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Everything posted by bugs

  1. I am like some of the pps. I need to know exactly what is being asked. I prefer to see a list of jobs, ask what the expectations and date commitments are and go from there. I tend to shy away from jobs that require a lot of meeting attendence because I feel there are very few people who know how to run a meeting effectively and efficeintly (I become quite impatient and inattentive). There are some organizations dh and I give financially to and others we volunteer our time. If it is a local cause that we care about, it is usually our time. I also try to make it a habit not to get involved in a cumulation of activities that takes over my life. I've done that and it's exhausting.
  2. I picked 12-13 because 12 is when the kids in that world had their names thrown in the "hat" (I think it was 12).
  3. :grouphug::grouphug: (is it too early for the chocolate and beer? how 'bout a mindlessly funny movie?).
  4. I like the picture of the cup of coffee on the bottom level, but sad they did not see fit to put chocolate a little "lower" ;). But in seriousness, I do appreciate that they put liquids on the bottom. I do think they may be off with the grains at the "lower" level than the fruit and veggies.
  5. :lol::lol: I think I know what I am getting for my 14 y.o. son!
  6. Could you use a different Physical Science Book where the math is simpler? My daughter struggled in 9th grade with Conceptual Physics. I switched to McGraw Hill/Glencoe Physical Science. Most of the concepts I needed were there in simplified form.
  7. So sad...His was one of my first courses from the TC.
  8. Systems engineering? I have a mechanical engineering degree but am not detailed oriented. I prefer looking at the whole system as oppose to one part (i.e. valve).
  9. The TE has a planning guide for the main text and the ancillary items such as lab, problem solving exercises, video, next time questions, etc It also has the answer to all the questions and details the "why".
  10. I am a little confused now about what you are asking. Your student text is the high school version (we have it). My TE ISBN is 0201466988. It has the same cover etc. as the student edition. We don't use their labs; the one CP lab book I bought had a lot of classroom equipment so I use TOPS labs.
  11. You must be my sister! By the time I was 36 (just having my second child), I was very salt and dirt (my natural hair is a dull mousy brown). My skin color is very washed out in the fall/winter/spring. I did not want to look like my kid's grandparent. I go in every 8 weeks and get it colored blonde. It mixes well with my grey roots that I can extend the time between colorings. I haven't decided when I should go ala natural - maybe 70. :iagree:
  12. I had to go grocery shopping (not my favorite with or without kids :glare:). But, overall it has to be okay because it is the start of our 1st week off! Woo hoo. Elfgivas/Ann - this. Please.
  13. Both my kids (each took the test on a different day at different school districts) commented that most of the students couldn't write in cursive. They were appalled - and grateful their mom taught them ;).
  14. How does he know it hasn't made a difference? What would his understanding of the world and conversations with others been like without having read some of those books?
  15. They might have felt sorry for him since he was coming off of a cold/flu that had a loud and persistent cough.
  16. My 9th grader took the test in district on Wed. He's a man of few words so I didn't get much out of him: Me - Do you think you did well in some parts and not others? Him - Yup. Me- Which parts did you do well in? Him - I don't know? ...sigh.) He was able to take a drink into class and the counselor who escorted him was very nice. My daughter is taking the test on Sat in a different district since she has college classes during the week.
  17. Thanks Regentrude! I contemplated reducing the amount of time spent on Sound but was not sure. I guess now I can squeeze relativity in.
  18. What I am planning to do is skip the 2 chapters on relativity (Ch 15 - 16 in my book) and the Chapter on the Atom and the Quantum (38), then have ds just read and take notes on the last two chapters (on radioactivity, and nuclear fusion and fission). That fills up 36 weeks. If we end up having a week less (i.e. due to illness) I will combine something else.
  19. My first thought was the Foundation Trilogy (Azimov), though I know it's Science Fiction.
  20. I rest, drink Traditional Medicinal's Gypsy Cold Care, suck on Cold-eze. My colds usually last 1/2 as long (or less) than my friends who don't do this (or something similar). I am fortunate to have a pretty strong immune system.
  21. One more for Fuji or Gala (depends on my mood).
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