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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Are people going to get all self righteous if we talk about the noms or is that just for the gowns?
  2. Anyone who has ever crafted a gown themselves would get why its not senseless to discuss it any more than it is senseless to discuss architecture or painting. But then, I read fashion magazines and I never use the word 'womyn'.
  3. One more yup. Like she was coming out of her own skin. Liquid albuterol. She did okay with the inhaler. Sorry. :grouphug: My girl did outgrow her resp problems. It can happen.
  4. Its so pretty and girly and airy-fairy and she is more handsome and stately. I think the contrast between the two images is not ideal. A column of weightier fabric and more architecture up top would have been my pick for her. In a strong color. It will look lovely in the Smithsonian though.
  5. If this is a new thing then Indiana was on top of this trend at least 30 years ago. :001_smile: But, yes, very inappropriate to refer to an woman older than yourself that way.
  6. Oh dear, you really do not want me to sing anything. But we should come up with a "mixed tape" of confession songs. "I Fought the Law", "Down By the River", "Janie's Got a Gun". We could wrap it up with, "I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me".

  7. All right, which one of us shot the deputy? Time to 'fess.
  8. Well, no point in further discussion then.
  9. Thanks, Lisa and beans! Typo in our book then, I guess, because it did not ID "It" in that sentence as a subject pronoun.
  10. But "It" is a subject pronoun here right?
  11. The sentence: It is I. Isn't "It" a subject pronoun?
  12. Government will not be providing this health welfare by paying for it from a magic pot of gold. We'll be paying for it with increases in our taxes (well, those of us who make enough to pay taxes) but it won't be as good and we won't have other options.
  13. I also think there's another group of people who believe that they will be benevolently doling out their comparable wealth to those in need with no significant change in their standard of living but a tremendous sense of righteousness that will come from their charity. Some of those people will be right (Barbra Streisand)...some will be disappointed to find that they will end up not being able to give once their extra bit is apportioned away. And there's another group that can't stand to think that others have more than they do. They will give up the chance to succeed to see those who already have brought down a notch.
  14. Trust me, if this were a small company selling free range, fair trade, organic, whole grain, cage-free, no GMOs, dolphin safe tofu steaks the uproar would be deafening.
  15. I would say 4.5 days. I don't introduce new material on Friday. We do tests/quizzes and any projects for the week on Friday. Its generally pretty low key and quick.
  16. Stress, caffeine, reflux, pregnancy can all increase heartbeat awareness. And most frustrating of all...a few episodes of heartbeat awareness can increase heartbeat awareness. It can kick of an unnerving cycle that goes: episode of heartbeat awareness ---> stress about heartbeat awareness --->increased heartbeat awareness ---> more stress about heartbeat awareness ----> you see where this is going? Never hurts to bring it to your physician's attention if for no other reason than peace of mind. :001_smile:
  17. No, its not just Aesop's Fables. The first 4 or so are but there stories from James Baldwin and there are classic fairy tales and Bible excerpts. You can also select your own models. I am using WWE 1 with my 1st grader and Aesop B with my 4th grader. I am very happy with both programs but I think I will shift my younger child to CW Aesop in third grade. It has just worked so well for us. I intend to continue on to Homer next year. It *is* teacher intensive (the workbook helped me a lot though) but I could see big results.
  18. Haha! My salon bill looks good by comparison too! But, sounds like it was worth every penny!
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