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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Oh gosh, did you see the customer images? Those are hilarious too!!
  2. I started up a Christmas list about a month ago. I love figuring out special things to get for people!
  3. Personally, I would not change the birthday plans for the next door neighbor's pool party. I would still do some outdoor games....maybe 30 minutes for an outdoor game and 30 minutes for a craft. We've done an obstacle course, scavenger hunt, etc. The kids loved those! The crafts also went over well too. I get something neat from Oriental Trading.
  4. I agree. I dont think it's the kids that get overtired or anything, it's just me lol. But I do worry about lack of downtime. And I dont really like being gone every single night of the week. I have two DD's, five years old and two years old. We'll have soccer practice on Tuesday evenings, homeschool group on Wed morning, AWANA on Wednesday nights, dinner at my parents house on Thursdays, soccer game on Saturday mornings, church on Sunday. So while we are only doing one "extracurricular activity" we still have to factor in homeschool things and church events that take up time as well.
  5. I just finished my morning workout. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I jog for 30 minutes. And then, five days a week (M-F) I do stretches, push ups, leg lifts, squats, sit ups, ab roller, kick backs, weights, etc.
  6. Sometimes I get trapped gas (TMI lol). It hurts to where I cannot even stand up straight. Maybe that's what is happening?
  7. I love threads like this! These are hilarious!!! Last week my DD#1 (5 years old) informed me that she had to go poo poo. A few minutes later she came back into the room and said "My bottom tricked me! I only had to go pee pee!" When DD#1 was 4 years old, we were talking about climbing trees. I told her that I used to climb trees. She said " I know. Back when you were Mimi's kid, right?" Another from when DD#1 was 4 years old. She saw two boxes of tampons in our bathroom, each box was a different color. She asked why they were different colors. I explained that it was because they were different sizes. She comes back with "Why? Because some people have bigger booties?" And finally, a few months ago DD#1 (5 years old) came walking into the room puffing out her chest. She said to my sister "Aunt Kim, see my boobies?" My sister replied and said that no, she did not see anything because there was nothing there. DD said "I know, that's why I have to exercise them....so they will get bigger." DD #1 is just bursting with funny exclamations LOL!
  8. The one time I had a sinus infection, I had it BAD. Fever, congestion, head feeling like it was going to explode, bad pressure in my face....I had to get antibiotics.
  9. Ummm, wow. Yeah, I think I would probably have to say something to that person. She wasn't asking for opinions on whether or not to homeschool her child....she was asking for tips from fellow homeschoolers. Those people were in the wrong with their responses. And the thing is, a mother IS an expert on her child. That's where they are wrong too.
  10. Yes, the Dr Sears book is AWESOME. Neither pro nor anti, just states the facts.
  11. Be firm on this one. No helmets means no riding. If caught without a helmet, the bike is put away for a few weeks (or scooter or skateboard or whatever). My girls (ages 2 and 5) are not allowed to ride without a helmet.....except for when my 5 year old rides her Big Wheel. It's very close to the ground with really no tip-over risk. But I do require it with tricycles because those DO tip over.
  12. My kids do not play in our bedroom. It's not off limits or anything, they just choose not to play in there. If they wanted to do it, I wouldnt have a problem with it....they would just need to clean up toys when they were finished. But I would not allow other people's kids to play in there.
  13. I have two DD's and we recently stopped vaccinating. DD #1 had her shots up till 2 years old....so she's had all but one DTaP vax. DD#2 had all her shots up till a year old. So she's had all but two DTap vax's. Do you think they would be covered enough? Pertussis freaks me out. I wish you could get that vax without the other ones.
  14. Yes, ours charges. Ours just charges the dues up front so we do not have to worry about bringing them in each week. The up front dues were like $25, the vest was $10, and the bag was $5. Next year I will not have to purchase the vest or the bag....this was her first year as a Spark so she needed those things.
  15. Wanted to add I definitely agree with the person who said Ikea....they are great with the whole "art deco" type look.
  16. I think that older homes look great with an "art deco-ish" type look to it. Simple, abstract modern, if you know what I mean.
  17. Lucky!!! The kids and I tried to see it as well. We were watching the "live" feed on the NASA's website so we'd know when to go outside. Well, afterwards we found out (from my parents) that NASA's "live" feed online was two minutes behind! So when we went outside, it was already far enough up that it only looked like an airplane moving through the sky. UGH!!! My parents were watching both the online countdown as well as the one on TV. The one on TV was correct. Thanks NASA! My two little ones were disappointed. :glare:
  18. LOL, love that quiz. I'm in the category of "Mmm, love that whole grain crunch."
  19. I'm a stickler for car safety. My 5 year old is still in a carseat with a 5 point harness. To me, "room in the car" means that there is a working seatbelt for each person, with no child in the front seat. My kids are only 5 and 2, so they are not allowed to ride in cars with others because switching their carseats is a pain.
  20. I'm so on the fence about medicines. In one breath I think they can be harmful....in another breath I know that they can also be life savers. My family has been blessed with overall good health. My oldest has only been sick a handful of times in her 5 years. I think she's been on antibiotics only once for an ear infection. My youngest has been a bit sicker with reoccuring croup from about 10 months old until 20 months old. She had a few breathing treatments and some steroids during this time. I was very hesitant with the steroids though. She's also had a few ear infections that we've used antibiotics for. We do not use Tylenol/Motrin for just anything. I have to have a headache that is really bothering me in order for me to take it. I dont usually medicate for fevers unless the person is just miserable. We do not do cough meds or cold meds. We stopped vaccinating a little over a year ago. I try to steer waaaay clear of Rx pain meds because I hear all sorts of horrible addiction stories. Of course I would use them if really needed though. I would like to try more herbal/natural type stuff, but I'm not totally convinced that it workds....and I also know absolutely nothing about it and have no idea what to use.
  21. I wanted to add....the monorail access is nice, but not a must in my opinion. We always have our own car and prefer to take that so that we do not have to wait in any lines for transportation. Plus it is nice to just get into your own vehicle after being in the parks.
  22. I would sooooooo LOVE LOVE LOVE to stay in the Treehouses! We always do the value resorts though and stay at the Pop Century. The Contemporary is nice, but it is one of the oldest hotels. But it is nice. Wilderness Lodge has great decor in the lobby, but the rooms are pretty small and nothing special about them. We've stayed there before. Cabins are great. Fort Wilderness is awesome, we camp there often. There is PLENTY for everyone to do if you do not want to go into a park. We're bringing our RV there at the end of October again. I would definitely choose the Treehouses though!
  23. Ferdie, I agree....we wanted to complete school first and have plenty of time to do lunch and playtime. I actually wish we could have speech around 2:30. But I guess she does not have any time slots available later in the day. I wish we could do private therapy but it would cost us $60 per week, plus that only gives us a limited amount of visits.
  24. As for the therapy itself, I mean, no one is making us go. But if I want her to talk normally one day, she needs it. She is five years old and there are still a lot of things that she says that I cannot understand. And she refuses to talk to strangers because they do not understand her. So it's kind of mandatory for her future. I've never homeschooled before so I wasn't sure how long it will take. We'll start each morning at 9 or 9:30 AM. We have Bible, which I predict will take about 15 minutes or 20 minutes including the story, life application, craft, and verse memorization. Then we have phonics, which we are using Explode the Code. She'll do about 4 pages per day and depending how cooperative she is, that could take 10 - 20 minutes. We have science....she loves science so we're putting a bit of emphasis on that, so what we are doing could take about 30 minutes. We may do a little handwriting....not sure yet. I have the Handwriting Without Tears stuff, but we'll see how it goes. If we do that, I imagine it would take about 15 minutes. Then I can read to both girls later on in the day. I guess everything should fit in before speech class. But we do have to factor in being uncooperative at times, interruptions by my 2 year old, laziness at times (by me LOL), and lunch time before speech. Hopefully all will go smoothly!:D
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