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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. I was JUST reading about this is a magazine. Like minutes ago. It looked like something I might need to try. Thanks for the link.
  2. Specifically: How does the bible address lying and hypocrisy on internet message boards. Also, where does it stand on goofing on people? Please be specific.
  3. What? Pfff. Of course I have friends. Why? What have you heard? Define 'friends'. Not everyone needs friends, you know. Some people are actually too cool for friends. People don't "get" them. I mean, I'm not one of them, I have tons of friends. Whatever. Who are any of you to judge?
  4. Agreed! A very merry unbirthday to you! Oh wait, that was mercury poisoning.
  5. Wow. Next you're going to tell me you passed out candy at Halloween. What. Ever.
  6. Wow. What kind of sick mind would come up with a post like this? I'm horrified and personally, I intend to no longer have anything to do with the person who wrote this. Seriously, get out of my life. I'm putting you on ignore. Do you not realize that if the government had not propped up the carpet bag industry that we would all be living under a rock today? Its just like people to not understand that its the carpet bag industry that is the backbone of this country and, indeed, the world. Just another case where the little guy holding everything together behind the scenes gets none of the credit.
  7. I imagine you've seen this: http://insightfulnana.com/tag/hamilton-beach/ and this: http://www.dld123.com/q&a/index.php?cid=2212 But for anyone who hasn't.
  8. Thanks for this update. Based on the previous thread and my own reading I went ahead and purchased a Hamilton Beach replacement. HB claims that their glaze does not contain lead. The clay, however, does but at very very tiny levels. I think I can live with that.
  9. Now that you have had three will they try to find the reason? I know three is the magic number for this. Maybe that would help you make your decision. :grouphug:
  10. First one: 40 weeks, 8lbs Second one: 37 weeks, 9lbs Third one: 36 weeks, 6lbs 3oz
  11. Is it the age spacing or is the 2-ness of the younger one? My guess is that the spacing will be less of an issue as the 2-ness wears off. :001_smile:
  12. Zoiks. I think that's steep for the quality. It has been about 6 or 7 years since we used it (painted over it, loved the color but converted the room). I wasn't blown away by the quality. But, who knows. Maybe they have switched manufacturers since then. You will love the color. :001_smile:
  13. Well, yeah. Everyone should live in Grosse Pointe. :D But some of us had to live in the other towns so there could be people to say stuff like, "Yeah, but she lives in 'Grosse Pointe'. "
  14. Why yes, yes I have been. I love Detroit...truly. It breaks my heart to go home and see it now. I know its depressing there now but it wasn't always like that. Right?
  15. I once found 2 rolls of film shortly after I got married and in the middle of a move. I had them developed but figured they were nothing. Turns out they were from my senior prom! I wondered why I never had any pictures of it. My husband and I had a laugh...at my expense, of course.
  16. :grouphug: My mom had the 21 shots in the belly treatment after being bitten by a dog when she was a kid (they couldn't find the dog). She says it really hurt.
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