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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. My next door neighbor heads one of the biggest charities in our area. Her kids are a disaster. She's unleashed 4 fairly useless people upon society and if they breed there is no telling how many more of them we'll have. No amount of canned goods for the needy can make up for that. Sure, go ahead, care about others, I'm all for that stuff but don't take bricks out of the foundation of your home to help someone build theirs for the sake of charity. Americans should care about America first.
  2. Good. Because minding your own is good for everyone. Eventually, minding your own home expands to minding your own street to minding your own neighborhood to minding your own town...you see where I'm going with this. I'd like to see more people put some real effort into minding their own instead of letting their own go to pot while they're out searching for solutions to "bigger" problems.
  3. I think the obvious answer is to lower the standard so that we can all meet it and feel good about ourselves.
  4. Nor in my somewhat enormous, very liberal town where its much more en vogue to go "counter culture". I don't think any philosophy has a monopoly on the mindless bumper sticker culture and in my town I know the mind-set where most of that kind of energy finds its source and its not with supporting the troops.
  5. Oh wow. I do all of these things except then tinsel part. Does this make me a crazy person?
  6. :iagree::iagree: Bankruptcy protection makes it possible for people to take risks. We need risk takers. I see no shame in declaring bankruptcy based on the facts as I know them.
  7. They say to let them b/c they won't be into it. This was true with my kids. One taste and they made a weird face and that was that.
  8. I bet it goes great with Chicken in a Biscuit. :tongue_smilie:
  9. Try a warm bath, but he might need a doc visit. In the future you might consider putting him on a prebiotic/probiotic. Its worked wonders here. Also milk of magnesia when things are sluggish. :grouphug:
  10. Seamstressing is. My mom has a heck of a time finding people who can do alterations or make dresses and I cannot remember her having an American born seamstress since she's had the shop.
  11. Is it possible that she was just enjoying a change of scenery and that at school full time the novelty of that would wear off? I'm thinking of how exciting the first week of school was and how I was always so enthusiastic until about October 1st.
  12. Can't be done. The writing was on the wall years ago and Detroit dug in its heels and refused to adapt. Having lived in Detroit most of my life I assure you that nothing short of being turned inside out will change the mind set there.
  13. My pediatrician has never examined that closely during a well visit. He checks to see that the girls are still prepubertal but a quick glance has been the extent of it. He also tells me what he's doing when he does that. I think you doctor has a preset notion about homeschooling and would blame any quirk (not that being shy about private parts is quirky, I don't think it is, I don't love my yearly) that he would find otherwise typical on homeschooling. Sorry that happened to both of you.
  14. When we color for bird and flower study I require some accuracy. A red headed woodpecker needs to have a red head and a white bindweed needs to be white (except for the 3yo who can do whatever she likes). Other than that, I don't care.
  15. No. Creams can't lift. They can improve appearance and can temporarily make it appear that lines are smoother but they can't move anything. Eye cream, a light reflecting concealer, color on the lips to draw attention there. That's what I read everywhere... The eyebrow advice was very good too!
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