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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. has got to be just the slightest glimpse of hell on earth. :blink: :banghead: :smash: :angry: :confused1: When my kids were infants I had visions of bedtime being a special time filled with cuddling, reading books, and bedtime prayers. You know, a bonding time together that they will remember for the rest of their lives. Yeah. Right. Whatever. :thumbdown: Bedtime is my absolute LEAST favorite time of the day. I dread bedtime. I loathe bedtime. I pass bedtime off to my husband nearly every night. When I utter the word "bedtime", my five year old cries, screams, pitches fits, and complains. We've tried every solution I can think of. We've asked others for advice. Nothing works. She usually falls asleep crying her eyes out and screaming at the top of her lungs. So no matter that I pass bedtime off to my husband, I still have to endure it because you can hear her cried throughout the house. UGH.
  2. I honestly cannot even fathom temperatures that cold. I've lived in FL my entire life, never seen snow, never been in temps that cold. When it hits the 30's and 40's here, my teeth are chattering. The coldest weather I've ever been in is when it hits about 20 degrees down here. And that is a RARE occurence. I don't think I'd be able to breathe at 0 (or negative) degrees!
  3. I had to laugh at your post, you have a way with words. :lol: But I dont know, I'm not following you here LOL. My two year old is an angel.....now, my five year old is a WHOLE 'nother story. Lord, help me with her. :tongue_smilie:
  4. Because most men are clueless at gift giving LOL. If DH did the shopping in our family, everyone would probably end up with gift cards. :D Plus, I do love choosing gifts that I think people will like. I do get DH's input sometimes on gifts for his family though.
  5. I havent read all of the other replies.....but here's my two cents. I was involved in a Baptist church as a chid and did lots of scripture memorization. When we finished our books, we got trophies. I finished all of my books from 1st - 6th grade. I can still recall majority of the scripture today. I think it most definitely aided me in hiding God's word in my heart. We attend a Baptist church now and my DD is involved in AWANA. I think it is a WONDERFUL program. We incorporate the AWANA verses into our daily Bible curriculum time. She's doing great and is hiding God's word in her heart. It is neat to hear her be able to recall scripture that she learned last year. She's working towards a prize but learning valuable scripture at the same time. I have no problem with it. I think its great. :D
  6. DH has never had a beard before. The most he's had is a goatee while he was off of work for a week. He's an accountant and says it is unprofessional of him to have facial hair. He says he doesnt like facial hair anyways.
  7. MIL asked for sheets, so we are getting her sheets. I'm also giving her an easel with pics of the kids in a storyboard (had it mounted on matboard for stability). Got her a gift card to Wal Mart, a cross knick knack to sit in her new aparment. And we're taking her to choose a new cell phone (she's been wanting this and she's on our family plan).
  8. Ya'll are scaring me. I have a five year old. I seriously do not think I can handle much more attitude. :001_huh:
  9. Yes, that would be me LOL. It frustrates DH to no end, especailly because I tend to lose things like car keys and the clicker that goes with it. And I've accidently lost and thrown away credit cards. I lost our card for our prepaid medical expenses account. When I get a receipt from the store, it goes into my pocket. Well, from there it must disappear into a black hole because I can rarely find the correct receipt if something needs to be returned. So yeah....I'm pretty much a pro at losing things.
  10. I would LOVE a Macbook, but that's not in our budget any time soon. Plus, I have to have Photoshop, so I'd have to pay like an extra $500 to get that in the Mac version. I dont think so LOL. Soooo....I've been eyeing the Sony Vaio's, as well as the 15.6" Dell Inspiron. I want them to have about 4 GB Ram and at least 450 GB of disk space. So those two are fitting my criteria in a decent price range. Plus, I want it to be lightweight. My DH has a 17" laptop and that thing is a monster. Definitely not very portable.
  11. No theme here....just lots of memories on our tree. Our kids get a new ornament each year. It has to represent something they enjoyed that year, whether it be a soccer ball, favorite cartoon character, or something else. We have ornaments from the year DH and I were married. We have photo ornaments pre-kids when my dog was my baby and we went and got our photo with Santa at the pet store. We have hand made ornaments from MIL. We have ornaments from when I was a child. My parents got us an ornament each year growing up and gave them to us when we moved out (this is what I'm doing with my own children). So I have ornaments with 1980 printed on them. Themed trees may look nice, but I prefer my tree full of memories.
  12. My two year old DD just LOVES the book called Carry Me Please. She has me read it over and over and can say it from memory! http://www.amazon.com/Mommy-Carry-Please-Jane-Cabrera/dp/0823419355
  13. Wii! It's just different than the regular "sit on the couch in a daze, moving a controller with your fingers" type game. We love our Wii!
  14. We really enjoyed it! Not sure if it was a good as the first (they never are) but it was entertaining enough.
  15. My DH only goes out of town on business like twice a year. And it is only for about 4 nights each time. My daddy lives right around the corner and comes over and stays with big-ol'-chicken-me for those 4 nights. We have a guest room and he just camps out in there. So yes.....I'm a bit of a chicken. If I were here alone with the kids, I would hear EVERY. SINGLE. NOISE. and probably never get to sleep. I just won the award for biggest coward, didn't I? :001_huh:
  16. Wow, so many choices! Thanks for letting me know about all of these!
  17. Another option is the Springfield Dolls. They sell these at places like AC Moore and Michaels. With a 50% off coupon, you can get them for like $15! And they are cute! We've had no problems with the quality either. Plus, there's clothes you can purchase too. I got each of my DD's a Springfield Doll last Christmas after they had looked at the AG catalog and wanted stuff out of there. I didnt think they would be played with enough to justify the cost of getting an AG doll (and I was right). They don't even know the difference though. I got some really cute clothes off of Etsy. And I cut my (then) 4 year old DD's doll's hair short to match how her hair was cut. It worked out great!
  18. I'd tell everyone I saw roaches there and didn't really feel it was sanitary to eat there again.
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