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Everything posted by Dinsfamily

  1. Same here. It is harder when dh goes somewhere with the older two. Until naptime, that is. :D
  2. It could be that there is so little traffic in the group. Most people just sign up for the schedule and never post. You should be fine with the schedule since you'll have the books SL has discontinued like The Golden Books Treasury and Children's Treasury of Literature.
  3. I love mine also and am using it right now. I'm not a gadgety person but dh surprised me with it for my birthday and I've been really happy. I have a 16 GB wifi and it's plenty for now. I will say that I'll probably upgrade in a few years and hand this one down to my dc. It is easy for me to shuffle books, photos, and music onto my computer when they aren't needed on my iPad anymore which helps with space. I currently have 11 GB free. My apps and files (docs, spreadsheets, etc.) don't take up much room. The boys probably take up more space with all of their apps. If I didn't already have this one, I'd probably wait for the upgrade and get more memory because I would love the camera but that's just me. Not sure it would be worth the wait otherwise.
  4. The author's of both schedules ask for them not to be distributed outside of the loop. They usually check for new members about once a month, it seems. One thing that's good to know about the schedules is that they are both from 2007 and outdated for use with either P3/4 or P4/5. When they were created, there was only one preschool core and no copyrighted SL schedule. Because of SL's copyrights, they can't update them any further even if they wanted to. They are great for ideas and supplements or for a completely separate program. I just want to make sure you aren't expecting schedules that go along with any recent SL preschool cores and are disappointed when you see them.
  5. I have a very picky eater and do make a couple of allowances for him but not to that degree. My ds6 has some of that contrary personality plus a texture issue. I've learned to distinguish between the two and treat them appropriately. Funny, I can't think of any texture issues right now but it does come up. I'll usually allow him to skip that portion of the meal. It's a pretty rare occurence these days. If he's just being contrary, he eats it. His hunger reflex is pretty strong now that he's growing so tall and he knows there aren't any other choices. If we hadn't been so strict with him, he'd happily consist on a diet of chicken nuggets, green apples, quesadillas, and yoghurt...oh, and pizza. He wouldn't even eat macaroni or spaghetti at first. Now, he loves them. I'm sure other dc have bigger issues with texture but I don't think McDonald's would be the answer. Sounds like that's more of a family habit.
  6. We loved this last year with a 5yo and plan to use it with my K'er next year also.
  7. I didn't vote because I buy so many non-consumables. I've spent about $800/year on my oldest, but I'll only spend about $60 on each add'l child per year at most. I'll be recycling curriculum for the first time next year and I'm excited to just pull it off the shelf. I could have spent a lot less on my oldest if he'd stop finishing math programs so quickly.
  8. We're doing WWE1 and choose our own passages because I wanted the copywork and narration to be from what we're already reading in SL Core K instead of random snippets. I bought the text and took passages from our read alouds that follow the guidelines SWB outlines. It didn't take long to do it since the text is so clear.
  9. What page? I pulled out ds's 2A materials to see it in context.
  10. Have your dc completed any materials? My ds has completed Miquon Red and Singapore 2A/2B so far and we'll finish SL Core K next week. What are your favorite subjects to teach? Definitely math! But I'm also enjoying Latin. How about the kid's favorite subjects? Math, science, Latin, geography, and SL. What changes really paid off this year? We didn't really change anything just added a bunch for 1st grade. Do you predict changing materials next year? No. We'll have to do something else for Latin. I think we'll go with Prima Latina. In what area has your dc grown the most this year? Hmmm. He seems to be learning a lot in every subject. I'm really happy with how the 3Rs are going since that's most important for me this year. What areas are you still trying to find that match for? Nothing for now. I'm just trying to figure out where we're going to go with writing once we get to 3rd grade. Lots of good options. What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? Homeschooling with a 2 year old and pregnant. I'm so glad my oldest is only a 1st grader and I can afford to be relaxed about school. What projects or activities stand out so far? We are really enjoying the experiments in Noeo Chem I. As far as outside activities, golf has been a big hit this summer and fall.
  11. Horray! Congrats to your ds and thanks for the encouragement. It's nice to hear. Did you all finish the whole WISE guide? Just curious :001_smile:
  12. I use it alone for my 6yo and my 4yo likes to listen in but doesn't have a workbook. We do one lesson a week on 2 separate days. We do all of the workbook on one day along with the song(s) and then review on Friday. Lessons really don't take long at all...maybe 15 mins at the most. Sometimes they will go around for another 20 mins or so practicing or teaching dh. I don't have any Latin background and it is very easy. I'm learning right along with them and rely on the cd for pronunciation. Ds6 likes it so much that he's convinced me to do SSG next. They have a convenient ad in the back of the workbook :D
  13. :bigear: I've had my eye on this for awhile so I'm interested too.
  14. For me it would be grades 6-8. Neither of my older two are late bloomers and would have a ball in elementary school despite being way ahead academically. Oldest might complain about that but ds2 is too social to care. However, there are a lot of advantages to hsing elementary which is why we're doing it. I think it's even more beneficial to late bloomers. Middle school is tough both socially and academically for so many kids that we'll definitely be doing that at home. My goal is to find a good brick and mortar for high school that fits my dc...we'll see when we get there. I'm not opposed to hsing them all the way through if needed. The book Gender Matters discusses how classrooms are set up better for girls. The book is about the physiological differences in boys and girls and how it affects learning. Two reasons that stick out in my mind are that girls physically hear better and process information using different parts of the brain. It is a pretty fascinating read.
  15. Another series my ds really likes is the Christian Liberty Nature Readers. They are graded but not by today's standards (tougher words, smaller font, and not much white space) and include great information about animals. Even though my ds is reading at a 4-5th grade level, he's really enjoying CLNR 1. It is on the easy side for him but he loves the content.
  16. I would/will do the same. We may have a similar situation coming up (unless there is a wedding first) and plan on it. However, I don't think our relatives would expect different arrangments at our house and will respect our wishes.
  17. We're using very similar curricula minus Writeshop. My ds really enjoys FLL and WWE so I count those as fun. I try to make our SWR enrichments (the reinforcement activities in between dictation and the test) as enjoyable as possible but school isn't always fun. He loves to read so that isn't a chore. He likes science, geography,and Latin better. I'm okay with that since the LA curricula are doing their jobs.
  18. I think it is wise to take a middle ground since classical and child-led don't have to be mutually exclusive. I do think I provide a pretty rigorous education for my 6yo. However, I do include child-led portions to that. He loves science, geography, and Latin. We probably do more in those areas than most because he enjoys it so much and begs to do it. The flexibility also plays into how rigorous our school is. Last year, we finished 3.5 full math curricula because my ds needed the speed and challenge. ETA: I also think you have time on your side. You can hang out on this board for the next year or so and research curricula that will work for you. People around here have strong opinions so topics tend to recycle often which is great. You can also see what others are using in their sig lines and do a search for anything that looks interesting. You could also search for threads about K or 1st grade since those come up at the beginning of each school year.
  19. You can check out SL's Reader 2 Reg, Int, and Adv to start. Sounds like you might want to go straight to the Intermediate level. Reg are mostly at the 2nd grade level but int are more 3rd /4th grade. Adv are between 3rd and 5th. Although they were way below my ds's level, he just finished 2 Reg and really enjoyed it. We'll start with 2 Int in Feb. He's reading at the 2 Adv level but I don't see any reason to skip the other great books. They have a list of all the books and most are readily available at the library. You can also buy the schedule and questions for a few $ if you feel like you need it. That option ends when you get to Readers 3, though.
  20. The way I would explain it to my ds. It's a two syllable word. 1st syllable: be. E says it's 2nd (long) sound because it is at the end of an open syllable. 2nd syllable: hind. I says it's second (long) sound because "I and O may say /I/ and /O/ (their long sounds) before two consonants."
  21. Well, not in Jan but we're starting SL Core 1 and Sinapore PM 3A February 1. We're about to finish Core K and PM 2B. We'll do some Christmas school for the rest of December and read/reread some fun books through January. I'd also like to start an art curriculum in January but haven't decided if I'm going to buy ICDAT or just go with AP Book 1 with Core 1. We technically start each school year June 1st but our curriculum doesn't always cooperate :D.
  22. My 2yo just started doing this. He's going into a real bed in the next couple of weeks. I'm thinking my other two didn't get the opportunity since they were in regular beds before 20 months.
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