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Everything posted by chocolatechip

  1. Add me to those who think that it's not necessary to specify time zone unless it's a virtual event. I would be really surprised if someone included a time zone on an invitation for a physical event. I would automatically assume it's in the time zone for the location the event is being held at.
  2. I would eat all of it, provided the dairy are pasteurized products. We drink raw, so if raw milk was left out it would be a no-no, but for pasteurized at that temp I wouldn't bat an eye. Bacon is so salted that it's well preserved, so I wouldn't worry about that either.
  3. I would look at it as once you have your part of the inheritance, it's yours and you can do what you like with it, including give some to your sister.
  4. I had a good experience. I traded in a college microbiology textbook for $150. It was really painless. Just box up book, drop off with UPS, and done, they credit your account.
  5. Yes, if you want an optical drive the only model that still has one is the non-retina Macbook Pro. You can get an external one of course, but if you want one built in there's only one option as far as model.
  6. Yes, Dawn is awesome. I have success with any old dish soap too though, so it's easy to give it a shot!
  7. Another vote for baked potato bar. :)
  8. Out of myself and my three siblings, three of us were not "planned." It hasn't scarred us or anything terrible. I am the eldest and was a total surprise. My next sister was the only baby my parents were actually actively "trying" for. My surprise brother accidentally followed her 18 months later. And then there is my "tagalong" sister who was another surprise - maybe even more than myself or my brother. She's five years behind him.
  9. We have the standard in-state tuition rate that is lower than out-of-state rates for public schools. We also have the Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion, which administers the Oregon Opportunity Grant to financially needy students. It's not a ton, but it's enough to be significant and help. If you qualify based on need, you get the full grant (there's no sliding scale) which is currently $2100 a year. This is for public or private schools. There's also the OSAC suite of scholarships open to Oregon residents, but they're just like standard merit/need scholarships just with a smaller pool. Also for public and private schools.
  10. For cheese, it is still safe even at room temperature, so just pop it in your bag. Use an insulated lunch pack that you can freeze overnight if you like it colder. Yogurt = liquid in TSA's eyes.
  11. Does anyone wear Abeo shoes? Are they worth it? I have terrible arches and I overpronate. If I don't wear supportive shoes or my orthotics, I feel it. I've been having even more problems lately and am starting to feel it in my knees. I have been looking into Abeo for dressier shoes (have trouble fitting my orthotics in dress shoes) but are they worth the price?
  12. I am floored that some consider eating on a plane selfish or rude. I wouldn't bring something real messy or smelly, but I am not offended by a seat mate eating next to me at all. It's part of life, everyone gets hungry sometime! If the flight attendants asked me to refrain from eating nuts or citrus or whatever because of another passengers allergies I would absolutely comply. Safety is definitely first!
  13. They still do it here too. Ditto for the Jehovah's Witnesses. Add me to the list of people who would love it if they stopped.
  14. It is a black iPhone 4s, but I replaced the cracked back with a purple aluminum back!
  15. Bras that do not actually fit. I'm sorry, I know it makes it harder for you, bra manufacturers, but not every woman who has size E+ cups wears a 36+ band. Some of us need a 28 or even smaller.
  16. I don't think they're odd at all. I have a Patagonia MiniMass. It's very nice and super tough. I load it down and it's never had any issues.
  17. We just cut them in halves or quarters, toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and throw them on a pan, doesn't matter which side is up. :)
  18. I would ask for it back. I understand about wanting it back because I hate cheap pencils and only carry two nice stainless steel barreled mechanical ones. (I'm a student.) I've had those pencils for close to three years. I don't want to have to buy more just because someone didn't return one. However, honestly I have never been in your situation. I've lent pencils many times to fellow students, but they always give them back at the end of the class period. That's weird that she would walk out with it.
  19. Bowl lift. Stronger motor, larger capacity, and more stable in my opinion. Easier to add ingredients (dropping the bowl) without making a mess. With the tilt head, if you tilt the head while the attachment is attached it lifts up the messy attachment. (My friend has the tilt head so I have compared.)
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