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Status Replies posted by Isabella

  1. Time for the pet Rescue Remedy. Thunderstorms are a comin'!

    1. Isabella


      It's good stuff!


  2. Here's another regional pronunciation question: Do you say "shone" so it rhymes with shown--or so it sounds like shawn?

    1. Isabella


      Short 'o'. I'm Australian, so British pronunciation.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. Here's another regional pronunciation question: Do you say "shone" so it rhymes with shown--or so it sounds like shawn?

    1. Isabella


      Short 'o'. I'm Australian, so British pronunciation.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. Dd going on a youth retreat for two nights. Just me and dh at home...YESS! #maritalfistpump

  5. Took ds 14 to make arrangements for interniship at a bike shop. The owner said, among other things that he would be sweeping and cleaning toilets. :) THen he complimented son on legible handwriting. You know, I feel really validated as a mom right now.

    1. Isabella


      Good for you, and him for getting his first job at 14!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Very grateful for gluten free, soy free chocolate...

    1. Isabella


      I haven't had that, but sounds good and healthy!

  7. I have no voice. Literally, not metaphorically. The kids keep asking me to "pretend [i'm] in a box." At least I can still give "the look."

    1. Isabella


      Unfortunately the 'look' often doesn't work as well!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Planning, planning, planning.

    1. Isabella


      My favourite activity!

  9. 9999 nuthatches on the porch roof

    1. Isabella


      It wouldn't be noisy then? :)

  10. Spring Break, Day 4 - today I have 3 girls walking on ice and exploring the open space and ravine behind the house with plans for a Doctor Who sleepover later

    1. Isabella


      And I hope you're enjoying it too!

  11. Well there goes almost a year of college. Toyota sienna bought exactly 5 yrs ago this weekend. $2500-5000 to fix cracked timing case and broken rod. One year off any warranty. So how's your day going?

  12. Long overdue pedicure. It was nice to take time to do something just for me.

  13. I have pink pants!

    1. Isabella


      Cool! I've been seeing bright colours all around the shops here.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Wondering if I ought to make sure my insurance covers "stabbed in the eye with a pencil." Eraser side, thank goodness.

  15. I'm having red wine with my hamburger helper dinner. In my defense, it's a new "classy" flavor.

  16. Reason #4,134 I love my husband: when I present him with an expensive (but perfect for our kids!) curriculum, he responds with phrases like, "get everything you need to be successful" and "are you sure you don't need these other books, as well?"

    1. Isabella


      How nice! Give him an extra big hug for being so awesome.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. Just glad it's Friday. There's been way, way too much drama this last week in our house.

    1. Isabella


      Know that feeling! Good wishes for a drama-free next week.

  18. Aww... more cupcakes at our door, made by a hs girl!

    1. Isabella


      How sweet of her! Enjoy them.

  19. Spring Break!!!!!

    1. Isabella


      oops..killed a kitty!! Excuse apostrophe!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. Taxes are done for this year! I just put them in the mail this morning.

    1. Isabella


      Reminds me - I'm two years behind on the kids, luckily they are owed money, rather than owing it!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. Spring Break!!!!!

    1. Isabella


      Yay for breaks. Kids & mama's need them!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Off to the ballet!

    1. Isabella


      How nice!! Have fun!

  23. ordering from Amazon is waaayyy too easy!

    1. Isabella


      If it's books, ordering from bookdepository is even easier!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  24. And so it begins: the yearly full-on panic attack as I try to decide on next year's curriculum while secretly convinced I'm ruining these kids

    1. Isabella


      Deep breaths! You'll do fine, and they'll do fine!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  25. I just discovered that the 1yo I used to babysit for is now a professor at a university in Colorado.

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