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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Mine wanted to see me beginning at 6 weeks. The last two times it was 8 weeks though.
  2. My girls are 7 and 4. The only time I've ever left them in the car alone is to run back into the house and get something. I take the keys and leave the side door of the van open. And I hurry. And pumping gas, of course....but I never leave the pump.
  3. Definitely a heating pad. I used to use it when I had horrible cramps as a teen.
  4. I'm totally doing this! I think this would be a great transition into school each morning. And the trifold board is awesome! I'm totally hitting up Michaels tomorrow!
  5. I guess maybe it's just that I'm not looking for expensive books. I'm looking for Boxcar Children, Magic School Bus, etc. I do want some of the True Books about continents, but there's none listed right now and I'm on a waiting list for them. I can't wait forever for them though since we need to use them.
  6. I'm a Paperback Swap newbie. I listed one book and I'm having to pay like $2.50 to mail it out. I also ordered a book from on there. I can get the book for $2 at the nearby used bookstore. I guess I'm not seeing the deal here LOL. Am I missing something? What's so great about this place? It seems like I'll be paying quite a bit each time to mail things out.
  7. Not too much this week.... Yesterday I received a part for our Phil & Ted's stroller....it's so that I can use an infant seat with it. I'm waiting on some of those little Dover sticker books. The small ones. I'm going to put them in our treasure box.
  8. I hate the word panties too.....especially when referring to little girls undies. Panties sounds so....grown up and sensual LOL.
  9. Take breaks from what? Schooling the kids? Or just everything? I take breaks from schooling the kids and I usually do household chores, check my email, etc. I also take a "lunch break" for about 45 minutes where I do whatever I want. Usually it is veg out in front of the computer, editing photos, reading blogs, coming to this board, etc. Occasionally I will read a book during this time. I have my lunch after the kids are finished with theirs so that I can have this time for myself and they can go play.
  10. Ummm...my 7 year old DD will only wear boys underwear. We tried lots of types of girl underwear. I finally tried boys....and what do you know? They are comfy. So that's all she owns and wears LOL.
  11. I do First Language Lessons with my 7 and 4 year old DD's. DD4 listens in and picks up things quite well. Yesterday we began the section on the pronouns "I, me, my, and mine." The book has you repeat them several times. So we put a little tune to it and the three of us were chanting "I, me, my, mine" over and over. I listened a little closer to DD4 and she was chanting "I read my mind!" LOL :lol:
  12. Wow, I don't see how some of you shop so early....my kids change their minds so many times!
  13. I would probably let her go to college.....but not live there alone. 16 is so young.
  14. Sadly, homeschool groups are notorious for being flaky. The one my mom has my younger sister in is terrible in regards to participation. The one I'm in is good, but it's not your normal homeschool group. It's run through a children's facility and there's a steep monthly fee....so people participate.
  15. Well, Carter was officially president when I was born, but Reagan was elected that year. Since I was born in July of that year and Reagan wasn't officially in office yet, I chose Carter (1980).
  16. I've started pinning gift ideas to my board on Pinterest.....just ones for the kids. I don't usually buy very early, but I like to be organized.
  17. Fell on the floor and pushed under a shelf...or the couch...or the TV stand?
  18. I would sit her down....either tonight or in the morning...and let her know that she will begin being punished for disobedience. Remind her of the swing issue last night and how many times you had to speak to her before intervening. Explain that you'll have no more of that. This way she has fair warning, so that when it happens again, there will be a punishment that comes after speaking once.
  19. We basically unit study for science. I buy the Evan Moor science books and it comes with worksheets, book ideas, activities to do. Then I just add some things to it. We are finishing up the Habitats one. I have a Water one on hand. And I also want to do the Geology one, plus one about the Human Body too....and possibly Weather.
  20. Nothing, really. I am homeschooling for so many reasons that I couldn't imagine putting them into public school. Okay, yes, sometimes I dream of dropping them off and having each day to myself.....but then I come back to reality LOL. Kids can be cruel....kids know how to push their parents buttons and they won't hesitate to pull out all the stops. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you.
  21. Love it! Uncluttered, doesn't scream "school room", and the decor can still fit in with the rest of the house. For a while I used our dining room as a school room, but the lighting in there is HORRIBLE.
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