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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. I agree that if one makes a statement of opinion on a forum such as this one should anticipate responses both supportive and otherwise. I don't agree that one doesn't have license to spout anything they like. This general sentiment could apply to the OP. There is room here for people who have serious issues with the public school systems that their tax dollars continue to support even if they do not partake of the services. There is also room for those who would counter their criticism. Neither needs to be silenced. Both need to anticipate arguments against their positions.
  2. My most recent last avatar was the one I have now only she's wearing a Santa hat. Before that it was a retro lady from Ann Taintor.


    Do you mean "Arrested Development" space?:001_smile:

  3. I love really beautiful furniture and my grandparents and parents collected furniture like this over the course of their marriages and those pieces will last forever. I just can't seem to bring myself to lay out that kind of money for investment quality furniture. Maybe b/c I still have little, sticky children and have reached max capacity on stuff I have to yell at them about. I don't know. Time will tell I guess.
  4. But why? The actions of a fringe group shouldn't lead to an indictment against an entire extremely varied population unless you're already disposed to prejudicial feelings against that population. I think these fringe groups are an excuse, not a reason, for people to unleash their anti-Christian feelings. Zelda, a non-Christian
  5. But everyone won't know how green you are if your Bible doesn't show it. Maybe you could make a cover for it out of organic hemp that says, "I am not a plastic Bible".
  6. :lol: That I would not know. What I do know is that the green revolution has sparked a tremendous industry as people toss their perfectly functioning but old environmentally un-hip products in favor of new, expensive green alternatives. I think its been brilliant marketing but I can't help but feel a little wry smile creep up whenever I witness it. Which is a lot here in Northern CA.
  7. I'm not Christian or green but it seems to me that the really green thing to do would be to keep the Bible you already have that's working for you rather than consuming a brand new bible.
  8. I'm going to say it largely genetic but I also think you don't tend to see many very heavy set advanced seniors. Perhaps maintaining a consistent healthy weight is very advantageous. I was going to agree with the low key thing too but then I remembered my grandmother who is a bit of nervous bird. Maybe she's an outlier.
  9. No, it definitely is not only poetry though there are some poetry selections. Drew posted a link to a site where you could view sample pages. I think it was yesterday. Here's the link.
  10. Yup, I'm from the 810 myself. I went to Wayne too! Many fine hours spent at the DIA. A hidden gem. Detroit's still waiting for that renaissance. I hope it gets it someday.
  11. Not offended. :001_smile: Detroit has earned its terrible representation. Its been run into the ground by the powers that be.
  12. I love Detroit. Grew up near Detroit. My dad worked downtown and I went to a university on the east side. Cool town. But, there are parts of Detroit that give me deep anxiety just driving through...days and days worth.

    Not suitable for children.

  14. Oh, this is definitely in your wheelhouse.

  15. Honestly, I would reconsider the importance of sexy and alluring. The media and the popular culture would make you think that nothing is more important. They are wrong on this point too. Not that attending to appearance isn't important but that's another matter from sexy. You've already suggested a few things that you think would make you feel more put together and they sound like a good start. I've got a couple of those on my list too. :001_smile:
  16. "This is the story of a wealthy family who lost everything and the son who had no choice but to keep them altogether...its Arrested Development"


    Its a tough series to condense into a brief explanation. Hilarious. Profane. Multi-layered.

  17. Keep watching! It only gets better.


    "You can't just comb that out and re-set it?"

  18. We just dropped my folks off at the airport and now we will couch and wait for the ball to drop. Just as soon as I creak away from my desk.
  19. I have to say I'm surprised by the reaction to the idea of correcting this at home. It seemed like a benign suggestion to me. Similar to correcting a minor phimosis or such.
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