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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. Wow, I think we might be parenting the same child.... :tongue_smilie:
  2. My 6 year old is like this and I am seeing it RIGHT NOW (she's spending the mornings at VBS this week.) DH and I have often talked that 3-4 days is the limit for our kids (in re: to travel). Away from home any longer than that and the poor behavior abounds.
  3. My girls and I are reading Little House in the Big Woods right now...and we have been for the past month. It's not that we don't enjoy it -- cause we do! We just can't remember to pick it up but every other week or so... (I think it's because the chapters are "stand alone"... no major suspense from one to the next and it's easy to just let it sit after finishing a chapter; unlike something like My Father's Dragon trilogy where one chapter tumbles into the next -- we read those 3 books very quickly because they had to know what happened.)
  4. I have -- and like -- Walk It Out (Wii). It's addictive and more enjoyable (to me) than a walking exercise dvd.
  5. Like! I'm getting one when I turn 35 (that gives me 3 years to lose the chunk around my middle and finalize my idea). :D It'll be a reward for the weight loss. (And though I know it hurts, I wish I hadn't heard *how much*!)
  6. I don't have any amazing recs b/c I am still on the lookout myself. :glare: But I can relate! Right now, I'm using Clinque's Super Balanced powder foundation and I like it for "around the town" (when I don't want to be quite bare-faced). I'm also using their Even Better Foundation, which is doing okay ... but not spectacular. But I prefer a natural look, so as long as my spots/scars/etc are somewhat covered, I don't much worry about the rest. ETA: I do use a powder primer/redness neutralizer under the powder foundation.
  7. What about something like wall clings? They have some pretty neat ones out there...
  8. If anyone's looking for good, 30-minute videos, there is an instructor named Kelly Coffey-Meyer who has a series called 30 Minutes to Fitness. She has lots of videos in the series & each dvd has 2 30-minute workouts on it. She's good fun and always shows a low-impact or beginner option. I have gone through phases where I used her workouts a lot...
  9. I would not start with P90X. They are intense workouts and most of them are at least an hour long. (You can do it "halfsies" and do just 1/2 the workout but they are tough and you'd need a pull-up bar and a good variety of weights/dumbbells.)
  10. Oh, there are sooooo many good ones out there! Feel free to check out my blog, I review exercise dvds for fun, LOL. Also, take some time and peruse dvds that are out there. My 2 favorite sites to shop from (which all have preview clips and breakdowns of the workouts): http://www.collagevideo.com http://www.totalfitnessdvds.com One set that I like is Chris Freytag's 10 Pound Slimdown. Each workout is 20 minutes and mixes weights with cardio. I also exercise in front of 2 young girls and Chris F. is encouraging and doesn't include "bikini/sexy" talk. ETA: Here is my current favorite. Joel Harper's Fit Pack Total. He's a little...*different* and the workouts are all bodyweight and short, which I like. (I still like to use weights, but these are great "alternative" styled workouts.)
  11. :iagree::iagree: My girls sat in a high chair at 6 months. They were still exclusively BF at that point, but they sat there with books or blocks or something while we ate...
  12. I voted other because -- for me -- it's not just "it helps me know what to do." I lurve 'em. Along with HS curriculum, they're my other obsession. Feel free to check out my blog, I do reviews of different videos and systems... http://stayinginworkingout.blogspot.com/
  13. I don't pre-read but many times I realize that I SHOULD HAVE. We have had several surprises and I have become quite adept at skimming and recreating. :p There were parts of Stuart Little that I skipped recently... don't remember why, but I liked my version better. :D
  14. I got a small Patagonia sling bag (1 shoulder, across body) off ebay for a good price. I love it. Holds a water bottle, snacks, etc. I use it as my regular day bag (it's easier to handle at the store/zoo/park than a purse). If you can get your hands on something like that, it's great! This is exactly what I have (color and all).
  15. I 2nd both of these. Go Fish is fun! My girls also LOVE Yancy's Rock & Happy Heart and I Could Sing of Your Love Forever Kids CD.
  16. My girls call my parents Mama and Papa. My MIL is Granny. FIL is Pop-Pop.
  17. Me too, LOL. There's going to be a influx of folk demanding Harry Potter-inspired tattoos, haha. I don't have any, but I have my wishlist. :D DH and I have always loved them and used to go to book stores and browse the ink magazines before we had kiddos. If I had the $, I'd get: 1. wedding band tat 2. script of "Esse quam videri" somewhere, wrist maybe. It's Latin meaning "To be, rather than to seem." It also happens to be my state motto, haha, but that had no bearing on the choice...
  18. Love Willow. :D If you are looking for a Snow White-based movie, did you see Mirror, Mirror? I found that one very aesthetically pleasing and quite enjoyable. (Nothing heavy, but enjoyable. :))
  19. Another Zofran user here. :) With my 2nd, I was on it until about Wk 35. I started around Wk 6.
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