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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I don't plan on letting DD feed the baby very often....but I do want her to have the opportunity. And I do like to keep bottles on hand, as well as a few bags of breast milk in the freezer, in case of an emergency. I've had mastitis before but it wasn't from pumping. I felt like I was dying! :001_huh: Thanks for all the recommendations....I'll see what I'd like to add to my registry.
  2. What is it with that movie? My sister told me she went to see it and said that there were a few people with kids my daughters age in there (7)!! What the heck are people thinking? My sister said it was a very dirty movie (we do not see movies like that).
  3. I'm making my baby registry at Target and Babies R Us for a baby shower this summer. Yes, I know I have two kids but I've never made my own baby food, nor bottle fed before. So I'm not sure what to get. What do I need for making my own baby food? Things for making the food, freezing it, storing it, etc. Links at Target or Babies R Us would be great so that I'll know exactly what to add to my registry. Also, what about bottle feeding? I'll be exclusively breastfeeding, but my 7 year old has already talked about wanting to be able to hold the baby's bottle. I have an electric breast pump but have never really used it. Neither of my older two ever had a bottle. So what do I need? I know I want the BPA free bottles. Do I need to put the breast milk into a liner inside of the bottle? Are there certain bottle nipples that are more like the breast? What do I need to store the milk in the freezer? Lots of questions LOL. Links would be great!
  4. Thanks everyone! We will be skipping them then. I kind of got that feeling just by reading the blurb on the back cover, but I wanted to double check.
  5. When DD4 was 1 and 2 years old, she LOVED this book: Mommy, Carry Me Please. We read it over and over and she had it memorized. It's a cute book.
  6. I know that there's a lot of books in this series...and I was wondering about them. I don't care for books where the child is snotty or mean. Are these books like this? Is there a lot of name calling? Just curious whether this would be something to read to DD7 and DD4 or not.
  7. Honestly, I think I'd trust the perinatologist more than the regular OB...they are used to dealing with more high risk situations. The lack of movement would freak me out....I think I'd want to deliver, no matter whether with a c-section or not.
  8. Oooh, thank you for this!! I have Adobe CS and I really don't need the upgrade, but as a photographer I have been wanting to purchase Adobe Lightroom. It's also on sale...for $79 (regular $299)!! I just bought it....can't wait to get it!!!
  9. I would sit both of them down together and explain that you have found some clothing that had been cut. Tell them you are not looking for who did it or any explanations. Explain that you don't want to see it happen again and if it does, there will be no more playing inside. If they begin to point fingers, explain again that you are not looking for who did it, or to punish, but you just wanted to inform them.
  10. Our vision therapist uses Fast ForWord for listening. DD7 has completed vision therapy and is now doing the Fast ForWord listening therapy. I think it was $900. Yes, a good chunk of change. http://www.scilearn.com/products/
  11. My 7 year old DD is just not getting it. She knows the sounds, she knows the blends, etc....she just cannot fluently put them together. She also adds letters that are not there. For instance, we were doing Explode the Code earlier and she had to write "game." She pronounced it as "grame." I asked her where the "r" in the word was and she immediately looked at the word, realized she was adding the "r" sound, and said "game." It seems like she's the only 7 year old that I know who is not reading. She asks me ALL DAY LONG what words say, signs say, billboards, books, etc. She wants to know what they say. She's lazy at sounding them out herself. I tell her that she needs to try the word before I will tell her....she gets mad at me. She's completed visual therapy and is now in auditory processing therapy. I'm not sure they are helping. We are continuously working through the Explode the Code books, working on blending sounds together, I'll write words on the white board and we'll figure them out, etc. Is it just going to click one day? I feel like it's starting to effect which curriculum I can use because she cannot read yet.
  12. My DD (just turned 7) will now keep a pretty clean place....since she as about 6. DD4 and DD7 share a playroom where all the toys are (we have a family bedroom). I expect them to keep it clean. This falls mostly on DD7. They both go in there before bedtime and clean up every single thing. If it stays out, it goes to Goodwill. We have boxes and bins for each type of toy in the closet. If one type of toy is out, they are not allowed to take out another type. This has really helped control the mess.
  13. DH's aunt is a twin. She and her twin seem to have a great relationship.
  14. We homeschool in FL and chose to register under the county. When my children reach high school age, I will then register them with an umbrella school to deal with credits and such. It's really pretty easy. I'm going to have DD tested at the end of the summer and then submit the results to the county. There's no particular score needed...just showing improvement from year to year. You do need to keep a portfolio handy in case they ask to see it (never heard of this happening either). I don't actually keep a portfolio, but I do keep my DD's work. So if a portfolio is ever needed, I'll just throw something together. They give you a few weeks, I think.
  15. It took me three or four reads to figure out what the question was LOL.
  16. I kinda like Rango. I love unique names that don't sound too crazy. My parents reaction to our girls names were good....they merely said "We'll have to get used to that." And that was that. Now they couldn't imagine them named anything else.
  17. I was there this weekend (just got home actually). Overall, I was happy with it. But then again, I do not usually attend classes/workshops. The only thing I really didn't like was that the Gravitas Publications vendor (the ones who have REAL Science 4 Kids) said they were doing a class that afternoon. I was very excited to find out about that since I'm really interested in the books. But when I read up on it, I found out that it was just someone talking about homeschooling and not the curriculum. So I didn't attend. I wanted to learn more about how to use the actual curriculum. As for the theme parks, they are the same ones that's been there for the past 3 years I've attended. I figure that it's Orlando, theme park capital, so they are going to have a few there. I miss Tobin's Lab....they went out of business. I used to buy a lot of stuff there. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that they moved it from the Rosen Shingle over to the Gaylord. LOVE it. Love how everything was so centrally located. At the Rosen Shingle, I feel like all I did was walk, walk, walk to get to anything. Also I love how the Gaylord upgraded us to a room with an atrium view. It was relaxing to sit on our balcony and overlook the gardens. And I love how they included so many family activities this year....the pool party, the movies, the game nights, the scavenger hunts...my kids didn't want to leave to come home this morning. I'm not really a person who likes to sit through classes, so I can't comment much on that. The food leaves MUCH to be desired though. We got a get-n-go meal one evening and it was icky. No flavor.
  18. The easiest, most yummiest dessert ever.... Melt almond bark chocolate (no, it doesn't really have almonds in it...it's just the brand). Take two ritz crackers and spread peanut butter between them to make a sandwich. Dip the sandwich into the melted chocolate. Set on a piece of wax paper to dry (only takes a few minutes). Afterwards, you have the yummiest dessert that people will compliment you on. It's SO simple.
  19. I pull up behind them and give them a few seconds to get over. If they do not, I go around them and pass them in the right lane. I've always been a FL driver.
  20. I'm not sure where you live, but in July in Florida it is HOT. There's no way I'd be having the party outdoors without swimming involved. So I vote at home.
  21. We do ISR lessons as well. It is $55 per week. The lessons last for about 10 minutes, 5 days per week. And the kids usually go for 6 weeks. Then the next year they go for a one week refresher course. Also $55. It's survival swim lessons. My kids walked out knowing how to save themselves....even my then 20 month old.
  22. I'm currently at the FPEA convention and I was looking at both of these books yesterday. I can't decide which one to get for my upcoming 2nd grader. Does anyone have any experience with either? If it makes a difference, DD7 is a very struggling reader.
  23. Wow, I thought this was a thread about Pirates 4. Cool!! Interesting timing though.
  24. I would still go. My DD looks forward to getting her award. Ours is tonigt as well....we have to be there at 6:15 too.
  25. I talk to my parents every day and see them several times a week. They live less than a mile from us, in the same neighborhood. Every Thursday evening, ever since we've been married (11 years) we've gone to their house for dinner.
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