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Everything posted by lexi

  1. Thanks. He decided to shave. My face has cleared up finally. He kissed me with his clean shaven face and I'm totally fine. So he said he would shave consistently. Goodness. I was so itchy. So hopefully a clean shaven face will keep it from happening again.
  2. I would love to know who made the payment to see if they could dispute it. Some people are winning their credit card disputes from what I've seen on FB. So, does anyone have more info??
  3. I don't have any real advice, just hugs. My oldest is so very much like how you describe your daughter. From 15 months old she has been an explosive tantrum throwing child. Her hysterical fits can last an hour. It is exhausting and discouraging as a parent. She is now 11 and is learning (with our encouragement and help) some self control and ways to calm herself. But I sometimes feel like every day is a battle and I am so tired. A book I've enjoyed is Motivate Your Child. It has Christian content but I found it helpful and insightful. Now that my dd is older we can have discussions and she feels like her feelings are being heard. But she still seems to have a hard time understanding or caring how negatively her behavior and words affects others. So I'm listening in to what advice you get. I could always use some new perspective.
  4. Well, that's quite terrifying. 😱
  5. I would have thought that too except I have actual hives and swelling. My face is burning and itching. It's not like I'm a little bit red - nope - my face is flaming. And this is not the first time it's happened recently.
  6. Ummm. I think I'm allergic to his facial hair or something. Is that crazy? Whenever he is scruffy and his face rubs against mine I break out in hives, my face turns bright red and starts burning, and I am very itchy whenever his scruffy face touched me. He's usually clean shaven but sometimes during breaks (like this Christmas break) he doesn't always shave. Right now my cheeks and lip are swollen and red and burning. I have huge hives. What is going on? He hasn't changed aftershave or lotion or soap or anything. I can't think of anything different and he hasn't eaten anything unusual. This has started happening over the past year. If he's scruffy, I break out. It happens to one of our daughters too. Am I allergic to the guy? 😳
  7. I looked over the course offerings from Veritas and none of them are what I need. My daughter was doing a creative writing type of class. The only writing type class offered by Veritas also includes Shirley Grammar (Shurley Grammar? Neither spelling looks right....). So, I think I'm going to skip the meeting tonight because none of the offerings with Veritas are really going to fit the bill for what my daughter was wanting in a class. She is very disappointed as she was very excited about this class. So I have no idea what to do. I only had one semester of writing planned for her and she was going to do Landry for the second semester. I'm tired of the Writing and Rhetoric books from CAP and wanted something different for this semester before we start The Creative Writer next year. Maybe I should just jump into that book now. I just don't know what to say about all the families that had multiple classes planned with Landry or who had multiple generics. I feel just sick for all of them. I only have to worry about one class and it's not a huge deal........but I'm so sad for everyone who is stressed and scrambling. Big group hugs to everyone! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  8. I'm not saying to dispute to Alison and that Alison should refund me. And no, of course she doesn't have that kind of money. None of us do. I'm saying that Alison should dispute the charges that she paid so she can be refunded in full. Then she could disperse the refunds. I paid her via PayPal and I'm assuming she had to put all of the payments on a credit or debit card? Unless she wrote a check? I don't know how she paid. Does anyone know?
  9. I think the person who arranged the group buy would need to dispute the charges. I tried to dispute mine through PayPal but I can't because it was sent to a friend and not to a business entity. Is there a way Alison can dispute the claims and then have the money refunded?
  10. I've used finger paint in a bag. Easy and fun. My hubby and I were talking the other day and figgy pudding came up and we were both wondering what it was. From the picture it looked more like a small bundt cake. Strange! I'm used to pudding referring to a dessert that is more like a runny mousse. I didn't realize that pudding meant something so different in other parts of the world. Lol!
  11. I'm going to be worried as well. My daughter is enrolled in a class for the spring and I have generics too. Has anyone contacted someone at Landry?
  12. I always get this email after classes. Something about if you want a detailed grade report to save it and print now. After a month of only have access to the final grade and not a detailed report. So that email is standard and I receive it after all our classes. But now I'm worried because we are taking a class in the spring and I have several generics!
  13. I don't know what has happened but I'm sorry for the behavior issues. At our house presents are gifts - they aren't earned but are given to each other. We don't tie giving gifts to how people act. I impose other consequences for behavior. But I have never taken away gifts because of a behavior problem. Are there certain things that work well as consequences? For one child extra chores do the trick. Another child loses the iPod for audiobook time. But if you share some of the issues I bet you will get some helpful advice. The other ladies on here have lots of parenting wisdom to share. I have appreciated their perspective and advice many times. I hope it gets better soon!
  14. We just switched to a block schedule for our group science and history time. That's working well so we'll continue that. My 5th grader just finished Landry Chemistry so we're going to try BJU science 6 for the spring semester (and the summer). We've been doing Phonics Road. But none of my kids are natural spellers and their spelling is just not very good. We might try some All about Spelling for a while. My oldest will do another Landry class this spring. It's a storytelling/writing class. I think I might do Real Science 4 Kids Biology with my 3rd and 2nd graders. We've been doing Apologia Anatomy (as a read aloud). Or maybe we'll do Nancy Larson 2. I have no idea! I'm still trying to squeeze art into our schedule. Sigh. Everything else is staying the same I think. Things are working pretty well.
  15. For me it's proabaly art as well. We look at art and learn about artists and art history. But none of us are super artsy. I try to get to art but it doesn't always happen.
  16. I wish I had known that. At the time I didn't really have time to figure all of it out. We had just come back from vacation and my hubby was in a lot of pain. He is now having to have surgery right after Christmas because of his perforated eardrum. So yay! We get to pay for that too! And he has to be put under which is totally freaking me out. As is the thought of sitting with six kids in the waiting room. I still haven't figured out childcare help and we have zero family close and most people I would ask will be out of town. But that's a totally different story. Next time I'll know to push hard about alternatives.
  17. Costs are terrible. I paid $250 for antibiotic ear drops for my hubby. Ouch!!
  18. The Black Sheep Always in Stitches Those are the two in my town.
  19. Please don't go. We had some people come to church right before Thanksgiving. They were sick. My family got sick right around Thanksgiving. We're still feeling the effects of it. I had to miss several weeks of church being sick myself or with sick kiddos. I hated missing church and different events but I didn't want to share the germs. But it's hard to miss church. I don't enjoy being stuck at home.
  20. Thanks. No, there is no chance she has Asperger's. She is a neurotypical kiddo. I can tell she's doing it more for attention and for a laugh. She is a child who likes to be the center of attention. She is my "star of the show" child who loves all eyes on her and is quite a character. I don't mind laughing with her and having fun but she is taking things very far and honestly being a pain. I've been trying to talk with her and it hasn't worked. I'm going to keep at it. My older daughter was a nightmare at this age. She is my intense, stubborn, emotional, (and did I say intense?) kiddo. She nearly killed me. We persevered and now we have a great relationship. She's a fun little person :) I never thought we'd get here. I know I'm just going through a similar awful phase with this daughter. Goodness! I wish they wouldn't be so different! What worked for older sis does not work for this child! I want an instruction manual for this sensitive, silly, sarcastic, center-of-attention child. She wears me out! And pray for me. I have 3 other younger daughters. All who are so different. Parenting is hard y'all. I'm tired!! And today my son (who is 9) is having massive meltdowns. He has weird breakdowns every few months where he is just so stubborn and rude to me and is super defiant. Thankfully my hubby has stepped in with him today because I have nothing left. My hubby is awesome. He even went grocery shopping for me!
  21. Thanks for or all the advice. I feel better knowing that she probably is trying to pick a fight. I hated to judge her motivation and intentions but I think she is trying to drive me crazy. She's my 7.5 year old. I have gotten upset with her and she almost finds it funny. So that's not working for me. I think I'll just add some extra consequences. And I'll stay very firm and consistent that she do all jobs correctly. I've tried to talk with her some but she either blows me off and giggles constantly or pouts. I took a video of her doing it to me today and sent it to my hubby. She of course does it more with me than with him. So he had a talk with her. I think she'll actually listen to him right now. So I'm getting his help. I'm completely losing my patience and I'm feeling discouraged.
  22. Ok. Need some parenting perspective. I have a child who is very argumentative lately. And is also very literal. Examples: "pease take the trash out" Child empties the trash and puts the bag outside the door instead of inside the trash bin (which is a few feet from said door) and then sarcastically points out that I never actually said to place it IN the trash bin when I remind her that she did not fulfill her job responsibility. "Please play that piano live a little more slowly" Child plays piece slower than a snail can move and takes five minutes to complete one piano page "Please wash your hands) Child comes out of bathroom in 2 seconds and I question whether she used soap. She screams, "you never said I had to use soap!" She is constantly trying to play games with the words I use. I have tried to be very mindful and specific when I ask her to do things. But I feel like she's constantly looking to argue with me. I'm becoming weary. She is constantly accusing me of not making any sense or saying I promised something (which I totally didn't) or saying I said something other than what I said. I'm trying to be patient. And I distinctly remember her older sister being a handful (in other ways) at the age of 7 and 8. Older sis got a little calmer and more reasonable at age 9 and 10. So I'm telling myself that she's going through a new developmental phase and testing boundaries and trying to argue. However, I'm still terribly frustrated. But what can I do? She's so literal it's crazy. And I am certain some of the things she is doing to bother me. I try to have her redo things while staying calm. But I'm currently in my room crying because she's been so argumentative this morning and my patience is waning. Please give me some insight into why she's acting this way and some ideas for how to approach it. I don't know if I should just keep going forward as we have been or if I should try a new approach. I don't even know what to call her behavior. It's not that she's argumentative exactly. It's that she tries to twist everything I say and do. Does that have a name? She's such the total opposite of her older sister that I feel a little lost as to her motivation and her thought process. So, why is she doing this and how do I respond?
  23. I think it's been helpful for us to use curriculum from different publishers. If we used the same publisher for each language then I think we'd be super confused. I do both languages every day. But we don't do them back to back. I have a few subjects between them.
  24. I wake my older two (11 and 9). Actually they have alarms and wake themselves. My 7 year old often gets up a little after so we do a lot of school while the littles are sleeping. If the baby isn't up by 7:30 to nurse then I wake her up (I like her to have a consistent routine and I get too sore to wait much longer to nurse her in the morning). If my 5 and 4 year olds aren't up by around 8 I usually wake them for breakfast. We eat together around 8:15 and work on bible verses together. My kids are usually up by those times. I set our schedule based on their routines and then I wake up the older ones a little earlier so we can do school work in peace and quiet. My kids all have a fairly early bedtime. And my husband and I go to bed early also. He usually leaves for work before 6. I've come to enjoy our morning school with just the big people.
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