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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Love it!! And the rest of the kitchen as well!!
  2. My girls love playing with houses (we have a variety of various house structures), animals, Disney figures, Trio blocks, and their American Girl dolls.
  3. Ewww...yeah, I could never eat pizza that had sat out all night long. However, pizza kept in the fridge and then reheated the next day is absolutely delicious!! I think all the grease must have time to dry out.....so it's not as greasy.
  4. Jack Russell Terrier? My Jack is 11 years old....we got him right before we got married, so he was our very first baby. He's great with cats, kids, and other animals. In fact, we used to have degus (sort of like gerbils) and if they escaped, I'd set my Jack loose in the house searching for them. He'd locate them without harming them. He does love to chase after squirrels and cats if they enter the yard....but not to harm them. He just wants to play. He's energetic when I'm playing with him or someone enters the house, but for the rest of the day, he's really lax and just finds a place to sleep.
  5. It takes up too much space for me. I used it for a little while and now it's sitting in the bottom of the closet....I probably need to just sell it.
  6. Yes! But then again, I'm just a grown up kid. :D Love the atmosphere and the food is decent.
  7. I thought this was another post about body scans at the airport. ;) I've never been diagnosed, but I believe that I have Tourette's. Or some sort of tic disorder at least. It began in childhood. Sometimes they really do annoy me, but I've learned to mask them pretty well. For all who have children with TS or another tic disorder, life can still be great! :D
  8. Oh no, it's definitely not you that's strange. I think I'd be pulling my hair out by now. :tongue_smilie:
  9. I usually just do cash or gift cards for graduates. Really personal, I know LOL.
  10. I hyperventilate when I look at the print version. My mind cannot process that much stuff in a book that thick LOL. I have to search online.
  11. Is this the same wedding that's at 9 o'clock at night? This saga is getting stranger and stranger LOL!
  12. My kids do not need more than a shoebox sized Rubbermaid bin of My Little Ponies, right? Right now they have about double that and I'm trying to downsize. The same with Hot Wheels/Disney Cars vehicles? A shoebox size bin of cars is good, right? Now for Trio Blocks, Playmobil, etc....we do have larger bins because they need them. But what about pretend food/dishes? How much is too much? Putting them in a shoebox sized bin seems like only a few different foods/dishes. I'm not a pack rat. I can (and have) purged majority of my house but I seem to have an issue with knowing what (and how much) to purge with regards to my kids toys, stuffed animals, and clothing. We are WAY overrun with clothing too.
  13. It's okay if they are trying to make her lose...I don't want her to win anyways. :tongue_smilie: LOVE both Scotty and Lauren. But I wanted to choose just one to vote for, so I chose Scotty. Hopefully, all the country fans will not split their votes between Lauren and Scotty because that will help Hailey win. I hope they choose one person to give their votes to.
  14. My kids have never been interested in it at any age....but my 7 year old would totally watch something like that. They are very limited on their TV selections. DD7 still really enjoys all the PBS Kids-type shows.
  15. DD7 is really into animal documentaries and I think she'd like to see this. However, we own the Planet Earth DVD's and have not made our way all the way through those yet. I know that Disney's other two nature films, Earth and Oceans, pulled a lot of footage from the Planet Earth series. Does anyone know if African Cats does the same? I read on a blog that they created their own footage for this, but it was just some random blog so I'm not sure of the accuracy. Thanks!
  16. Honestly, I'd probably give him another few months. If no crawling by a year, then I'd probably have him evaluated.
  17. The only thing that shocks me in Hollywood anymore is when a couple actually *does* stay together for a lifetime. You couldn't pay me enough money to get wrapped up in acting, movies, and politics. Seems it's only a recipe for disaster with majority of Hollywood families.
  18. DH will drink a Diet Coke over a Coke because he prefers the taste.
  19. Wow, thanks! Those look great!! Whispers really looks good!
  20. DD7 is interested in elephants. She's wanting to watch a documentary. I looked on Netflix and they don't seem to have much. We have the Planet Earth set, but it goes over ecosystems...not elephants in particular. Any good elephant documentaries that anyone knows about?
  21. Yeah, those numbers aren't totally accurate. I, too, appear to be a "lurker" because my computer logs me off each time I close the page and I only log back in when I'm posting something.
  22. I'm currently on book #2 of the Boxcar Children series with my girls. They are LOVING it. We're in the process of making a boxcar out of a diarama box. However, I'd love some more activities to go along with it. Anyone seen anything out there?
  23. I've had a tiring day at the zoo. I just threw some hamburger meat in a pot and made tacos. Quick. Easy.
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