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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I've been telling her that I'm going to get her a booster seat for the table and strap her in LOL.
  2. I've been wondering if I should get her something to do with her hands? I know they make things like Fidgets....but I wonder if it would help keep the rest of her body still LOL. However, that wouldn't help when doing things like eating or writing because she couldn't play with a Fidget while using her hands for other things.
  3. DD7 cannot seem to sit still at home. When eating meals, she is constantly getting up and moving around, despite us telling her to stay seated. When doing school work, she's standing up, sitting down, falling over, standing on her seat, climbing on top of the table. :001_huh: This is a child who wouldn't *dare* do this anywhere else. I know for a fact that she would never do this in her Sunday School class at church. She doesn't move all over the place for her visual/auditory therapist either (I'm in there too and she sits perfectly still). During her 4 hour homeschool group each week, she does exactly what the teacher says and sit exactly *where* the teacher says, without moving. What the heck? I mean, I'm glad that she listens outside the home and doesn't cause problems.....but why me? LOL She's obviously capable of staying still. I wonder why she can't seem to do it at home?
  4. DD7 has been diagnosed with selective mutism and is going into 2nd grade. She's always been homeschooled. We're not homeschooling *due* to the selective mutism, we've just always said we'd homeschool our children. DD attends church on Wednesday evenings, Sunday mornings, and also attends a weekly 4 hour homeschool group. She also wants to sign up for dance class. She has no issues participating in the group activities and has a fun time. She just won't speak a word to a soul. Our whole family is quite shy and reserved though. I'm not worried about her. She clearly participates in group activities and has no issues with being away from me (she used to though....but what young child doesn't?)....so what's a little quietness? I used to take her to therapy but we quickly dropped that after a few months.
  5. We just finished the Weekly Reader 1st Grade Map Skills for Today...and we just started the 2nd grade one. I'll be watching this thread closely as I'll be looking for something to start up after we finish the 2nd grade book in a month or two. I do want to do some mini units focusing on continents/oceans, etc, so maybe I'll check out those homeschool bits.
  6. Pet sitting? If people go out of town, they could bring their pet to your house for your son to take care of it? That is, if you don't mind the pet being there.
  7. I just bought regular ones in a bit larger size. I don't need much support either, so I hate all the underwire, padding, etc. Sports bras do the trick. Plus, with maternity tops usually being lower cut (for some reason companies must think that pregnant women want to show more cleavage???), a sports bra provides some cover in that area where the shirt dips.
  8. Wow, I would NOT have been happy to learn that there were no seats. I'm sure you paid good money to be there! Not cool that you paid good money and didn't even get to sit down. On another note, Taylor Swift is coming here in November and I *really* wish I could have taken DD7 (concert is sold out now). But I'll have a newborn and I really don't think DH would enjoy a Taylor Swift concert LOL. Taylor is the only non-Christian, non-kid music that she's allowed to listen to.
  9. I'm due in October and I switched to wearing sports bras about 4 months ago. They are SO much more comfortable than a regular bra.
  10. I think I would have passed out! Glad your son is okay! Hopefully you won't see the inside of any more ER's for a LONG time. If ever!
  11. Yes, this board may be free to join, but it's expensive to be a member of LOL! However, I'm *so* glad I purchased some of the things that I did. I never would have purchased First Language Lessons if not for this board. And my girls are enjoying that. Same goes for Story of the World. Then there's the Dancing Bears curriculum for struggling readers. I had never even heard of it! But I got it upon recommendation from members of this board and it's really doing well for my DD7. I just bought a ProClick P50 last night from Amazon.....because I'd "heard" people from this board talk about how great it is. I can't wait to get it!
  12. The milk would be the more obvious culprit. But has she ever had any milk issues? Any upset stomach or anything?
  13. Yikes! That's scary! I mean, it *sounds* like food allergies to me.
  14. I'm pretty much my polar opposite in real life. On the board, I love to jump into any thread and respond, etc. In real life, I'm the one who is very shy, sits away from people, and just listens in. I'm not stuck up, I promise LOL. I'm just very, very shy. However, if I know you *extremely* well (I'm talking being around you a lot for years) then I'm a total nut. My family thinks I'm one fry short of a happy meal.
  15. It would depend on how you and your sister get along, and the family dynamics. It could be taken both ways. Maybe she just thought you'd want to sit with your kids? I'm not sure.
  16. I always thought of it as where the hospital is at. Both of my DD's have been born at the hospital in the next city over. So their birth place and our residence are different cities.
  17. Chiming in late because I didn't see this thread the other day. We are Disney freaks and go several times a year. As for restaurants, we're not fancy type of people, so we go places that the kids would enjoy too. A few of our favorite places to eat are.... The Hoop De Doo Musical Revue....BEST dinner show on Disney property, in our opinion. It's located at Disney's Fort Wilderness Campground. Anyone can take the bus over there. The food is southern style (fried chicken, corn on the cob, corn bread, etc) and is DELICIOUS. The show is hilarious. Even our kids loved it when we went there....they were 2 and 5 at the time. Another one at Ft Wilderness that's great is Mickey's Backyard BBQ. It' "picnic foods".....ribs, hotdogs, hamburgers, corn bread, Mickey bar ice cream treats, baked beans, lemonade....all yummy. There's great character interaction. Mickey, Minnie, Chip, and Dale come out and lead dancing. It just a good ol' hoe down. It *is* outdoors under a covered pavillion, so I don't think that it would be too fun if it's too hot. We go in the fall. A staple of ours is the Crystal Palace, inside the Magic Kingdom. Great food, you get to meet Pooh Bear and his friends. Convenient if in the park that day. O'Hana's for breakfast is good. It's at the Polynesian. You get to dine with Lilo & Stitch, plus Mickey, Minnie, and friends. The food is good. As for shows, the Festival of the Lion King is a MUST. It's top notch. You won't want to miss it. People say Fantasmic is awesome....I have no idea why LOL. I never love it when I see it. However, I LOVE the Wishes fireworks show each night at the Magic Kingdom. Pure magic.
  18. I have blogged about bigger, more controversial topics before. It's my blog and I talk about what's on my mind. If people do not like what I blog about, they don't have to read it. It's my own little platform in cyberspace, so to speak.
  19. Do you like it? Is it worth it? I love the idea of making our own spiral books, but I never seem to make it to Staples to have it done. I think I'd make them like crazy if I had one here at home. :D Question....do I only have to buy the actual system? Does it come with spirals (or whatever they are called)? Does it do the hole punching for me? What does the machine actually do? Does it push the binding through the holes? Or do I do that and it just makes the holes for me? ETA....which Pro Click or other binding system do you have?
  20. I don't make DD re-read them. She would be bored. She enjoys reading and attempting to understand the story (which is already hard for her since her reading is so choppy right now). So we just move onto another one. Sometimes I do pull certain sight words from the story and put them on flash cards to go over with her for the next several weeks.
  21. Most of those cover a lot of different aspects of learning. ETC worked really well for my 7 year old's pre-K years. We used Ready, Set, Go for the Code to learn her letter sounds. It stopped working for her when she starting stringing sounds together though. We are currently doing FLL1 (we started late last year in 1st grade) and we are really enjoying it....even my 4 year old. HWOT looks boring to me. We have it but never started it. Apples & Pears is sort of boring too.....but due to DD7's issues with reading/writing, we are slowly working through it because it got great reviews for struggling readers/writers.
  22. The three R's are the biggest foundation for what he'll use in later years. I'm having to do the same with DD7. She is having a really hard time learning to read. So we spent the last part of last school year and the summer focusing mostly on the three R's. And I've finally seen progress! History, science, etc....all that repeats itself through the years, learning more in depth things each time. I think he has plenty of time to go through those things. He needs firm foundations in the three R's because those don't really repeat themselves....but they do build on themselves to higher levels.
  23. Our little Jack/Chihuahua mix, we have always crated when we leave and when we sleep. That dog gets into everything she can reach (which isn't much...she's only 6 pounds) but she'll get into the bathroom trash cans and drag everything out, grab the kids stuffed animals, and use the bathroom in the house if we are not quick enough at letting her out (which, if we are not home, we definitely cannot let her out to the bathroom). So she's always been crated.....she's 18 months old. Our Jack Russell Terrier has been through phases of being crated and uncrated when we are gone or sleeping. He's getting older (turning 12 this year) and has a more difficult time controlling his bladder when he's out and about the house. If he's in his crate, he can hold it forever. Plus, he's gotten rather rebellious in his older years. Before we began crating him (again) when we left the house, I've forgotten something and come back into the house to find him jumping down from our bed. :glare: He must have immediately went there when we left. :glare: So his rebellion = being crated when we leave the house or go to sleep. There's been many years where he went uncrated when we were gone and sleeping though....and he was fine. At least I think. :confused: He's pretty sneaky.
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