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Everything posted by bugs

  1. :iagree: for hs chemistry - so this is my plan. We did do most of the experiments in the Chem C2000 kit last year without too many problems- but that was middle school chemistry.
  2. LLfLotR has plenty of writing opportunity and vocabulary for every chapter. It doesn't teach your student HOW to write, it just provides writing prompts. We really like this program.
  3. This looks yummy - what is yellow rice? Can I add something to my brown rice to make this dish "yellow" tonight? I await your answer (because I have everything else)!
  4. Wow, I think that's past half way. I hope he enjoys it enough to continue. Much luck to him.
  5. If you can you should. It's such a great confidence builder. Good luck.
  6. We are all so very excited for him! His instructors told us privately that they wanted him as part of their leadership group because he performed so well and holds himself so well for a 12+. (They are great instructors - very tough but nurturing.) But he is ready for a break - hopefully not too long!
  7. I would ask whatever member you knew the best and that would give you an honest answer. But you must be honest with yourself - are you ready for an honest answer? That is how I have approached similar situations (but then, I can't stand to speculate continuously - I must know so I can move on). Most of the time the issue is just plain thoughtlessness but not out of viciousness.
  8. Yes, I should have understood the rationale to this sequence before. Alas, my poor 1st child and all the "experiments" I've subjected her to. ( Sometimes tough even for a mom who finds politics interesting!) Because of this I am swaying toward Spievogel's Human Odyssey for 10th and 11th grades. I appreciate the thread where you listed these. I made a copy for later :D. Maybe this then would be too early on the heels of the American Govt class. Thank you Lori D. for your time and insights.
  9. This year my 9th grade dd tried using the Notgrass Government. It was very difficult for her to comprehend; I am guessing more from her maturity level than anything else because she had difficutly staying focused. Anyway, I am considering having her work through Notgrass American History next year. How do the two texts compare on "excitement" level (for lack of a better phrase)? If she had difficulty with Gov't this year might she have difficulty with American History next year? Should I have her take World History (probably WH the Human Odyssey) for 10th & 11 grade then American in 12th? Any thoughts would be apprciciated.
  10. Thank you Grace for "reposting". I copied Lori D's schedule and examples. Thank you Lori D, love your help and signature.:001_smile:
  11. Sorry, but I have not watched or listened to all of TC Economics class. I did listen (our library has it on CD) to 2 -3 lectures and I found them interesting. I think it would be a good supplement.
  12. We've done it with 7th and 8th graders. We liked it and it was appropriate for my kids at that level.
  13. To be a good leader one needs to be a good servant/follower. It's when you've been in the "trenches" that it's easier to empathize with those who will follow. Not sure if this is what you're looking for.
  14. Oh sweetie..:grouphug:. It doesn't look like you're behind. I think it's that time of year. If you are looking at other threads then you'll see that a lot of parents are stressed out about their children's school work. It's an extra burden on you because you're doing it on your own. Is there a homexhool coop near you that you can join? Maybe it would give you a different perspective and alleviate some of the planning pressure. Sending prayers of strength and encouragement your way.
  15. Those are the days I just go with the flow, and waste oxygen :D. Really, you probably need to do nothing. I know when I do nothing for a day or two I start feeling the anxiety stirring about being behind - then that motivates me. Enjoy your time.
  16. We live our live one up through Epiphany. Then my husband chops it up, puts it in a safe place and it becomes our yule log (wood stove) for next year's Christmas Day.
  17. I am one who wasn't born into faith but came by it only 12 years ago. I tried to intellictualize faith for the longest time but finally decided that wasn't working so I decided to simply believe. Many more things make sense since that time. To me salvation through grace is one of them because I don't get how one could work it out on their own. I really don't worry too much about where I stand with God. I know he called me and he knew me and how I thought. I do feel like a work in progress (WIP) and that God is all good with that. I know I will continue to sin, especially in the pride department, but Christ has helped me reduce its occurances in my life.
  18. My son's list includes: Gulliver's Travels (Books I & II) Don Quixote (Abridged) Johnny Termain Wadsworth Poems Sign of the Beaver Legend of Sleepy Hollow Grimm's Fairy Tales Poems by Rosetti Amos Fortune, Free Man Alice in Wonderland Tom Sawyer Narrative of the Life of Frederrick Douglass Born in the Year of Courage As you see the list is a combination of challenging and simpler reads.
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