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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. How does the Big Brother/Big Sister program work if you have your own kids? Do they come along on the activity? Or does your own children stay home? Just wondering if it must be a one on one type thing, or if you can incorporate your family into it? I'm the one that started the tread about sponsoring a child, but I had never considered our family "adopting" a child through Big Brother/Big Sister. I'm interested in getting more information about it. I wonder how involved you are allowed to be? Can you invite the child over for holidays (I guess inviting their parents as well?)? Can you bring them to church if the parents okay it?
  2. We do not do tracking (actually I didn't even know we *could* do it). But if I did, it would not be due to a lack of trust. It would be more of a safety feature.
  3. At my childrens ages, I keep the number of gifts equal. They wouldnt understand keeping the dollar amount equal. As they grow older and into the preteen and teenage years, I'm sure it will change to keeping the dollar amount equal.
  4. I'm doing the same thing as you this year....nothing that makes noises, takes batteries, or is electronic. DD5 is my crafty, artistic, science girl. Here's a few things I'm getting for her: Lab in a Bag (there's several different ones you can get): http://www.amazon.com/Be-Amazing-Lab-Bag-Wonders/dp/B000E0DYOU Gel Ant Farm: http://www.amazon.com/Fascinations-ANTW2-Antworks-Illuminated/dp/B000F6F8CY/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1260124959&sr=1-2-spell Big box filled with tape, coloring books, paints, crafts from Michaels, etc. Crayola Masterworks Case (not paying that price, got it at Toys R Us for $25): http://www.amazon.com/Crayola-200-Piece-Masterworks-Art-Case/dp/B000UKNR50/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1260125007&sr=1-1
  5. Okay....I think I'm totally going to go back through all the gifts I've already wrapped and number them instead! I'll just stick a sticky gift tag number over the ones with their names already on them. It'll be a blast on Christmas morning. I'll keep the list, someone will call out a number, and that person will open that gift. Thanks for the great idea!!
  6. For Christmas I'd like my children to learn about giving to others. I thought it would be neat to sponsor a child in a poor country. I know that there are many places that you can so this but I don't know if they are reputable or not. I'd like my children to be able to send letters and gifts to the child as well, if possible. Plus, have a picture of the child to see them and see who we are praying for. Does anyone use a company that they like? Any reasons why this may not be a good idea that I haven't thought of?
  7. When my DD turned four, we got her a Leapster for her birthday. She loves it....still does. I have a Nintendo DS that she uses sometimes. There's games that she enjoys on there. However, I've found that most of the DS games require quite a bit of reading, which she cannot do yet. It is very frustrating for her if a game requires lots of reading. I'd definitely go with the Leapster. I think that the 4-6 age range is the perfect age for the Leapster.
  8. I never use the preset programs. I just ride or run for a certain amount of time and a certain distance.
  9. I voted other because it is no one's business, but I've never minded being asked that question. However, if I had many children all close in age, I imagine it would get old LOL. So I might would change my tune then.
  10. Yes, it would have bothered me. When I drop my child off with an instructor, I expect that instructor stay until the children are picked up, barring some sort of emergency. I'm not trusting with children with some other person, I'm trusting them with the instructor.
  11. LOL, I do carry mace on me though. I think I'm a dog magnet. When I used to jog I'd always have a dog chase me. :glare:
  12. The only thing I can see is that they are cute!! Maybe it is for kids who are not allowed to have real pets? I got my daughters two of the hamsters each, along with a carrying case and bed for them. I'm not getting into the rest of the stuff....bunches of pieces that need to be put together for a hamster to run through it? I can envision that being used for about two days and then never touched again.
  13. Mountain lions?? Yikes, I'd be freaked!! And to think, I'm afraid of stray dogs in our neighborhood. :001_huh:
  14. What???!!!!! Why doesn't our library have anything cool like that??? That's awesome....its like $8 to rent them at Blockbuster, so we never do it.
  15. Families are so busy today that even though I'd like to be close to all of my family, it is just not possible. Some live far away and we just do not get the opportunity to chat much, some live in town but with day to day schedules, we just do not see them. And I'm not a phone talker, so I'm not going to call them. We send out a Christmas letter and everyone in the family is always thrilled to receive it. And likewise, I love getting Christmas letters from family I do not see much. Even though we do not see each other often, I still like to know what's going on with them. Even my mom, whom lives around the corner, I talk to every day, and see most every day, said she loves reading our Christmas letters.
  16. I'd definitely be asking a doctor. Not breathing for 5 seconds would freak me out. I always think about SIDS.
  17. We do Santa at our house.....however, if we chose NOT do to it, I would be telling my child the truth no matter what some daycare teacher said. That being said, if I chose to tell my child the truth about Santa, I would also instruct them that they are never to tell another child that Santa is not real. I like the explanation that it is a game.
  18. We have rented cabins in that area through Cove Realty, as well as Sugar Maple Cabins. We were very happy with both. Although, the cabins in hat area book up early so I'm not sure that you'll be able to find one available.
  19. We do Santa. My parents did Santa when I was a kid. I love the magic of Christmas. Honestly I do not even remember the moment when I found out that Santa wasn't real....so it must not have been too traumatic LOL. I know some people say that they do not want their kids to be confused and think that Jesus is not real either, but that never happened to me. Santa didn't effect what I believed about Jesus. And with our family, Jesus is someone we talk to all year long, He is our main focus in daily life, and we revolve our school curriculum around Him. We pray multiple times a day and sing songs about Jesus all year long. Our focus on Jesus is much more than just several weeks per year, as Santa is. I do not believe my kids will be confused about Jesus being real.
  20. My kids would not look either. They are pretty good about that kind of thing. Actually, my 5 year old gets upset if she discovers something that is supposed to be a surprise.
  21. I have the Kindle for the iPhone. I've read two books on it. Problem for me is that me, my mom, my sister, and my grandmother read a lot of the same books. One of us buys a book and we pass it between all of us. It saves us a lot of money. So the Kindle isnt really worth it to me for that reason. But if I paid full price and bought a lot of books from Amazon, then it would definitely be worth it. But I'm the type that likes to pick up the $4 or $5 books at WalMart and read them. I cant find those on Kindle.
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