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Everything posted by Dinsfamily

  1. 100EZL might not confuse her (although it's possible as they are very different methods) but it won't help with SWR. Honestly, you don't need it. SWR has worked really well teaching my two oldest to read. It was stealthy and painless for us. My 6yo's first reader was Green Eggs and Ham[/] once we got to list I and he improved rapidly from there. My 4yo has taken off just with knowledge of the phonograms. He won't even start the lists until this summer when he starts Kindy.
  2. Thanks for the review. I do think I'll still try it based on what you wrote and what I saw on Amazon. If I don't like it, we can just read Egermeier's again. I'll also be reading 101 Favorite Stories from the Bible for my then-5yo so my oldest will be listening to that too. In that case, The Jesus Storybook Bible would probably be great for you. It's really best for ages 3-5 IMHO. I'm using The Family-Time Bible with my 4yo right now (also read it to my 6yo at that age) and it is also appropriate for a 3yo. I love the artwork! The stories are short and there is a picture on each page but it includes more stories than typical preschool Bible storybooks. 'd definitely save something like Egermeier's for when they are at least 5 and 6. My 4yo listened attentively this year but my 6yo really got the message.
  3. Mine is up... It's been awhile sine the holidays were so crazy. Hopefully, I'll be consistent until the baby comes.
  4. For us, cartoon-like artwork is too much like fictional books. Higher quality artwork seems to promote the understanding that the Bible is true and different from the other stories we read. I do let my boys read from the Jesus Storybook Bible and Beginner's Bible but balance it out by having one with better illustrations for our official Bible time together. We do talk about the truth of the Bible and that these Bibles are children's versions of Mommy's Bible but I want to keep it from being too confusing for them. Hmmm, I hadn't heard that the Vos Bible Storybook included commentary. I might have to rethink my plan. Although we're reformed, I would prefer something that simply retells Bible stories for children to understand. I felt that Egermeier's did a great job of that.
  5. That is a good one. The content is great. I don't like the artwork in that Bible so I let my 6yo read it to his brothers instead of using it for school. I'm pretty picky about Bible artwork not being cartoony. Because of that, I wouldn't be comfortable using it as our sole source. For us, it would be more on the Pre-K-K level. For school, I use 101 Favorite Stories from the Bible for K, Egermeier's Bible for 1st and am about to start Vos' Storybook Bible with my almost 7yo. I was very impressed with Egermeier's! I'd be fine repeating it this year except I've heard so many great things about Vos. Egermeier's is pretty inclusive for a child's version and accurate. However, it would be too wordy for a Pre-K'er. My 4yo listened in, but got more out of the Family-Time Bible we use for Pre-K.
  6. If you do decide to switch... I haven't used Saxon, but I gather from the boards that it would not be typical to go from Saxon 1 to Singapore 2A. Especially given the age of your ds, I'd start at 1A. Singapore has a pretty distinctive method and it starts in 1A. I started my very mathy ds in 1A last year even though none of the material was new so that he would get the method. It only took him a few weeks but it was quite valuable IMO. 1A is deceptively easy and the program really ramps up in 1B and 2A building on concepts taught in 1A. http://www.singaporemath.com has placement tests which are the best way to go when switching math curricula. I love Singapore Primary Math and am glad we 'found' it early on. However, I do know that it isn't for everyone.
  7. Must be a third child thng. My little guy is similar. :D. Especially now that we have a fourth coming soon, I try to remind myself of everything that's gone right this year. Sounds like your ds is doing well. Maybe focusing on the triumphs and remembering that you won't be schooling with a toddler forever will help. This is so encouraging! Thanks for sharing.
  8. We love Sonlight's P4/5 for Kindy. I use it along with Spell to Write and Read and Singapore Math. I'm starting my second round in June.
  9. Communal. We do each have property in our own names but that's just because it was how things were set up (VA Loans and such). Dh handles all that stuff these days thankfully. We do each get a set amount of spending money each month to use however we want. However, the amount isn't significant enough to define as my own money. I do handle how we spend certain parts of the budget based on my responsibilities as does dh.
  10. I would start with 1A too. 1A very easy for my ds last year but it contained foundational concepts so I let him do it at his own pace. There isn't much work involved so it wasn't frustrating for him at all and didn't take long. Normally, he doesn't like to work below his level. We also used CWP with it so that added a little more difficulty.
  11. :iagree: I'm reading them aloud to my 6.5yo right now and he loves them, but they are different as an adult when the allegory is more clear. I think they are worth multiple reads at different ages. Dh and I have both read them several times. CS Lewis also has his Space Trilogy which I heartily recommend.
  12. Wow, I keep forgetting I'll have a K'er come June. We'll pretty much use what my oldest used last year and compensate for different strengths. Here's the plan: LA: SWR, Cursive First, SL Readers 1 and 2 (he's read most of level 1 already so we'll see), FLL1, DEL Math: Horizons K, finish Miquon Orange, then start Singapore PM 1A and Miquon Red. Literature: SL P4/5 Science: Noeo Bio 1 Geography: Evan Moor Begonning Geography
  13. We're halfway through 1st grade but starting a bunch of new things in Jan and Feb. Here's what I have planned for the remainder of the year: LA: SWR, FLL2, WWE1, SL Readers 2 Int Math: Singapore PM 3A, CWP 2, Miquon Blue/Green, Zaccaro's PCM History/Geography/Literature: SL Core 1 Science: Noeo Chem 1 Art: I Can Do All Things Latin: SSL Critical Thinking: Critical Thinking K-3 Bible: SL Bible 1 + Vos's Bible
  14. EM can definitely stand alone. Ds4 is about halfway through EM B and we just added in Miquon Orange. He'll be plenty ready for PM 1A when the time comes.
  15. :iagree: I tried EB with my oldest and disliked it. After hearing about EM on these boards, I purchased it for my middle ds and am really happy. It is easier to use, more fun for my ds, and looks more like PM.
  16. For math, you might try Miquon. My oldest loves the freedom, exploration, and creativity that is built in. He was older (5yo) when we started it so he often changed the labs around to reflect what he wanted to explore (ie, using the addition pages to demonstrate the distributive property of multiplication). He calls it his fun math. I'm now using it with my 4yo who is precocious but doesn't display the same level if math intuition as his brother. It's still working great. I like SWR for my guys as far as phonics and spelling because they can grow into it. We do phonogram and motor skill work until they can write well enough to start the spelling lists (around 5yo here). My 4yo learned his phonograms and began reading fluently at 3yo just from listening to his brother and we'll probably have to accelerate the first few spelling lists because he already has those concepts down. It is an easy program to accelerate and I don't need to buy any additional material.
  17. I wore my third until he got too heavy and wanted to be independent. It's hard to keep up with two older brothers when you're in a sling so off he went. He was around 1. I still wore him occasionally after that but not much because he preferred walking like a big boy. If I'd worn my oldest, it would have been longer since he was very light for his age (still is!) and didn't have anyone to keep up with. I didn't even know what a sling was 6.5 years ago. I definitely don't think 1yo is too old to be worn, especially for your bitty thing. FWIW, I'm not an AP just enjoy the convenience, comfort, and closeness of baby-wearing. I just got a new sling for this next boy (EDD March) and am so excited!
  18. My parents added the i to my name so it would be pronounced Tare-uh. To my dad, Tara is Tar-ah. I love the spelling of my name but am often correcting either spelling or pronunciation.
  19. :iagree: I was thinking the same thing. I'll admit that we're spoiled here in Tx, but reporting 5yos is a bit ridiculous.
  20. Ours ps system is the same. My friend was really surprised that we introduced it in Singapore 1B and really got into it in 2A.
  21. We think so but usually buy season passes so each visit is cheaper. My dc love the animals and the shows so it's a good outing for us.
  22. We aren't changing much from this year: LA: SWR, WWE2, FLL2/3, Finish SL Readers 2 int and start Readers 2 Adv. Math: Sinapore PM 3B-4A (or 4B), Finish Horizons 3 and start 4, Miquon Yellow/Purple, Zacarro PCM, CWP 3 Science: Noeo Physics I History/Geography/Literature: Finish SL Core 1 and start Core 2 Latin: Prima Latina Geography: Lots of fun stuff Art: I Can Do All Things and AP book 1 Bible: SL and HGTA Art and the Bible with Vos' Bible Storybook
  23. Ds6 got snap circuits last year and they are great. In fact, he and Grandpa have been building circuits everyday since he got here last week. It's one of his favorite activities. Ds6 is getting legos, lots of good books, some fun science experiment kits that aren't school related (technically)', and a new Bible for him to read himself during devotions. Oh, and I ordered him I Can Do All Things so that'll be a gift too. Ds4 will get some kumon books, art supplies, books to read, and share in the experiment kits. Ds2 is getting a gear set and some Kumon books. They got so many long lasting educational gifts last year (like Contraptions and Might Mind/Super Mighty Mind that they are still using that they don't need much this year.
  24. :iagree: EM has been so much better than EB here. ETA: I wouldn't buy much for manipulatives until you see a need. My oldest has only used base ten blocks, C Rods, a geared clock, balance scale and money through Singapore PM 2B. I wasted a lot of money on manipulatives that haven't been used.
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