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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Having it in very casual, adult ways too. And yet we expect so little of them in terms of being productive. They can have casual sex but still need mom to do their laundry? Go to job interviews with them? We infantilize them when it comes to responsibility and then rush their maturation when it comes to recreation.
  2. I've never heard anyone assert that they would not wish to. I would just prefer them to not get the messages about sex that the media pushes. Their interpretations of what is desirable and healthy don't mesh with mine.
  3. The children that are subjected to constant references to adult sexuality in the media are the ones that really need to be the object of our concern. It is no better to be pushed into sexual expression than it is to be told that sex is wrong (though I have yet to meet a single person who is teaching their child this).
  4. This is a great example of how you can play with the numbers to get the desired result. I guess what it proves more than anything is that decisions about morality need to be based on a standard that is something other than the most likely result as "proven" in a study.
  5. Starting my second year with it but might not until next week when my folks go home.
  6. I wouldn't mix Tylenol and alcohol if one can help it. It can be hepatotoxic.
  7. I'd toss it. I find it difficult to believe that people who have no issues with plastic weapon toys actually PREFER them and prefer them to the exclusion of all other toys. Maybe on MSM produced television shows that mock these kinds of people but IRL? I suppose if parents want to really impose their values on other people's children that's their right but if they do then they should expect similar courtesy to come their way. Of course, at some point someone could just consider taking themselves out of the equation and giving a neutral gift that could be enjoyed by most children. To go from a plastic gun to a doll or vice versa is kind of an enormous leap that ignores many choices in between. At that point the judgment seems pretty blatant.
  8. I have a friend that starts taking hers down while her kids are opening presents. :001_huh:
  9. I had no idea what this was about (we don't have Guitar Hero yet) but my first thought was, "Wow, how old is that thread?"
  10. I think people who say that didn't see the shows. The funniest parts are when Ward is completely flummoxed by the boys or when he and June are shooting blank stares at each other across the table.
  11. I will happily take out anyone who puts down June Cleaver in my presence.
  12. Legally its yours. When this happens I contact the company and let them know what happened and that if they would like to send a call tag or pre-paid shipping label for it I will send it back. They usually opt not to.
  13. Again, if you don't think my assessment applies to you then don't worry about it. I never said anything about imposing gifts on people. I was talking about people being open to accepting gifts. And yes, I guess two people could go around all day bickering about whose feelings are going to be honored which is why I don't put much stock in feelings anyway. But, since its so important to you, I'll tell you what, I won't get you anything. Happy now?
  14. No, I don't mean that. I don't love the score keeping associated with presents but I think some of that is just natural and not an indictment of character. Its just that so many have expressed the joy they get from giving to others whether the giving is done from a sense of charity or from wanting to show appreciation or affection. I don't think this is a particularly unique quality. I think most people like to give. So, given that most people like to give and derive joy from it it is selfish and withholding to not allow them to do so. Its also irritating from another perspective because its like saying, "Here, I know how much you love to get presents so take these but giving is enough for me (unlike you, who prefers to get presents) so please don't give me anything. I'm all about the giving (unlike you)." Lucille is the best, isn't she?
  15. I meant what I said. If you want to do all the giving and don't ever let people reciprocate in a genuine manner then you are controlling and withholding. Others having taken umbrage with the comment while going on to say that they don't care about gifts but accept them graciously when presented. That's a totally different scenario and illustrates my later point that not all people who aren't into getting gifts are control freaks. If you find my logic flawed, that's fine and I would suggest that you shouldn't get too bugged about someone's flawed logic which is why I'm not going to worry about the puzzling Santa comment.
  16. Well, I could clarify and say that I like everything about getting presents but the actual receiving of the item b/c I also sweat my reaction and being watched. FWIW, if my comment about some people who don't like getting gifts being withholding control freak doesn't apply to you then its not directed toward you. In fact, my comment isn't directed toward anyone. Its just an observation about a certain kind of person.
  17. Well, I'm talking about people who routinely go out of their way to mock or take offense with Christianity and then piggy-back onto the holiday and pretend it has nothing to do with Jesus. Its not like my atheist family decides to become worshipful that day but we do acknowledge that the holiday has evolved from a number of different traditions into an important Christian holiday and we take part in various observations out of respect along with the Rudolph and Frosty and Grinch stuff. I'll admit that my take on it isn't popular among other secularists but I part ways with them on almost everything.
  18. Reel away. I never said all people who don't like getting gifts are manipulative. I said, "I'm sure there are people..." You've misread or misunderstood. Its not anonymous now that you've told us.
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