to flat. I was working towards a pull up, but I’m still just on dead hangs. I never had any upper body strength. ETA- not that you couldn’t! I have no idea. It would be quite a feat though. Even for a young male or female.
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