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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Yeah totally, it is a message board. That's like someone lifting a comment from here and disseminating it as an endorsement from "Classical Homeschoolers". I'm not going to sweat it.
  2. Good to know! Thanks, All. I'm going to gut it out one more week because I have a bunch of fun stuff lined up for the following week. Just in time!
  3. The thing that cracks me up about Scott McClellan is how the press is acting like endorsements from former press secretaries are a huge deal. Anyone know who Jody Powell endorsed? Jake Siewert? Is there any difference between an endorsement and a plain old vote? Influence with voters? Does McClellan have a lot of that? If you listen to the MSM you'd think he did.
  4. Hey, don't forget all around stand-up guy, Scott McClellan! Yeah, I think the MSM has glommed on to these defections in a really distorted way and far more coverage has been given to them than to Joe Lieberman. Big surprise. Since when has it been unusual to align yourself with the team that seems to be winning at the 11th hour? I don't think the Republicans are shedding a lot of tears over the losses. Maybe a couple for Peggy. There. Done.
  5. :lol: My children have an aversion to nuts so I kindly point out everything that has nuts: Snickers, peanut M&Ms, Baby Ruth, Mr. Goodbar. My son thinks he hates butter so he gives me all the Butterfingers. Who am I to argue?
  6. Its not as bad now as when they were in school but there is just a constant rotation of candy.
  7. That does not happen here. I wouldn't tolerate it. :lol: My kids can eat all of it at a rate of one piece per day but they usually can't gut it out until its all gone. Amateurs, I say. I could have it polished off by November 4.
  8. You'll find a lot of disagreement from liberals at places like Daily Kos and Huff Post and the NYT if you look back at what was written about him pre-endorsement.
  9. :iagree: The one side thing was why I asked about swelling, redness and tenderness. It doesn't have to be DVT..it could be a superficial blood clot too.
  10. Editor and Publisher is hardly a watch dog for the journalism industry. Its a journal for people in the industry. Written by people in the industry. Who are not going to admit bias, if it exists. And do the Democrats like Powell now? I'm just wondering because its been about 5 years of talking about how he lied to the UN and the world about Iraq and then tried to cover it up in a too little, too late fashion.
  11. Seems like a lot of people have been having less than ideal days of learning after what was a great start. This is only the beginning of our second year so I'm wondering if this is a normal time frame for a let down...6 - 10 weeks? We definitely had a less than awesome week last week.
  12. Its also worth noting that Anchorage Daily News endorsed Kerry and Gore in their respective elections.
  13. Oops! I did miss that one...I say your Amy Poehler one though so give me half-credit. Okay, whew. So, tonight's the finale...can't wait!
  14. Actually, I would strongly urge everyone to read the endorsement. The bias is obvious. Its less analysis and more talking points.
  15. Um, hello? Am I the only one who noticed DON DRAPER? Am I the only one watching Mad Men? Say it ain't so.
  16. I'm floored. Another mainstream media outlet supports the Democratic candidate? :willy_nilly: Stop the presses. Oh, wait... :001_rolleyes:
  17. Make sure you ask over at the "Ask a vet" social group! Our resident super-vet, Soph the Vet checks it regularly.
  18. I would think a general could definitely take a look at that and decide if that's the issue and if you need a specialist. But that's my very uneducated opinion. :001_smile:
  19. It could be vascular. Pregnancy can be obnoxious to the veins. Just a guess.
  20. Really? I thought Susan was very clear about not linking to this kind of infernosious pittery patter. And yet people still scrimshaw carbuncle like a couple of fireflies in an ocean of ramen noodles. Frankly, ice cold tessellation star burst and I think its time to put the mule deer back in the bottle, as they say in Des Moines.
  21. :party: That gives me hope! Maybe in a few years I can get that training bra I've always wanted!
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