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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. My girls and I absolutely LOVE Positive Action Bible Curriculum!
  2. Definitely! My exercise each morning (well, when I'm not sick from morning sickness) is Just Dance 2 on the Wii. My kids have the Nickelodeon fitness game. They are great!!
  3. Here's my salad.... Romaine lettuce and Italian dressing. Maybe a few croutons thrown on. :D
  4. Yes, we try to purchase all dairy, meats, veggies, and fruits organically.
  5. In 5 years from now I will have an almost 12 year old, a just turned 9 year old, and a 4 year old. I guess I'll be venturing into that scary stage of having a teen LOL. And I'll be beginning preschool with our yet-to-be-born son or daughter. I hope to have lost all the baby weight from my current pregnancy (along with my last one too). :glare: I hope to be closer with the Lord and leading my children towards Him. I hope to be exercising daily, as I used to do prior to pregnancy. I hope to be taking a few more photography clients. Maybe I will have a niece or nephew since I have none right now (I have two younger sisters).
  6. I don't really do very many make ahead breakfast....but I think that our breakfasts are pretty healthy. I make organic apple cinnamon mini muffins with organic chocolate chips in them. My kids love having a muffin with fruit for breakfast. And I can make enough to last for a week or two. Plus, they can be frozen if needed. My kids really enjoy whole wheat toast and spreading on either natural peanut butter or Nutella. Smoothies with fresh fruit (or even frozen) are great....and easy. My 6 year old loves the whites from a hard boiled egg, sprinkled with a little salt and pepper. Sometimes I do allow them to have organic graham cracker sticks dipped in either Nutella or natural peanut butter. They love this breakfast treat! We don't do very many cereals either.....my kids just aren't big cereal fans. After breakfast the kids usually get a cup of organic chocolate milk while they each choose a TV show to watch.
  7. I do understand what you mean. We have friends that have a young teenage daughter who is "too old" to play with the kids....so she sits in on the adult conversations quite often. I do find myself censoring what I would say....not because I'm saying anything questionable, but because I could be discussing something that just doesn't really have anything to do with kids. Not sure what to do about it.
  8. I would just teach your kids not to accept snacks from anyone. Mine know to ask me before eating any snacks that I have not given them. If they need an explanation, I like the one that someone mentioned "My mom doesn't like us to have extra snacks."
  9. I don't believe in predestination. I believe that God created us in his image but that because we are born into this sinful world, we have an innate instinct to sin. I believe that God gives us free will to choose how we live our lives because he wants us to love him because we CHOOSE to love him, not because we are forced to. However, I do believe that God has designed great paths for our lives and we will only be on those paths if we choose to follow him. I also believe that since God knows all, then he knows the future and knows who will ultimately choose to follow him. If predestination were true, then I would have no reason to teach my children the ways of the Lord because if they are one of the chosen then it will just naturally happen.
  10. For feathers and leaves, I'd flatten them in some sort of binder that can be flipped through.
  11. We did MUS Alpha and then switched. I didn't like how some of the things were taught....it was sort of confusing for DD. Also, I think DD works best with a spiral curriculum. MUS is mastery.
  12. Lots of people need certain things to fall asleep whether it be music, white noise, or the sound of a television going. We use a fan each night. I think I'd just find a way for it to play continuously.
  13. That's just crazy!! You can reset your body clock for any time that you need to!
  14. My kids are the same ages as yours....6 and 3 (well, she just turned 4 last Saturday and my 6 year old is about to be 7). My 4 year old LOVES doing most of the stuff that my 6 year old is doing. She listens in on the Bible lessons, enjoys learning about science and doing nature studies, she listens to any read alouds that we do, etc. She even has her own "school book" (Explode the Code Book A) that I do with her when I'm doing phonics/reading with big sister. She loves having her own school book. The only thing she really doesn't participate in is math. It's been a great learning experience for her. She can spout out some of the same knowledge as her big sister. When she gets bored, I allow her to go off to the playroom. She plays well alone.
  15. If (when??) I had one, I would totally name it Kotex. :lol:
  16. Our cats were front claw declawed. They still left tears in our couch because they hang on with their back claws when they are jumping.
  17. I agree! They stop airing new episodes of all my favorite shows during March Madness....GRRRRR.
  18. Thank y'all LOL!! DH made me feel like I was the only one who is paranoid to sleep in a room with a roach! I'm so glad I'm not alone in this. Maybe I should have him read this thread LOL!
  19. Would something like orajel for the teeth numb the area a bit for you to try to get it out after soaking it? I don't know if it will numb anything besides gums. Or you could keep ice directly on it before trying with tweezers again in order to numb it.
  20. Not just any roach....a small(ish) palmetto bug....you know, those wonderful roach-ish bugs we have down here in Florida. Well, if you saw one of those in your bedroom as you were coming in to go to bed, and then you couldn't find it, would you still sleep in there?? The other night DD4 and I walked into our bedroom for bedtime, where DH and DD6 were already asleep, and I saw something skitter past my feet. :svengo: At first I thought it was a shadow since it was dark....but then the shadow kept moving underneath our chest of drawers. I ran and got a shoe to whack it with. But when I got back, I couldn't find it!! There's not many places to hide in our room and I still couldn't find it. I'm crawling around, in the dark, on my hands and knees, shining a flashlight in every nook and cranny while my 4 year old cowers on the bed and my DH and DD6 sleep peacefully unaware. I DESPISE roaches. DESPISE them. Since I couldn't find it, I began pulling the mattress off the full bed in our bedroom (we have a queen in there for us and a full for the kids) and hauling it into the playroom to sleep.....cause I sure as heck wasn't sleeping with a roach! Am I crazy? LOL! I woke DH up and he said to just leave him in there. :001_huh: I was taking the kids into the playroom with me. I'm way too paranoid of having a roach crawl into my ear, nose, or mouth! My skin crawls just thinking about it. Thankfully, when I was pulling up the mattress, the roach appeared on the wall RIGHT BEHIND OUR PILLOWS. If we had just laid down, it would have crawled right on us! DH was able to get up and squash it. Then I changed our pillow cases (just in case that icky bug had touched them) and we were able to sleep in our own bedroom that night. Is anyone else as paranoid as me? Or would you have just sucked it up and slept in there? We have our house sprayed monthly so usually any roach that we may see if either dead or dying. This one obviously had not yet encountered any of it LOL...it was moving quicky.
  21. I know!! I read that he just died and fell into his pool in front of all the zoo visitors! :sad:
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