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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. ...we all deserve some cake: Seriously, no matter what your party preference, let me wish you a hearty cangrtalation just for being you. And because we could all use a little bit of luck. Think of it as the universal Jerry and not a specific Jerry: For more hilarious cakes go to cakewrecks.com ... my favorite ones are not appropriate for the board.
  2. Very true, political scholars have no issue with referring to certain benches as leaning, slightly or even strongly, one way or the other. And there is no end of hand wringing over how certain presidents will affect the make-up of the bench based on their political philosophy.
  3. Wow. Just wow. I disagree with so much of what you have said here. And I don't care and I don't feel differently about you. Like it or not, I dig you (as the kids are so fond of saying).
  4. I have hardwood floors everywhere except the bathrooms and laundry. Yeah, the floor is the kitchen has developed a patina, if you will, but that doesn't bother me. If you have kids, your wood floors are going to take a beating. When they move out you can spend the time you would spend crying (I'm still trying to convince them they can live here forever) refinishing the floors. :001_smile:
  5. I totally get it. I personally go out of my way to read things that don't agree with my POV because I think its foolish to live in the Echo Chamber of my own beliefs and to never try to understand what the "other side" thinks. I've come around on many an issue by actually listening to the other side and I've cemented my opposition to them on many an issue by listening to their perspective. I don't blame you for looking. It isn't a private group and no expectation of privacy should have been assumed.
  6. :lol: Higher than Satan's wife but below Satan's mom. Hmmm.
  7. Wow. I've been put down before but NOTHING like that. Awful. I have a neighbor who owns a small business and has kids and she's always doing stuff with them on the fly and asking us to do stuff at the last minute. I finally said, "I'd like to do these things with you but I've never been very good at switching gears quickly. I'm just not very spontaneous." She said that was because I had the luxury of being organized because I have all day to do it. :mad: I let it go but it irked...oh, yes. Its irked.
  8. Traveled overseas Read a Harry Potter book Discharged a firearm
  9. I grew up in a house where desserts were served never. Somehow the kids always end up having some kind of sweetie after dinner. Not sure how it evolved but it did. We don't have weight issues and the kids eat pretty well overall but I'm not sure I approve.
  10. Marry. Me. ETA: Oh, gosh, I missed that this wasn't your experiment so my proposal was premature. Maybe we could have drinks? I feel compelled to at least buy you a drink for telling such a funny story.
  11. I don't think you're heartless at all. :001_smile: I also don't think requiring the citizenship test as a condition of voting would produce the desired result and would have some very negative unintended consequences.
  12. Standard answer, "Whatever you're making." Bad mood answer, "The next person who asks what we're having for dinner."
  13. I don't want to erect barriers to voting. I'm sure my father would score very low on an IQ test since his stroke...he might not pass a citizenship test without the help of a proctor to explain it to him which would end up being required for people with varying abilities (cha-ching...tax dollars at work). But before his stroke he was a labor lawyer and a city council member and he still has a grasp of the political situation even if he can't articulate it.
  14. I was so happy when I found Lash Blast....2 for 1? Heck, yeah!
  15. Wow...well, I stretch for the 2" so I feel ya...Shrimp.

  16. Bought the turkey on Sunday...put it in the freezer Tuesday night...okay? Not okay?
  17. Make mistakes. Get mad at my kids. Not know exactly what to do. I was a rather opinionated pre-parent.
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