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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I'd just leave it. I'd put in more food than necessary, just to be sure. Maybe put in an extra water bottle, if you are concerned about that. I think the mouse will be fine.
  2. The battery life sounds about normal. I was annoyed with it at first but I've come to grips with it LOL. I have a car charger and plug it in there if need be. And if my kids have been playing with it for a while, I just stick it on the charger in the house. I've only ran the battery completely down one time.
  3. My sister is a vet tech and she has told me that the protein in a cat's poop is what attracts dogs to it. Very nutritious LOL! I think it is totally disgusting. Cats poop in our yard and my dog (a 9 year old Jack Russell) thinks it is just the greatest thing. Ewww! When we had cats (which we recently got rid of because I found out I'm very allergic) we had a big cage that we put them in at night so they didnt' run around the house being mischevious. In that cage we also kept their litter box and food. We opened the top door of the cage and left it open so that the cats could come and go as they pleased, but the dog and kids could not get into the litter box.
  4. Thanks everyone!! I think I'll test it on an orange....I've never actually tested one before. They didnt even offer me a tester to try at the office. Then I'll either put it into a detergent bottle (I have one we just finished up today) or I'll call the pharmacy and ask them if they take them.
  5. The doctor prescribed one for me about six months ago. And my first set of pens just expired and I got new ones. What do I do with the old ones? I'm pretty sure that I can't just toss them in the trash, can I? Do I have to dispose of them in some other way?
  6. If it has already been foreclosed on and the bank owns it, they should tell you in just a few days. If it is still in the process, or is a short sale, it could take weeks or months. We've been looking at short sales and foreclosures lately too. We found one we LOVED this past weekend. It has just come on the market. We put an offer and it already had three contracts submitted. :glare: Grrr....they move quickly around here.
  7. No idea. I went through this problem when I was a kid. I could not swallow a pill and I dont even know why. I didnt start swallowing pills till I was around 18 years old. We tried water, we tried other drinks, etc. Could you try putting it in something like a big spoonfull of yogurt or pudding? My parents even tried holding me down around 12 or 13 years old, but they could not pry my mouth open LOL. I do swallow pills now though....so there is a bright spot to your future LOL.
  8. First, I'd have the kids pick up all of their clutter before they leave....toys, clothes, etc. Then I'd do a clean sweep of the house and put away all clutter. Then, I would do one task at a time. I'd probably start with the kitchen and do the entire kitchen, minus vacuuming the floor. Then I'd move onto the bathrooms. Do the whole bathroom, minus the floor. Then I'd move onto dusting the entire house. Then I'd move onto vacuuming the entire house (do kitchen and bathroom floors now). And finally, any odds and ends like wiping windows, etc. Oh, and I'd be throwing in loads of laundry in between it all. I can usually clean my house in about 3 or 4 hours if I can work straight through.
  9. My parents were both rasied in Christian households. When they grew up, they both drank some. They drank up till I was four years old. After that, they got back to the Lord and started going to church again. Since then, they have not drank at all. I do not remember their drinking from when I was little. So really, I grew up in a non-drinking family. Both my grandparents, aunts/uncles do not drink. I've never been around it. Now that I'm all grown up, I do not drink at all. I've never even had a sip. And I'm very glad....it can be addictive and I do not want something to have control over my body. I'm even very hesitant about meds that have control over your personality. I just feel like drinking is something that I do not need to do. My sisters do not drink either. DH grew up with an alcoholic step-father. He grew up around a lot of drinking. He's familiar with it, sees what it does. He had a beer when he was a young teen....his parents gave it to him. And that's the only time he has ever drank. Never since then. I thank God that he sent me a husband who believes as I do about drinking. Because we are very much in the minority about drinking since we do not do it at all. And now, our girls are not exposed to any drinking. Not from grandparents, not from aunts/uncles, cousins, or anyone. I hope they will follow in our footsteps.
  10. I actually really like that suit!!! I really despise swimsuits and usually end up wearing a one piece with a pair of board shorts over them. That one is cool!
  11. I'm a huge worrier, so my worrier personality would scream to go get her now. But then my level headed personality (which is buried really deep down in there LOL) would tell me that she's already been exposed and there's nothing that can be done from this point. So I'd probably just wait until tomorrow to get her at the regular time.
  12. Honestly, I'd just keep some extra blankets and pillows in your bedroom and tell her that if she wakes at night as is afraid, she can come make herself a bed on the floor and finish out the night there.
  13. I'm Christy and I've been homeschooling since......never LOL. My oldest DD is just about to begin kindergarten and I'll be beginning homeschool the day after Labor Day. Our journey will begin there!
  14. My kids get 2 or 3 shows a day. They usually watch 2 as soon as they wake up (oldest picks one and youngest picks one). Then sometimes I let them watch one more show in the late afternoon. So they rotate between Oswald, Curious George, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Martha Speaks, Dragon Tales, Miss Spiders Sunny Patch, Scooby Doo, Super Why, Diego, and Clifford. There's the occasional Dora or Wonder Pets sometimes too. And my kids are eagerly awaiting the new show Dinosaur Train that debuts in the fall on PBS. They love dinosaurs and they love trains LOL. Your kids can watch a clip here to see if they like it: www.pbskids.org/dinosaurtrain .
  15. Mine are 5 and 2. The five year old just recently started getting chores. And the 2 year old just helps clean up toys. Daily, my five year old does the following: dressed, brush teeth, comb hair (sometimes I have to follow behing the last two) move her meal plates to the sink after eating, throw away any trash feed/water dogs feed fish check bathroom trash cans....if full, bring it and dump into the big trash can and replace bags in little trash cans clean up all toys nightly (little sister helps a bit with this) load washer or switch clothes from washer to dryer when I ask her to I'd like to add a few more chores in there throughout the week as well, but I havent come up with any yet.
  16. Okay, you guys are making me feel tons better! I think I was about to make myself sick just thinking of getting sick. Yes, I'm a freak like that LOL :D I hope you are right!
  17. I think I just ate a sandwich with old lunch meat on it. I must have forgotten to throw out the old lunch meat when I opened the new one. It had probably been opened for about 10 days...maybe 12. Do you think I'll get sick? Now I'm really freaked out. It didnt even smell funky and there was nothing growing on it. I went back and smelled it and it really didnt have much of a smell at all. The new meat smelled like meat should.
  18. Nope, no screaming for me. Not even a sound. I had a very nice epidural both times LOL.
  19. I hate going to the dentist. I just dont like the feel of things there. Or the smells...it all makes me sort of nauseated. I've never been hurt at the dentist, but the place just turns my stomach LOL. The fillings are nothing are will probably be fairly quick for each cavity. My rule of thumb for myself is that I do not want to have both sides numbed at one time. I dont want to be drooling all over myself and chewing on my tongue for hours LOL. The numbing stuff sticks with me for quite a few hours afterwards. So I would go in for one visit and do the cavities on one side of my mouth and make a seperate visit to do the ones on the other side of your mouth. But that's just me. And I just had a root canal a few months ago. I was SO NERVOUS. Seriously. But I didn't feel a thing. I took some Motrin afterwards and was fine. I was very surprised by the whole procedure. I had to lay there for a while and that got really boring, but nothing hurt. So being bored and the dental dam are my two biggest complaints with the root canal.
  20. I get these every so often. In fact, I just had one last week and it lasted for a few days and then it was gone. It would hurt even to the touch. But it did not hurt unless I was touching it or my ear was pressing against something. And it gets red. I looked up the cyst, and that is not what I get. Mine is just bump on my ear....I've had it behind the ear, on the lobe, on the front part of the ear. I get them a few times a year probably, and it always goes away on its own.
  21. I've always been a tomboy....I don't do heels LOL. The first and last time I wore heels was in my wedding (and only because my mom convinced me to). My back was absolutely killing me and I pretty much had to make a bolt for the Motrin after the ceremony so that I could make it through the reception. I'd rather be comfortable.
  22. My girls have the Springfield Dolls. You can find them at Michael's or AC Moore. They hold up great and are the same size as AG dolls so they fit into all of the same clothes. And if you get one of the 50% off coupons in the Sunday paper, you can get the doll for about $10 or $15! My DD(then 4) asked for an AG doll for Christmas last year after looking at a catalog. "Santa" brought a Springfield doll instead and she's none the wiser. Edited to add....look on www.etsy.com for great hand-made clothes for the 18 inch dolls. That's where "Santa" got clothes for our DD's dolls. I looked at the Madame Alexander dolls at TRU and didnt really like them. However, I did buy one of the outfits for my DD's Springfield dolls though.
  23. I'm very particular about who my children ride with. 99.9% of the time, I'm driving them. Other than that they have ridden with my husband and my parents. I would NEVER allow anyone to double buckle my children.
  24. A few weeks ago my DD (5 years old), was happily playing and singing "Zaccheus was a wee little man." Well, she stopped and said "There's two of them, Mommy!" I said "Two of what?" Then she proceeded to explain "Two Ikeas, the store and the wee little man!" So she had been singing "Ikea was a wee little man" LOL!
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