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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. So many variables. In some situations it would be wealthy. In some it wouldn't. In almost all it would be at the very least, quite comfortable. I could find a way to "get by" on that. :001_smile: Of course, I think that even if you make $250 kajillion/day the government shouldn't confiscate it.
  2. It might put you at the very bottom of the top heap if you are a single earner. At the top of the middle heap for a couple but not the tippy top. Most of the working couples I know here (near SF) make over $250k/year. Remember that there is a large lower class in the Bay Area that skews these numbers and doesn't tell the whole story.
  3. I've thought that a few times myself. Or McCain/Lieberman. Part of what concerns me about the election is that we will likely end up with a strong Democratic majority in the House and Senate. Add a Democratic president who will probably nominate 3 Supreme Court justices (with a strong majority in Congress ready to approve the nominations) and a liberal media (IMO) to the mix and I think we're not going to see a great deal of balance of ideas. That being said, if one party wins the elections then they earn the right to set the national agenda. I don't have to like it or the direction I see things going but I'm not planning on moving either.
  4. What do you mean by "some is HOME school"? :001_huh: ;)
  5. Wow. Does "you" refer to someone here who has said all of these things or is that a general "you" like a blanket comment referring to anyone who has said anything critical of Obama? :001_huh:
  6. Hahaha! I actually grew up an hour NORTH of Canada! In the United States.
  7. [quote=Amber in SJ; All the weird highlights belong to Wiki Amber in SJ They usually do. :001_smile:
  8. Tons of Chinese food in Sunnyvale. No end of Mexican. Its so hard to narrow it down. Try: http://www.sanjose.com/restaurants/ or http://www.yelp.com/los-gatos-ca On Tuesdays, a group called South Bay Free Scholars has its park day. Its a very inclusive, diverse group of people. Kids in a wide range of ages.
  9. :lol::smilielol5: I know what I'm going to be saying all day tomorrow.
  10. No shortage of great food. What do you like? http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/regional/CaliforniaR4.htm
  11. Wonder no longer! It was "e r a s e d". Completely tongue-in-cheek and meant to be good natured. :001_smile: I refuse to be bothered by grammar and spelling errors. ETA: Wait! Did I misread it or did you correct it???
  12. I've enjoyed the requests I've received but haven't made any b/c of feeling weird with the whole thing. IRL I guess, like others, I tend to do the same thing. Just kick around by myself unless someone strikes up a conversation.
  13. You're funny. Yes, I WANT to have a Depression. Its been part of my master plan all along. The homeschooling thing is a front. I've been feverishly working behind the scenes to mastermind a depression because I'm actually a soup salesman and I'm hoping for a big boost in my profit margin when soup lines get popular again. Mwahahahaha! :chillpill:
  14. In all seriousness now, I don't know if I'd call it cathartic. I hear it would be quite awful based on the last depression and everyone I know would be vulnerable. I'm not hobnobbing with the wealthy and powerful. But I'm unwilling to avoid hardship when I can see no good that will come of that avoidance, except very short term. And I do think a depression could have some good effect, as most bad situations do. I think the risk far outweighs the potential for gain in the bail-out.
  15. And that is why they make chocolate AND vanilla...although if you pick vanilla I can't be blamed for your bad choices. :001_smile:
  16. When you play you pay. In the opinion of some, the bail-out is a stop gap measure that only buys some time and has the unfortunate side-effect of subverting capitalism. I'm still hearing about people getting 3% loans with almost nothing down on new homes. The bail-out did not significantly change the way lenders do business. A depression would.
  17. "So this is actually more of an imposition than an intervention?" -Michael Bluth
  18. You know there are scholarly, expert types that disagree with you, not just idiots (my word, not yours) like me. You assert your opinion as fact. It is actually still just an opinion. Whatever arises out of the ashes of this bail-out won't be capitalism. No one saved my version of it. IMO, the markets would have failed (if they been left to fail) because of interventions preventing mini-crashes and corrections all along the way.
  19. " ...are buying up again, thanks to the bailout plan. It will continue to fluctuate for a while. Nothing like capitalism!" ------------------------ And the bail-out plan was nothing like capitalism. Bah-dum-bum. *rimshot*
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