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Everything posted by lexi

  1. I've received nothing yet. Does that mean we probably aren't receding any medals? I thought we had received our scores by this time last year. Oh well.
  2. Yes. I could see that. I need to look through samples of Book 5.
  3. We used CAP as well. But I want to know your thoughts on book 4. We just finished that and I've been debating about book 5. So can I slightly derail this thread and ask for your thoughts on that?
  4. Here are links to my review and how I adapted the program to our homeschool. Now that I'm at my computer I can reply. I found that in the first book there were tons of review worksheets. It was quite a bit actually. So I wrote how I broke them up and used them on my own schedule. That worked better for us. I think you could combine your kids in the program. I was actually considering combining my soon to be 4th grader with his 3rd grade sister. I think it would actually be more fun to have kids doing a level together so you could do the chanting and oral parts more together or they could take turns for things. I can see how it would work well in a classroom setting. Overall, I liked the program. The first part of the lesson has quite a bit of text so that is a lot of reading to a student. My son had trouble focusing during that part so I had to keep his hands busy while I read the lesson to him. However, since he is an auditory learner it worked well. I liked being able to do quite a bit of the program aloud. My son doesn't love to write he so was glad it was easy to do a lot of things orally. If you have any other specific questions, let me know and I'll try to help. I've only used 1A though. I'm about to get 2A to try that one to see how it's different. I heard they were going to move some of the teacher pages around and make some small changes like that. I'm hoping I like that better. I sometimes felt I was flipping back and forth quite a bit between pages. So, I'm really excited to look through 2A and see what I think!
  5. I have a review on my blog. I'll have to come back when I find the link. You can search for it though. I'll try to come back and answer in more detail when I'm at my computer.
  6. Ohh. I didn't post what we've used in the past... Homeschool spanish Academy Veritas Press self paced history BJU distance learning
  7. I have never tried that program. I have kiddos in FLL and also in Well ordered language from CAP. I want ALL from WTM press when it comes out. I was really disappointed with Hake. I feel like our year was wasted.
  8. Oh. When I used Fix It there were six separate books. We tried The Nose Tree book. So we used the new edition then. And no, sadly we did not love it. It wasn't enough and it felt disjointed. I guess I want a more incremental program. Fix It felt like it jumped around. It just didn't make sense to me at the time.
  9. Thank you thank you! And prayers for you and your family Alison. I'm so sorry you're having health issues. I'm so glad the Landry things are ending. That was so sad and frustrating. On another note, my daughter is going to enroll in a bridgeway academy class this fall. Possibly my son as well. So we'll see how that goes.
  10. I used it in 2014. So would that have been the old or new edition? When did the new edition come out?
  11. I would like to add Bridgeway Academy. My daughter is going to do one of their classes this upcoming school year. They offer trimester, semester, and year-long classes. They only offer the shorter classes for elementary aged kids but have year-long classes for middle school and up.
  12. Bumping this thread just to let you know that I got a PayPal notification from Alison. I received my refund this morning!
  13. These are the books we are using. Love them! Easy to use and not super expensive. We're doing Africa right now and my kids are remembering so many of the countries.
  14. We had the same problem with Hake. Nothing stuck with my daughter. She made the same mistakes in every lesson. We've tried Fix It in the past and we're not huge fans of it either. It felt somewhat scattered. I didn't feel it introduced concepts very incrementally. And it didn't feel like enough for me. Not enough review and practice for concepts. But that's just my opinion. I'm struggling to find a grammar program that I like. I'm going to try the new one from Susan Wise Bauer when it comes out this year. I'm hoping we like that one.
  15. I'm about to put my kids in Bridgeway classes. They have trimester, semester, or year long courses. They also have options for elementary and older.
  16. Right Start! I switched from MUS for some of the same reasons it's not working for you. RS has been a wonderful fit at our house. The lessons are easy to teach. The hands on elements have really helped my kids. It has more review than MUS because it is somewhat spiral. The way it teaches concepts with an abacus has been amazing. My kids really understand and can visualize the "why" behind the math.
  17. I've used both. AAR won out at my house. It felt more organized and sequential. My kids actually enjoy the games and the readers. I felt LOE introduced phonograms too quickly and did not have enough practice. My kids did not enjoy the little readers that you cut out of the back and stapled together. They also weren't big fans of the worksheets. I like that AAR is non consumable. I'm using it with child #3 and it's worked well with my struggling reader, my eager reader, and now with a child who falls somewhere between those two. I also found AAR easier to teach. The instructions make more sense to me.
  18. Ok, is anyone going?? Can we have a WTM meetup?? I'll be there! I'm excited. I've never been to that convention before.
  19. This is a great idea! Rice Chex would be so much easier and cheaper than trying to find communion wafers that are GF. Thank you for this!! And thanks for all the thoughts from everyone. I plan to meet with our pastors and discuss options. I know they will be sympathetic to our problem because they have been understanding in the past when it comes to our food allergies. I'm very thankful that they listen and try their best to keep us safe. I have no idea why I didn't think about communion being a problem. But I completely overlooked it and I'm kicking myself. So I've got to have a new plan! Schedule
  20. I have only seen the sale in Dec which is when I purchased our BJU Science 6. It's working really well. My dd enjoys doing it on her own each day. I just check in and grade assignments. It's been painless. Whew! I'm thankful we tried it and I was very glad to have purchased it on sale! That would be so nice if they did a sale In the summer but since that is peak purchasing time for curriculum I would be surprised. Although veritas press often has multiple half price sales on their online learning. So who knows!
  21. We went through several of the CAP books. They were great and not too overwhelming. I felt like they were a great bridge. We're going to try WWS this next school year. We'll see how it goes!
  22. Ok, so my dd can participate in communion with us - only she's allergic to it. Ugh! What should I do? She's allergic to wheat (gluten), dairy, soy, sesame, nuts, peanuts, and eggs. So far I can't find a safe alternative for her. Do I try to bring her own bread or cracker? Do I have her only take the juice? I'm so sad she can't participate in communion with our church body. Edit: Ok, I'm not trying to start an argument about denominations. Really truly, that was not my intention. This was one of the first times my daughter could participate in communion and I didn't think ahead to the food allergy thing. So I was unprepared and discouraged that her food allergies exclude her. Our communion is at the back of our church and is an individual time of prayer. I'm going to talk with our pastors and see what they suggest. If they switch the entire church to a GF wafer, does anyone know of a brand or type of cracker? So far I can't find one that is GF and egg free. If they allow us to bring our own I'll still have to find something. I just asked because I assumed that someone else had also dealt with this situation and could help me know where to get started. This morning when it hit me that she couldn't fully participate I felt overwhelmed and sad, so I wanted to do some research to figure out what we could do. I am part of a Protestant church. I'm hoping we can work something out.
  23. We dye real eggs and then hide them once. Then into the trash they go! Yucky! (And I have kids with egg allergies so I want them gone) We also hide plastic eggs. No chocolate eggs for us due to dairy allergies. My kids get coloring books and art projects for Easter. From us and not from the Easter bunny because we don't really do the Easter bunny thing. We try to make easer less about the food since I have kids with so many allergies. And as christians we try to focus on the resurrection. But man, food allergies have made me dread all major holidays. They are all about food! I'm so tired of my kids being (unintentionally) excluded because they are allergic to everything. I hate hate hate food allergies.
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