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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Cat poop, eh? Dogs seem to think it's a delicacy. My sister, the vet tech, says that dogs like cat poop because it has a lot of protein in it. Since I have gestational diabetes, I need a lot more protein than carbs.....so Hmmmm. Tough choice there.
  2. I just put mine up today on my blog...it's linked in my signature.
  3. Thanks! I think we'll spend one extra day going over it, and then I won't worry about it anymore.
  4. Actually, I did buy it at a homeschool convention in May. Now I'm selling it LOL. After I really thought about it, I just can't do an experiment based science curriculum this year. With having a newborn, I just need something simpler for the time being.
  5. I had all sorts of weird symptoms after having DD#2. Turns out, my thyroid went haywire and I had postpartum thyroiditis (hyper). The doctor told me it should go away on its own within a few months and wanted me to try to handle it without meds (which I was happy to try). It slowly went away over the course of about 4 or 5 months. I'm praying it will not happen again after having DD#3 in October.
  6. Kids games? Or games more geared to older kids, teens, and adults?
  7. I remember that we used to do that at church as kids, but never in school. And I had no idea that "singing a round" is what it was called. :001_huh:
  8. Not to scare you, but I would be afraid too. This girl sounds mentally ill in some way. I'd be talking to anyone that I possibly can in order to see what I can do.
  9. My daughters are young yet, but I've already planned how I will answer them. I don't believe in gobbing on make up. I wear very light make up. Only foundation to cover bumps and smooth out skin tones....but I mostly use it for bumps. If I'm having a very clear day (with regards to my face) I'll often skip make up. And sometimes I'll put on a clear or pink tinted lip gloss. But that's it. My girls will not be allowed to wear make up for a while yet. If they ask me why I do, I will tell them that sometimes, as we get older, our skin tones are off a bit and you get bumps. When that happens, we'll see about getting you something to cover them. But God created us how we are, and we do not need to add lots of make up in order to boost our appearance.
  10. Ya know, that's just wrong. I mean, I understand that they want to stop dishonest people from mailing things through media mail. But to open a package, do a poor job of resealing it, and then just deliver it like they have no fault in it is just ridiculous. It's the fault of no one but the post office and they are causing people to lose money and receive damaged items. I wish something could be done about it when that happens.
  11. We're working on the pronoun chapters of FLL level 1. It goes over 4 different lists of pronouns: 1. I, me, my, mine, you, your, yours 2. He, she, him, her, it, his, hers, its 3. We, us, our, ours 4. They, them, their, theirs My 7 year old DD in 2nd grade has the first list memorized. She's getting stuck on the second list (and honestly, so am I LOL). I don't think the 3rd and 4th lists should be any problem. Should I expect her to completely memorize them all before moving on to the next chapter? Or should I just view this as an introduction to them and she will learn more about them in later grades?
  12. I'm not sure, as I would have my DH handling all of this since it's his sister. Actually DH is in a "disagreement" with his sister right now and they are currently not really speaking to each other. It's his deal, not mine since I'm not close with his SIL anyways (we are polar opposites).
  13. I would....as long as you can get them to sleep at night. That's the problem I have with my two girls. I can't put them to sleep in the same room or they never go to sleep.
  14. We're going through Abeka math for 2nd grade with my 7 year old. We are halfway through it and she doesn't mind it. The pages are colorful. It's not the same old, same old every day because the curriculum is spiral and it goes over different things on different days. Plus, sometimes I will substitute the curriculum for a game that day. We play Money Bags, monopoly (really helps with counting money), Think Dice, etc.
  15. I don't think that's done in our program...I'll have to ask my DD. She's been in AWANA since she was 4 (she's 7 now) and was not saved from anything they did. We talk about God a lot around our house, try to live for him, etc. She did get saved when she was 5, but it was due to things we'd been talking about. I asked her over and over again if she was absolutely sure. We talked it out. I didn't want it to be just "something that she did." I really wanted her to understand. And she seemed to. But no, I don't think our program does that. But now I'll be sure to ask my DD in the morning.
  16. Those are the first four things that we do every day and I just call the whole subject "reading" for DD7.
  17. Not sure, I just ordered mine today so I should be getting the codes within like 3 days, I think it said. How long did it take them to send your codes?
  18. I have no idea how you guys manage to sweep/vacuum daily...and some even more than once! I have no idea where I'd fit it in. I can usually do it about once or twice a week. We do not wear shoes in the house....and we only eat at the kitchen table. We do have two small dogs though.
  19. I despise cooking, but I'm the only one who does it. I usually cook on Mondays and Tuesdays. We eat at church on Wednesdays. We eat at my parents every Thursday. Friday we usually go out. Saturday I try to cook at home, but sometimes we end up going out. And I cook on Sunday evenings (usually something quick on Sunday evenings though).
  20. Yes, I've also ordered from Zenni too. The glasses that I ordered were fine. But I ordered some prescription sunglasses and they seemed blurry. The only thing I don't like about Zenni is the shipping time....plus the fact that you have to have the distance between the pupils, which I always seem to forget to ask our doctor to do. :glare:
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